PDSL 2000 Greater and Lesser Mysteries CD ROM. ---------------------------------------------- This disk contains what is probably the largest collection of "fringe" interest material available on a single disk. The bulk of this disk is made up of plain ASCII text files. But there are also a large collection of programs for astrology, numerology, personality testing and many other special interest areas. Browse the file list that follows, we think you will agree its an impressive collection. With conventional books you would have needed a large room to accommodate a library like this. Now you can have your own library at low cost on a single CD. If you would like a copy of the 2000 Greater and Lesser Mysteries CD ROM contact your favourite dealer or you can order direct from PDSL, Winscombe House, Beacon Road, Crowborough East Sussex TN6 1UL UK. Tel +44 (0)892 663298 or Fax +44 (0)892 667473. Access/Visa/MC accepted. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ THIS FILE LISTS ALL THE FILES ON THIS CD IN DIRECTORY ORDER (C)1994 PDSL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AREA = Alternative Science text files FILES = 78 TOT SIZE = 2087240 PATH = \ALTSCIEN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MYS00001.TXT Cold fusion information 8454 MYS00002.TXT Cold fusion information 3370 MYS00003.TXT Cold fusion information 10584 MYS00004.TXT Cold fusion information 816 MYS00005.TXT Cold fusion information 3956 MYS00006.TXT Cold fusion information 1123 MYS00007.TXT Cold fusion information 13791 MYS00008.TXT Cold fusion information 2704 MYS00009.TXT Cold fusion information 5312 MYS00010.TXT Cold fusion information 13770 MYS00011.TXT Cold fusion information 56932 MYS00012.TXT Cold fusion information 1942 MYS00013.TXT Cold fusion information 14790 MYS00014.TXT Cold fusion information 1154 MYS00015.TXT Cold fusion information 67179 MYS00016.TXT Search for Antigravity 1658 MYS00017.TXT Cybernetics and UFOs 10725 MYS00018.TXT The "Message of Cydonia" 5637 MYS00019.TXT How to debunk anything 3320 MYS00020.TXT Some Basic Physics on Element Creation 3456 MYS00021.TXT Electro magnetic pulse 3197 MYS00022.TXT More on gravity 3610 MYS00023.TXT Canadian Dept. of Transport memo 12760 MYS00024.TXT The Universal Halogram 56704 MYS00025.TXT Exploring Hyperspace 18688 MYS00026.TXT Review of Zero Point energy and free energy 106323 MYS00027.TXT Loop Variables Questions 45028 MYS00028.TXT New Maps of Hyperspace 34833 MYS00029.TXT The Nascent Science of Ideas and Their Transmissio 46888 MYS00030.TXT Perpetual Motion 40899 MYS00031.TXT The Oxygen cure for all ? 131042 MYS00032.TXT How To Build A Flying Suacer 54639 MYS00033.TXT How to win free energy 219053 MYS00034.TXT Stanley Mayers Water Cell 45676 MYS00035.TXT More on Cold Fusion 18902 MYS00036.TXT Ztnerol Expansion 9593 MYS00037.TXT Extraction of Electricity from space by Bruce DePalma 1 23018 MYS00038.TXT Extraction of Electricity from space by Bruce DePalma 2 8091 MYS00039.TXT Extraction of Electricity from space by Bruce DePalma 3 13015 MYS00040.TXT Extraction of Electricity from space by Bruce DePalma 4 12108 MYS00041.TXT Extraction of Electricity from space by Bruce DePalma 5 45680 MYS00042.TXT Extraction of Electricity from space by Bruce DePalma 6 8230 MYS00043.TXT More on gravity and its opposite Burfield Brown effect 4075 MYS00044.TXT Gravity Electronics resonance 23793 MYS00045.TXT Gravity Resonance 22075 MYS00046.TXT Can gravity be induced 48445 MYS00047.TXT Anti gravity device invented in UK 4760 MYS00048.TXT Engine that runs itself 21784 MYS00049.TXT Resonant gravity field coil 18604 MYS00050.TXT Newnan's Gyroscopic theory (1) 5169 MYS00051.TXT Newnan's Gyroscopic theory (2) 16216 MYS00052.TXT Newnan's Gyroscopic theory (3) 5801 MYS00053.TXT Superconducting whirls of plasma 17194 MYS00054.TXT Fusion reaction with magnetic confinement & heating 10919 MYS00055.TXT Vibrations that split molecules 8466 MYS00056.TXT Experiments in relativity 17361 MYS00057.TXT 3D time and space 57299 MYS00058.TXT Tachyon or gravitron field (1) 21340 MYS00059.TXT Tachyon or gravitron field (2) 34080 MYS00060.TXT Tesla and his Works (1) 42482 MYS00061.TXT Tesla and his Works (2) 30726 MYS00062.TXT Tesla and his Works (3) 4951 MYS00063.TXT Tesla and his Works (4) 50708 MYS00064.TXT Void theory by Steven Comee 27523 MYS00065.TXT Sam Leach's Box 12927 MYS00066.TXT Quantum fluctuations of Empty Space 21760 MYS00067.TXT Zero point energy & free energy review 106487 MYS00068.TXT Weight reduction using gyroscopes 17711 MYS00069.TXT New beginning for Thermodynamics 15245 MYS00070.TXT John Keely and what he did 59615 MYS00071.TXT Philadelphia Experiment 12087 MYS00072.TXT Photon belt 20711 MYS00073.TXT Something is coming our way 6272 MYS00074.TXT Myths of modern physics 14802 MYS00075.TXT Zero point energy discussion 29430 MYS00076.TXT Zero point energy discussion 391 MYS00077.TXT Hyperspace an introduction to 71168 MYS00078.TXT Ancient Mystery religions 16213 AREA = The Bauman free energy machine FILES = 12 TOT SIZE = 869503 PATH = \ALTSCIEN\BAUMAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0__CAT00.PCX Image catalogue 153590 BAUMAN .ZIP Zipped version of all files 240123 DEMO1 .BAT Demo moving picture of machine(Note it seems you need to) 13 DEMO2 .BAT Demo moving picture of machine(reboot to stop these demos) 14 ENERGY2 .TXT Info on the machine 13190 F .COM Display utility used by demos 1574 LIGHT .GIF Graphics image of machine GIF 43230 LIGHT .PCX Graphics image of machine PCX 72195 TEST .FLM File used by demo 112770 TEST2 .FLM File used by demo 112770 TESTATIK.GIF Graphics image of machine GIF 45555 TESTATIK.PCX Graphics image of machine PCX 74479 AREA = Alternative Science PCX images FILES = 15 TOT SIZE = 505505 PATH = \ALTSCIEN\ALTSPCX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0__CAT00.PCX Graphics catalogue file 81448 0__CAT01.PCX Graphics catalogue file 56214 0__CAT02.PCX Graphics catalogue file 68157 MYS00003.GIF Graphics images of some of devices decribed 12500 MYS00079.GIF Graphics images of some of devices decribed 4795 MYS00080.PCX Graphics images of some of devices decribed 8389 MYS00081.GIF Graphics images of some of devices decribed 7511 MYS00082.PCX Graphics images of some of devices decribed 14192 MYS00084.PCX Graphics images of some of devices decribed 24536 MYS00085.GIF Graphics images of some of devices decribed 6742 MYS00086.PCX Graphics images of some of devices decribed 13660 MYS00087.GIF Graphics images of some of devices decribed 3955 MYS00088.PCX Graphics images of some of devices decribed 7940 MYS00089.GIF Graphics images of some of devices decribed 7770 MYS00090.PCX Graphics images of some of devices decribed 13682 AREA = How to make a stellar drive FILES = 15 TOT SIZE = 505514 PATH = \ALTSCIEN\STELLAR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0__CAT00.PCX GRAPHICS CATALOGUE OF IMAGES IN THIS AREA 47001 0__CAT01.PCX GRAPHICS CATALOGUE OF IMAGES IN THIS AREA 67650 0__CAT02.PCX GRAPHICS CATALOGUE OF IMAGES IN THIS AREA 31328 MYS00091.TXT How to make a stellar drive for your spaceship 24355 MYS00092.PCX Graphics images of Stellar drive components 21752 MYS00093.PCX Graphics images of Stellar drive components 56218 MYS00094.PCX Graphics images of Stellar drive components 10031 MYS00095.PCX Graphics images of Stellar drive components 33395 MYS00096.PCX Graphics images of Stellar drive components 13057 MYS00097.PCX Graphics images of Stellar drive components 60180 MYS00098.PCX Graphics images of Stellar drive components 66760 MYS00099.PCX Graphics images of Stellar drive components 13504 MYS00100.PCX Graphics images of Stellar drive components 33113 MYS00101.PCX Graphics images of Stellar drive components 19985 MYS00102.PCX Graphics images of Stellar drive components 7185 AREA = Astrology related text files FILES = 14 TOT SIZE = 181337 PATH = \ASTROL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MYS00103.TXT Astrology a treatise (1) 7939 MYS00104.TXT Astrology a treatise (2). 7680 MYS00105.TXT Metals and astrology Dr. C Mohlberg 25884 MYS00106.TXT Astorlogy books etc bibliography 9859 MYS00107.TXT Zodiac & the Rays extracs from Alice Bailey 55919 MYS00108.TXT Gauquelin's work a summary 11367 MYS00109.TXT Astrology info - Aries 3055 MYS00110.TXT Astrology info - Cancer 3893 MYS00111.TXT Astrology info - Libra 2643 MYS00112.TXT Astrology info - Scorpio 3327 MYS00113.TXT Astrology info - Taurus 2446 MYS00114.TXT Astrology info - Virgo 2093 MYS00115.TXT Gauquelin's work - astrological houses 18708 MYS00116.TXT Astrological Talismen 26524 AREA = Astro Pro - Astrology program FILES = 26 TOT SIZE = 553755 PATH = \ASTROL\ASTPRO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AS3 .DAT ASTROPRO program files 1675 AST1 .DAT ASTROPRO program files 4096 AST10 .DAT ASTROPRO program files 3278 AST2 .DAT ASTROPRO program files 1488 AST3 .DAT ASTROPRO program files 1689 AST4 .DAT ASTROPRO program files 1707 AST5 .DAT ASTROPRO program files 1760 AST6 .DAT ASTROPRO program files 1675 AST8 .DAT ASTROPRO program files 1278 ASTRO22 .DAT ASTROPRO program files 49 ASTRO22 .EXE ASTROPRO program files (main program) 107692 ASTRO22 .ZIP ASTROPRO program files (all files in zip) 207912 CAT_3977.TXT PDSL DISK CATALOGUE FILE 698 GFABASIC.OVL ASTROPRO program files 93667 GO .BAK ASTROPRO program files 3579 GO .BAT ASTROPRO program files 44 INSTALL .EXE ASTROPRO program files 7652 INSTRUCT.TXT ASTROPRO program files (documentation) 11283 LAT_LONG.TXT ASTROPRO program files 9645 MODULES .TXT ASTROPRO program files 34599 PKUNZIP .EXE ASTROPRO program files 28806 README .TXT ASTROPRO program files 5336 READ_ME .TXT ASTROPRO program files 6142 SEARCH .TXT ASTROPRO program files 8753 SUM_TIME.TXT ASTROPRO program files 3716 TIMEZONE.TXT ASTROPRO program files 5536 AREA = Astro Pro related files FILES = 1 TOT SIZE = 3829 PATH = \ASTROL\ASTPRO\TEXT\CONJUNCT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUN .CON ASTROPRO program files 3829 AREA = Astro Pro related files FILES = 1 TOT SIZE = 5686 PATH = \ASTROL\ASTPRO\TEXT\HOUSES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUN .HS ASTROPRO program files 5686 AREA = Astro Pro related files FILES = 1 TOT SIZE = 2535 PATH = \ASTROL\ASTPRO\TEXT\SEXTILE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUN .SEX ASTROPRO program files 2535 AREA = Astro Pro related files FILES = 1 TOT SIZE = 4121 PATH = \ASTROL\ASTPRO\TEXT\SQUARE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUN .SQR ASTROPRO program files 4121 AREA = Astro Pro related files FILES = 1 TOT SIZE = 3304 PATH = \ASTROL\ASTPRO\TEXT\TRINE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUN .TRI ASTROPRO program files 3304 AREA = Astro Pro related files FILES = 1 TOT SIZE = 13892 PATH = \ASTROL\ASTPRO\TEXT\SIGNS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUN .SGN ASTROPRO program files 13892 AREA = Astro Pro related files FILES = 2 TOT SIZE = 6079 PATH = \ASTROL\ASTPRO\TEXT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ASCENDAN.T ASTROPRO program files 6041 OPPOSITI. ASTROPRO program files 38 AREA = AstroWorld for Windows Astrology prog FILES = 46 TOT SIZE = 1812021 PATH = \ASTROL\AWORLDWI ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ASTRO .EX_ ASTROWORLD FOR WINDOWS Program files 222546 ASTRO .FO_ ASTROWORLD FOR WINDOWS Program files 425 ASTRO .HL_ ASTROWORLD FOR WINDOWS Program files 71781 ASTRO .TT_ ASTROWORLD FOR WINDOWS Program files 13231 ASTROENG.INF ASTROWORLD FOR WINDOWS Program files 3292 ASTROENG.IN_ ASTROWORLD FOR WINDOWS Program files 1158 ASTROENG.MS_ ASTROWORLD FOR WINDOWS Program files 2527 AS_NAME .DA_ ASTROWORLD FOR WINDOWS Program files 669 AS_NAME .IX_ ASTROWORLD FOR WINDOWS Program files 946 AS_ORTE .DA_ ASTROWORLD FOR WINDOWS Program files 41820 AS_ORTE .IX_ ASTROWORLD FOR WINDOWS Program files 25452 AS_TEXT .DA_ ASTROWORLD FOR WINDOWS Program files 328472 AS_TEXT .IX_ ASTROWORLD FOR WINDOWS Program files 3184 BWCC .DL_ ASTROWORLD FOR WINDOWS Program files 55516 CAT_438A.TXT PDSL DISK CATALOGUE FILE 1973 FILE_ID .DIZ ASTROWORLD FOR WINDOWS Program files 300 GO .BAT ASTROWORLD FOR WINDOWS Program files 3579 HITHERE .TXT ASTROWORLD FOR WINDOWS Program files 6427 LRZ5_21 . ASTROWORLD FOR WINDOWS Program files 75000 LRZ5_22 . ASTROWORLD FOR WINDOWS Program files 75000 LRZ5_23 . ASTROWORLD FOR WINDOWS Program files 75000 LRZ5_24 . ASTROWORLD FOR WINDOWS Program files 75000 MSCOMSTF.DL_ ASTROWORLD FOR WINDOWS Program files 41166 MSCUISTF.DL_ ASTROWORLD FOR WINDOWS Program files 11006 MSDETECT.IN_ ASTROWORLD FOR WINDOWS Program files 4726 MSDETSTF.DL_ ASTROWORLD FOR WINDOWS Program files 14949 MSINSSTF.DL_ ASTROWORLD FOR WINDOWS Program files 40589 MSSHLSTF.DL_ ASTROWORLD FOR WINDOWS Program files 9089 MSUILSTF.DL_ ASTROWORLD FOR WINDOWS Program files 3970 ORDER .TXT ASTROWORLD FOR WINDOWS Program files 2620 PLACALC .DL_ ASTROWORLD FOR WINDOWS Program files 58482 READ .ME ASTROWORLD FOR WINDOWS Program files 12738 SETUP .EXE ASTROWORLD FOR WINDOWS (run this from program manager) 24624 SETUP .LST ASTROWORLD FOR WINDOWS Program files 618 SETUPAPI.IN_ ASTROWORLD FOR WINDOWS Program files 13459 SWTOOLS .DL_ ASTROWORLD FOR WINDOWS Program files 8924 T .COM ASTROWORLD FOR WINDOWS Program files 8191 TBPRO1 .DL_ ASTROWORLD FOR WINDOWS Program files 70584 TBPRO2 .DL_ ASTROWORLD FOR WINDOWS Program files 60531 TBPRO3 .DL_ ASTROWORLD FOR WINDOWS Program files 160054 TBPRO4 .DL_ ASTROWORLD FOR WINDOWS Program files 37798 TBPRO5 .DL_ ASTROWORLD FOR WINDOWS Program files 38388 TBPRO6 .DL_ ASTROWORLD FOR WINDOWS Program files 38788 VENDOR .DOC ASTROWORLD FOR WINDOWS Program files 2246 _MSSETUP.EXE ASTROWORLD FOR WINDOWS Program files 9813 _MSTEST .EX_ ASTROWORLD FOR WINDOWS Program files 55370 AREA = Astromart - astrology program FILES = 19 TOT SIZE = 957353 PATH = \ASTROL\ASTMART ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AM_DATA .EXE Astromart program files 97805 AM_DOS .EXE Astromart main program file (DOS version) 127383 AM_WIN .EXE Astromart main program file (Windows version) 123855 ANALYSE .ENG Astromart program files 65031 ANALYSE .IDX Astromart program files 5136 ASTRODOS.EXE Astromart program files 260864 CAT_3682.TXT PDSL DISK CATALOGUE FILE 698 CHART .40E Astromart program files 34762 CHART .IDX Astromart program files 2282 CITY .DBF Astromart program files 119894 COUNTRYE.DBF Astromart program files 3626 FILE_ID .DIZ Astromart program files 1688 GO .BAT Astromart program files 46 HELP3 .HLP Astromart program files 53542 OPTIONS3.FIL Astromart program files 1302 PRINTER3.FIL Astromart program files 6180 README .TXT Astromart program files 3165 TIME1 .DBF Astromart program files 16904 TIME2 .DBF Astromart program files 33190 AREA = Astral Windows Astrology program FILES = 66 TOT SIZE = 258207 PATH = \ASTROL\ASTRAL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AQU .EGA Astral WIndows Astrological calculator 133 AQU .GLY Astral WIndows Astrological calculator 98 ARI .EGA Astral WIndows Astrological calculator 152 ARI .GLY Astral WIndows Astrological calculator 98 ASTRAL .EXE Astral WIndows Astrological calculator(main program) 206868 AW .INI Astral WIndows Astrological calculator 47 AW3 .ARR Astral WIndows Astrological calculator 560 AWREV .DOC Astral WIndows Astrological calculator 6073 BST31 .NEC Astral WIndows Astrological calculator 2325 BST32 .NEC Astral WIndows Astrological calculator 364 BST33 .NEC Astral WIndows Astrological calculator 929 BST34 .NEC Astral WIndows Astrological calculator 693 BST35 .NEC Astral WIndows Astrological calculator 652 BST36 .NEC Astral WIndows Astrological calculator 9 CAN .EGA Astral WIndows Astrological calculator 161 CAN .GLY Astral WIndows Astrological calculator 102 CAP .EGA Astral WIndows Astrological calculator 147 CAP .GLY Astral WIndows Astrological calculator 102 CAT_2506.TXT PDSL DISK CATALOGUE FILE 5291 EASTON .DAT Astral WIndows Astrological calculator 388 GEM .EGA Astral WIndows Astrological calculator 141 GEM .GLY Astral WIndows Astrological calculator 100 GO .BAT Astral WIndows Astrological calculator 3712 GO .DOC Astral WIndows Astrological calculator 450 JUP .EGA Astral WIndows Astrological calculator 149 JUP .GLY Astral WIndows Astrological calculator 65 LEO .EGA Astral WIndows Astrological calculator 147 LEO .GLY Astral WIndows Astrological calculator 102 LIB .EGA Astral WIndows Astrological calculator 135 LIB .GLY Astral WIndows Astrological calculator 101 LIST .DOC Astral WIndows Astrological calculator 2636 MAR .EGA Astral WIndows Astrological calculator 157 MAR .GLY Astral WIndows Astrological calculator 62 MC .EGA Astral WIndows Astrological calculator 151 MC .GLY Astral WIndows Astrological calculator 61 MER .EGA Astral WIndows Astrological calculator 161 MER .GLY Astral WIndows Astrological calculator 65 MONROE .DAT Astral WIndows Astrological calculator 291 MOO .EGA Astral WIndows Astrological calculator 145 MOO .GLY Astral WIndows Astrological calculator 62 NEP .EGA Astral WIndows Astrological calculator 159 NEP .GLY Astral WIndows Astrological calculator 65 PIS .EGA Astral WIndows Astrological calculator 136 PIS .GLY Astral WIndows Astrological calculator 109 PLU .EGA Astral WIndows Astrological calculator 149 PLU .GLY Astral WIndows Astrological calculator 59 SAG .EGA Astral WIndows Astrological calculator 139 SAG .GLY Astral WIndows Astrological calculator 99 SAT .EGA Astral WIndows Astrological calculator 150 SAT .GLY Astral WIndows Astrological calculator 65 SCO .EGA Astral WIndows Astrological calculator 340 SCO .GLY Astral WIndows Astrological calculator 106 SUN .EGA Astral WIndows Astrological calculator 149 SUN .GLY Astral WIndows Astrological calculator 63 T .COM Astral WIndows Astrological calculator 8191 TAU .EGA Astral WIndows Astrological calculator 157 TAU .GLY Astral WIndows Astrological calculator 102 TOWNS2 .NEC Astral WIndows Astrological calculator 10064 UPDATE .DOC Astral WIndows Astrological calculator e 1822 URA .EGA Astral WIndows Astrological calculator 161 URA .GLY Astral WIndows Astrological calculator 64 US .NEC Astral WIndows Astrological calculator 1294 VEN .EGA Astral WIndows Astrological calculator 153 VEN .GLY Astral WIndows Astrological calculator 65 VIR .EGA Astral WIndows Astrological calculator 155 VIR .GLY Astral WIndows Astrological calculator 106 AREA = Horary Helper Astrology Program FILES = 42 TOT SIZE = 676823 PATH = \ASTROL\HORARY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ASTRO .DAT Horary Helper Astrological Program 27299 ASTRO .EXE Horary Helper Astrological Program (main prog) 102998 ASTRO .SCR Horary Helper Astrological Program 4103 ASTRO-H .ZIP Zip containing all program files 85729 ASTRO1 .SCR Horary Helper Astrological Program 4103 ASTRO2 .SCR Horary Helper Astrological Program 4103 ASTROPN .SCR Horary Helper Astrological Program 4103 BATCHMAN.COM Horary Helper Astrological Program 6400 BIBLIO .DOC Horary Helper Astrological Program 2668 CAT_3494.TXT PDSL DISK CATALOGUE FILE 472 DOCS .BAT Horary Helper Astrological Program 144 DUMPHP .COM Horary Helper Astrological Program 640 EGAEPSON.COM Horary Helper Astrological Program 2222 FIRST .BAT Horary Helper Astrological Program 7240 GO .BAT Horary Helper Astrological Program 43 GRAPHICS.DOC Horary Helper Astrological Program 5336 HERCTOSH.COM Horary Helper Astrological Program 1152 HHA .BAT Horary Helper Astrological Program 12 HHB .BAT Horary Helper Astrological Program 12 HHC .BAT Horary Helper Astrological Program 30 HHHA .BAT Horary Helper Astrological Program 20 HHHB .BAT Horary Helper Astrological Program 20 HHHC .BAT Horary Helper Astrological Program 38 HORARY .EXE Horary Helper Astrological Program 138624 HORARY .ZIP Zip containing all program files 176865 HPPS .COM Horary Helper Astrological Program 1736 MSHERC .COM Horary Helper Astrological Program 6749 NUTRITN .DAT Horary Helper Astrological Program 20538 OKIDMP .COM Horary Helper Astrological Program 640 OKIPRTSC.COM Horary Helper Astrological Program 2176 OPTIONS .DOC Horary Helper Astrological Program 5296 OPTIONS .FIL Horary Helper Astrological Program 1805 ORDER .DOC Horary Helper Astrological Program 1291 PKUNZIP .EXE Horary Helper Astrological Program 23528 PRTSC .COM Horary Helper Astrological Program 3506 README . Horary Helper Astrological Program 5651 REGISTER.DOC Horary Helper Astrological Program 963 SPECS .DOC Horary Helper Astrological Program 7778 T .COM Horary Helper Astrological Program 8191 TOSHDUMP.EXE Horary Helper Astrological Program 2048 VIT .DAT Horary Helper Astrological Program 6550 WHATSNEW.202 Horary Helper Astrological Program 4001 AREA = Astrol PC Astrology program FILES = 4 TOT SIZE = 118314 PATH = \ASTROL\ASTROLPC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ABOUT .DOC Astrolpc astrology program 1170 ASTROLPC.BAS Astrolpc astrology program 36352 ASTROLPC.DOC Astrolpc astrology program 5888 ASTROLPC.EXE Astrolpc astrology program (main prog) 74904 AREA = Astrology related PCX images FILES = 42 TOT SIZE = 2392292 PATH = \ASTROL\ASTRPCX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0__CAT00.PCX Catalogue of graphics images in this area 128400 0__CAT01.PCX Catalogue of graphics images in this area 124336 0__CAT02.PCX Catalogue of graphics images in this area 118269 0__CAT03.PCX Catalogue of graphics images in this area 123871 CAT00000.PCX Catalogue of graphics images in this area 95704 CAT00001.PCX Catalogue of graphics images in this area 92945 CAT00002.PCX Catalogue of graphics images in this area 43042 MYS00117.PCX Astrology related Images (see catalogue files) 56724 MYS00118.PCX Astrology related Images (see catalogue files) 75896 MYS00119.PCX Astrology related Images (see catalogue files) 10818 MYS00120.PCX Astrology related Images (see catalogue files) 49495 MYS00121.PCX Astrology related Images (see catalogue files) 93093 MYS00122.PCX Astrology related Images (see catalogue files) 10799 MYS00123.PCX Astrology related Images (see catalogue files) 48881 MYS00124.PCX Astrology related Images (see catalogue files) 72023 MYS00125.PCX Astrology related Images (see catalogue files) 9350 MYS00126.PCX Astrology related Images (see catalogue files) 58047 MYS00127.PCX Astrology related Images (see catalogue files) 83538 MYS00128.PCX Astrology related Images (see catalogue files) 10624 MYS00129.PCX Astrology related Images (see catalogue files) 48297 MYS00130.PCX Astrology related Images (see catalogue files) 89338 MYS00131.PCX Astrology related Images (see catalogue files) 10599 MYS00132.PCX Astrology related Images (see catalogue files) 44336 MYS00133.PCX Astrology related Images (see catalogue files) 96915 MYS00134.PCX Astrology related Images (see catalogue files) 9896 MYS00135.PCX Astrology related Images (see catalogue files) 47706 MYS00136.PCX Astrology related Images (see catalogue files) 72508 MYS00137.PCX Astrology related Images (see catalogue files) 9632 MYS00138.PCX Astrology related Images (see catalogue files) 49188 MYS00139.PCX Astrology related Images (see catalogue files) 86310 MYS00140.PCX Astrology related Images (see catalogue files) 10549 MYS00141.PCX Astrology related Images (see catalogue files) 48699 MYS00142.PCX Astrology related Images (see catalogue files) 72578 MYS00143.PCX Astrology related Images (see catalogue files) 5927 MYS00144.PCX Astrology related Images (see catalogue files) 34899 MYS00145.PCX Astrology related Images (see catalogue files) 59353 MYS00146.PCX Astrology related Images (see catalogue files) 10738 MYS00147.PCX Astrology related Images (see catalogue files) 38314 MYS00148.PCX Astrology related Images (see catalogue files) 90973 MYS00149.PCX Astrology related Images (see catalogue files) 10141 MYS00150.PCX Astrology related Images (see catalogue files) 49473 MYS00151.PCX Astrology related Images (see catalogue files) 75767 MYS00152.PCX Astrology related Images (see catalogue files) 14301 AREA = Astro astrology program FILES = 73 TOT SIZE = 1966494 PATH = \ASTROL\ASTRO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ASPECTS .HLP ASTRO program for astrological analysis 2899 ASPECTS .NDX ASTRO program for astrological analysis 7206 ASPECTS .TXT ASTRO program for astrological analysis 50133 AST282-1.LZH ASTRO program for astrological analysis 183466 AST282-2.LZH ASTRO program for astrological analysis 10273 AST282-3.LZH ASTRO program for astrological analysis 47745 AST282-4.LZH ASTRO program for astrological analysis 39794 AST282-5.LZH ASTRO program for astrological analysis 15085 AST282-6.LZH ASTRO program for astrological analysis 64127 AST282-7.LZH ASTRO program for astrological analysis 29698 AST282-8.LZH ASTRO program for astrological analysis 78712 AST282-9.LZH ASTRO program for astrological analysis 55962 ASTFILE .LST ASTRO program for astrological analysis 2 ASTRO .EXE ASTRO program for astrological analysis (main program) 352324 ASTRO .MAN ASTRO program for astrological analysis 218958 ASTRO24P.FON ASTRO program for astrological analysis 66096 ASTROEP9.FON ASTRO program for astrological analysis 40208 ASTROHLP.HLP ASTRO program for astrological analysis 97540 ASTROHPL.FON ASTRO program for astrological analysis 42752 ASTROSYS.DAT ASTRO program for astrological analysis 1006 BIRTHBAS.DAT ASTRO program for astrological analysis 996 BIRTHBAS.LST ASTRO program for astrological analysis 218 BIRTHBAS.NDX ASTRO program for astrological analysis 518 CAT_H474.TXT PDSL DISK CATALOGUE FILE 1736 COMAGRE .DOC ASTRO program for astrological analysis 2787 COMPAHSE.NDX ASTRO program for astrological analysis 796 COMPAHSE.TXT ASTRO program for astrological analysis 13146 COMPASUM.NDX ASTRO program for astrological analysis 574 COMPASUM.TXT ASTRO program for astrological analysis 11802 COMPATAB.HLP ASTRO program for astrological analysis 2849 EP24DRV .OVL ASTRO program for astrological analysis 11734 EP9DRV .OVL ASTRO program for astrological analysis 13654 FAMOUS .HLP ASTRO program for astrological analysis 3431 FILELST .DOC ASTRO program for astrological analysis 4395 FILE_ID .DIZ ASTRO program for astrological analysis 51 GO .BAT ASTRO program for astrological analysis 41 HOUSES .HLP ASTRO program for astrological analysis 2779 HOUSES .NDX ASTRO program for astrological analysis 1252 HOUSES .TXT ASTRO program for astrological analysis 22497 HPLDRV .OVL ASTRO program for astrological analysis 4428 INSTALL .DAT ASTRO program for astrological analysis 693 INSTALL .DOC ASTRO program for astrological analysis 5133 INSTALL .EXE ASTRO program for astrological analysis 38294 LHA .EXE ASTRO program for astrological analysis 34283 LHA213 .EXE ASTRO program for astrological analysis 44381 LOCATION.DAT ASTRO program for astrological analysis 18642 LOCATION.LST ASTRO program for astrological analysis 9466 LOCATION.NDX ASTRO program for astrological analysis 18438 LPOPLIST.NDX ASTRO program for astrological analysis 11782 MSHERC .COM ASTRO program for astrological analysis 6934 PALTEST .EXE ASTRO program for astrological analysis 23976 PLANETS .HLP ASTRO program for astrological analysis 4845 PLANETS .NDX ASTRO program for astrological analysis 2578 PLANETS .TXT ASTRO program for astrological analysis 33123 PLASIGNI.HLP ASTRO program for astrological analysis 2538 PRNTFILS.EXE ASTRO program for astrological analysis 12629 README .DOC ASTRO program for astrological analysis 17189 REGISTER.DOC ASTRO program for astrological analysis 4202 REMSW .DOC ASTRO program for astrological analysis 1035 REMSW .EXE ASTRO program for astrological analysis 2901 RETROGRD.HLP ASTRO program for astrological analysis 1195 RISING .HLP ASTRO program for astrological analysis 1059 SCOUTPL .HLP ASTRO program for astrological analysis 242 SIGHOUSE.NDX ASTRO program for astrological analysis 940 SIGHOUSE.TXT ASTRO program for astrological analysis 21890 SUMMARY .NDX ASTRO program for astrological analysis 400 SUMMARY .TXT ASTRO program for astrological analysis 12389 T .COM ASTRO program for astrological analysis 8191 TRANSASP.NDX ASTRO program for astrological analysis 1986 TRANSASP.TXT ASTRO program for astrological analysis 60367 TRANSHSE.NDX ASTRO program for astrological analysis 862 TRANSHSE.TXT ASTRO program for astrological analysis 55366 TRANSITS.HLP ASTRO program for astrological analysis 4875 AREA = Messages from Ashtar command -texts FILES = 11 TOT SIZE = 270130 PATH = \ASHTAR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MYS00153.TXT Ashtar Command Newsletter 36138 MYS00154.TXT Ashtar Command Newsletter 40375 MYS00155.TXT Ashtar Command Newsletter 2937 MYS00156.TXT Ashtar Command Newsletter 5808 MYS00157.TXT Ashtar Command Newsletter 17681 MYS00158.TXT Ashtar Command Newsletter 44649 MYS00159.TXT Ashtar Command Newsletter 15216 MYS00160.TXT Ashtar Command Newsletter 23396 MYS00161.TXT Ashtar Command Newsletter 16128 MYS00162.TXT Ashtar Command Newsletter 45041 MYS00163.TXT Ashtar Command Newsletter 22761 AREA = About the Bahi faith - text files FILES = 20 TOT SIZE = 881212 PATH = \BAHI ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MYS00164.TXT A series of texts about the Baha'i Faith. 16256 MYS00165.TXT A series of texts about the Baha'i Faith. 9781 MYS00166.TXT A series of texts about the Baha'i Faith. 3968 MYS00167.TXT A series of texts about the Baha'i Faith. 3968 MYS00168.TXT A series of texts about the Baha'i Faith. 49172 MYS00169.TXT A series of texts about the Baha'i Faith. 17604 MYS00170.TXT A series of texts about the Baha'i Faith. 20112 MYS00171.TXT A series of texts about the Baha'i Faith. 15744 MYS00172.TXT A series of texts about the Baha'i Faith. 33472 MYS00173.TXT A series of texts about the Baha'i Faith. 40704 MYS00174.TXT A series of texts about the Baha'i Faith. 20608 MYS00175.TXT A series of texts about the Baha'i Faith. 27648 MYS00176.TXT A series of texts about the Baha'i Faith. 277238 MYS00177.TXT A series of texts about the Baha'i Faith. 303277 MYS00178.TXT A series of texts about the Baha'i Faith. 4560 MYS00179.TXT A series of texts about the Baha'i Faith. 10842 MYS00180.TXT A series of texts about the Baha'i Faith. 6386 MYS00181.TXT A series of texts about the Baha'i Faith. 5066 MYS00182.TXT A series of texts about the Baha'i Faith. 13860 MYS00183.TXT A series of texts about the Baha'i Faith. 946 AREA = Biorythm calculating program FILES = 55 TOT SIZE = 948479 PATH = \BIORYTHM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1993 .MOO BIORYTHM PROGRAM files 189 ATT .BGI BIORYTHM PROGRAM files 6348 BIO .EXE BIORYTHM PROGRAM files 196707 BIO-CAL .CFG BIORYTHM PROGRAM files 4 BIO-CAL .DOC Bio Calc documentation 36168 BIO-CAL .EXE Bio Calc main program 38416 BIO-CAL .GEN BIORYTHM PROGRAM files 2681 BIO-CAL .IBM BIORYTHM PROGRAM files 2681 BIO2 .COM BIORYTHM PROGRAM files 31124 BIO2 .DOC BIORYTHM PROGRAM files 1366 BIO3 .EXE BIORYTHM PROGRAM files 189072 BIO3 .TXT BIORYTHM PROGRAM files 1376 BIO4 .DAT BIORYTHM PROGRAM files 151 BIO4 .EXE BIORYTHM PROGRAM files 41460 BIO410E .EXE BIORYTHM PROGRAM files 196400 BIOCHART.GEN BIORYTHM PROGRAM files 2154 BIOCHART.IBM BIORYTHM PROGRAM files 2154 BIOHELP .HLP BIORYTHM PROGRAM files 3584 CAT_3985.TXT BIORYTHM PROGRAM files 777 CGA .BGI BIORYTHM PROGRAM files 6332 EBIOH .HLP BIORYTHM PROGRAM files 27589 EGAVGA .BGI BIORYTHM PROGRAM files 5554 EHELP .TXT BIORYTHM PROGRAM files 19862 EMULTDE4.MEM BIORYTHM PROGRAM files 4000 EMULTDE4.MON BIORYTHM PROGRAM files 4000 ESHARE .TXT BIORYTHM PROGRAM files 983 ESHAREWA.TXT BIORYTHM PROGRAM files 1242 ESIGNCOL.MEM BIORYTHM PROGRAM files 4000 ESIGNMON.MEM BIORYTHM PROGRAM files 4000 FILELIST.TXT BIORYTHM PROGRAM files 2118 GO .BAT BIORYTHM PROGRAM files 35 GO .TXT BIORYTHM PROGRAM files 1301 GOTH .CHR BIORYTHM PROGRAM files 18063 GUIDE .TXT BIORYTHM PROGRAM files 1469 HERC .BGI BIORYTHM PROGRAM files 6204 IBM8514 .BGI BIORYTHM PROGRAM files 6665 INSTALL .EXE BIORYTHM PROGRAM files 8896 INSTBIOE.BAT BIORYTHM PROGRAM files 1116 LITT .CHR BIORYTHM PROGRAM files 5131 MULTIENG.TXT BIORYTHM PROGRAM files 1864 ORDER .BAT BIORYTHM PROGRAM files 33 ORDER .DOC BIORYTHM PROGRAM files 895 ORDER .TXT BIORYTHM PROGRAM files 921 ORDPRINT.BAT BIORYTHM PROGRAM files 37 PC3270 .BGI BIORYTHM PROGRAM files 6012 PDSL .BAT BIORYTHM PROGRAM files 3579 PERSONS .DAT BIORYTHM PROGRAM files 7400 REGNR .TXT BIORYTHM PROGRAM files 34 REGSHARE.TXT BIORYTHM PROGRAM files 34 SANS .CHR BIORYTHM PROGRAM files 13596 SERIALNO.EXE BIORYTHM PROGRAM files 22240 SHOWORD .BAT BIORYTHM PROGRAM files 33 START .BAT BIORYTHM PROGRAM files(run this to start) 33 START .TXT BIORYTHM PROGRAM files 957 SYSOP .TXT BIORYTHM PROGRAM files 277 T .COM BIORYTHM PROGRAM files 8191 WHATSNEW.DOC BIORYTHM PROGRAM files 1006 AREA = On the Cabala - text files FILES = 41 TOT SIZE = 1702059 PATH = \CABALA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MYS00184.TXT The 72 fold names of God and of the Angels 8341 MYS00185.TXT Introduction to the Cabala 10904 MYS00186.TXT Hidden codes in the Torah 5366 MYS00187.TXT Hidden codes in the Torah 5376 MYS00188.TXT The Initiation of Kurgaiax 4590 MYS00189.TXT The Tree of Night 3976 MYS00190.TXT A Kabalistic and magical examination of the Grail 84405 MYS00191.TXT Qaballah Pronunciation Guide 15048 MYS00192.TXT Towards Quantum Cabala 10036 MYS00193.TXT The Sephiroth of the Tree of Life 2276 MYS00194.TXT Medieval Social Structures and Achad's Tree of Lif 21956 MYS00195.TXT Gematria for the English Language 14116 MYS00196.TXT Beatitude 5255 MYS00197.TXT Chastity 5771 MYS00198.TXT Energy 5084 MYS00199.TXT Genesis a note on 37591 MYS00200.TXT Reading the Torah with Equal Intervals 47159 MYS00201.TXT Info on Kabbala 338960 MYS00202.TXT Jewish Mystisism 72229 MYS00203.TXT Anatomy of the Body of God 175797 MYS00204.TXT Reading the Torah with Equal Intervals 47159 MYS00205.TXT Info on Kabbala 338960 MYS00206.TXT Quest for spiritual paradise in Judaism 21760 MYS00207.TXT Priodial light - The Ecstatics quest 18882 MYS00208.TXT Pardes from Sefiroth to Demonology 14526 MYS00209.TXT Reincarnation in the Kabbalah 15587 MYS00210.TXT Notes on Kabbalah (1) 25928 MYS00211.TXT Notes on Kabbalah (2) 35607 MYS00212.TXT Notes on Kabbalah (3) 31125 MYS00213.TXT Notes on Kabbalah (4) 45195 MYS00214.TXT Notes on Kabbalah (5) 18561 MYS00215.TXT Notes on Kabbalah (6) 20868 MYS00216.TXT Notes on Kabbalah (7) 23928 MYS00217.TXT Notes on Kabbalah (8) 25568 MYS00218.TXT Notes on Kabbalah (9) 42042 MYS00219.TXT Notes on Kabbalah (10) 19136 MYS00220.TXT Notes on Kabbalah (11) 28778 MYS00221.TXT Notes on Kabbalah (12) 27278 MYS00222.TXT What is Qabalah? by A. Crowley 1959 MYS00223.TXT Concerning the Holy Qabalah 15687 MYS00224.TXT Notes on Kabbalah (13) 9289 AREA = Gematria cabalistic database program FILES = 22 TOT SIZE = 795385 PATH = \CABALA\GEMAT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BRUN45 .EXE GEMATRIA Cabalistic disctionary program 77440 COMMENT .DAT GEMATRIA Cabalistic disctionary program 4788 EAS .IDX GEMATRIA Cabalistic disctionary program 4080 EGEO .IDX GEMATRIA Cabalistic disctionary program 4080 EHSE .IDX GEMATRIA Cabalistic disctionary program 4080 EMN .IDX GEMATRIA Cabalistic disctionary program 4080 EOCTAL .IDX GEMATRIA Cabalistic disctionary program 4080 EWORDS .IDX GEMATRIA Cabalistic disctionary program 4080 GEMATRIA. GEMATRIA Cabalistic disctionary program 8241 GEMATRIA.DAT GEMATRIA Cabalistic disctionary program 298788 GEMATRIA.EXE GEMATRIA Cabalistic disctionary program 13514 GEMATRIA.SCR GEMATRIA Cabalistic disctionary program 2050 GEMATRIA.SET GEMATRIA Cabalistic disctionary program 44 GEMCALLS.DAT GEMATRIA Cabalistic disctionary program 171360 GEMDOC .TXT GEMATRIA Cabalistic disctionary program 45590 GEMMAIN .EXE GEMATRIA Cabalistic disctionary program 68880 GEMPRINT.EXE GEMATRIA Cabalistic disctionary program 43506 GEMSETUP.EXE GEMATRIA Cabalistic disctionary program 4800 GEMSORT .EXE GEMATRIA Cabalistic disctionary program 15628 HFIN .IDX GEMATRIA Cabalistic disctionary program 2048 HSNG .IDX GEMATRIA Cabalistic disctionary program 7114 HWORD .IDX GEMATRIA Cabalistic disctionary program 7114 AREA = PCX/GIF images of cabalistic items FILES = 76 TOT SIZE = 1212693 PATH = \CABALA\CABPCX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0__CAT00.PCX Graphics catalogue of files in this area 101206 0__CAT01.PCX Graphics catalogue of files in this area 96559 0__CAT02.PCX Graphics catalogue of files in this area 115269 0__CAT03.PCX Graphics catalogue of files in this area 117121 0__CAT04.PCX Graphics catalogue of files in this area 60275 MYS00225.PCX Cabalistic symbols & images 21057 MYS00226.PCX Cabalistic symbols & images 8954 MYS00227.PCX Cabalistic symbols & images 10246 MYS00228.PCX Cabalistic symbols & images 7653 MYS00229.PCX Cabalistic symbols & images 21795 MYS00230.PCX Cabalistic symbols & images 2687 MYS00231.PCX Cabalistic symbols & images 40967 MYS00232.PCX Cabalistic symbols & images 21101 MYS00233.PCX Cabalistic symbols & images 24487 MYS00234.PCX Cabalistic symbols & images 3220 MYS00235.PCX Cabalistic symbols & images 5891 MYS00236.PCX Cabalistic symbols & images 5568 MYS00237.PCX Cabalistic symbols & images 19197 MYS00238.PCX Cabalistic symbols & images 15088 MYS00239.PCX Cabalistic symbols & images 10969 MYS00240.PCX Cabalistic symbols & images 40373 MYS00241.PCX Cabalistic symbols & images 18281 MYS00242.PCX Cabalistic symbols & images 17826 MYS00243.PCX Cabalistic symbols & images 11592 MYS00244.PCX Cabalistic symbols & images 22407 MYS00245.PCX Cabalistic symbols & images 10661 MYS00246.PCX Cabalistic symbols & images 8985 MYS00247.PCX Cabalistic symbols & images 31670 MYS00248.PCX Cabalistic symbols & images 7632 MYS00249.PCX Cabalistic symbols & images 17713 MYS00250.PCX Cabalistic symbols & images 16653 MYS00251.PCX Cabalistic symbols & images 16892 MYS00252.PCX Cabalistic symbols & images 22836 MYS00253.PCX Cabalistic symbols & images 16893 MYS00254.PCX Cabalistic symbols & images 14361 MYS00255.PCX Cabalistic symbols & images 12182 MYS00256.PCX Cabalistic symbols & images 8289 MYS00257.PCX Cabalistic symbols & images 9860 MYS00258.PCX Cabalistic symbols & images 4632 MYS00259.PCX Cabalistic symbols & images 7979 MYS00260.PCX Cabalistic symbols & images 6807 MYS00261.GIF Cabalistic symbols & images 6449 MYS00262.GIF Cabalistic symbols & images 2409 MYS00263.GIF Cabalistic symbols & images 3485 MYS00264.GIF Cabalistic symbols & images 2497 MYS00265.GIF Cabalistic symbols & images 6508 MYS00266.GIF Cabalistic symbols & images 870 MYS00267.GIF Cabalistic symbols & images 15790 MYS00268.GIF Cabalistic symbols & images 8466 MYS00269.GIF Cabalistic symbols & images 7512 MYS00270.GIF Cabalistic symbols & images 1054 MYS00271.GIF Cabalistic symbols & images 1676 MYS00272.GIF Cabalistic symbols & images 1625 MYS00273.GIF Cabalistic symbols & images 5533 MYS00274.GIF Cabalistic symbols & images 4858 MYS00275.GIF Cabalistic symbols & images 3765 MYS00276.GIF Cabalistic symbols & images 15862 MYS00277.GIF Cabalistic symbols & images 6704 MYS00278.GIF Cabalistic symbols & images 5289 MYS00279.GIF Cabalistic symbols & images 3404 MYS00280.GIF Cabalistic symbols & images 6978 MYS00281.GIF Cabalistic symbols & images 3250 MYS00282.GIF Cabalistic symbols & images 2480 MYS00283.GIF Cabalistic symbols & images 9194 MYS00284.GIF Cabalistic symbols & images 3494 MYS00285.GIF Cabalistic symbols & images 5539 MYS00286.GIF Cabalistic symbols & images 4985 MYS00287.GIF Cabalistic symbols & images 5209 MYS00288.GIF Cabalistic symbols & images 7162 MYS00289.GIF Cabalistic symbols & images 5151 MYS00290.GIF Cabalistic symbols & images 4658 MYS00291.GIF Cabalistic symbols & images 4917 MYS00292.GIF Cabalistic symbols & images 2343 MYS00293.GIF Cabalistic symbols & images 3220 MYS00294.GIF Cabalistic symbols & images 1524 MYS00295.GIF Cabalistic symbols & images 2618 MYS00296.GIF Cabalistic symbols & images 2381 AREA = About more mainstream religions texts FILES = 39 TOT SIZE = 10747227 PATH = \CHURCH ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MYS00297.TXT The doctrine of Christ 40530 MYS00298.TXT The Antichrist 17494 MYS00299.TXT Adam is God 84578 MYS00300.TXT Atheism views on 13589 MYS00301.TXT The complete Bible 4947148 MYS00302.TXT Discrepancies in the New Testament 16898 MYS00303.TXT Time line of creation 30190 MYS00304.TXT Problems with a global flood 20511 MYS00305.TXT Freedom from religion 22858 MYS00306.TXT Budda the Gospel 379036 MYS00307.TXT Christianity, Islam & Judaism 15974 MYS00308.TXT The Koran 817118 MYS00309.TXT The Koresh Doctrine 93989 MYS00310.TXT The book of Mormon (1) 1537361 MYS00311.TXT The book of Mormon (2) 1577183 MYS00312.TXT Mormon Rituals 116627 MYS00313.TXT CHurch Unity 115051 MYS00314.TXT Catholics, Jews and Vatican II 32092 MYS00315.TXT The Pesach laws and customs 49426 MYS00316.TXT Atheism views 15987 MYS00317.TXT Praying the Rosary 120062 MYS00318.TXT Understanding the Oral Law 16336 MYS00319.TXT Service of light -the Easter Candle 52443 MYS00320.TXT Bible extracts (1) 39936 MYS00321.TXT Bible extracts (2) 38656 MYS00322.TXT Bible extracts (3) 31488 MYS00323.TXT Bible extracts (4) 54784 MYS00324.TXT Bible extracts (5) 48128 MYS00325.TXT Bible extracts (6) 47616 MYS00326.TXT Bible extracts (7) 41600 MYS00327.TXT Bible extracts (8) 46720 MYS00328.TXT Bible extracts (9) 26669 MYS00329.TXT Bible extracts (10) 37888 MYS00330.TXT Bible extracts (11) 32768 MYS00331.TXT Bible extracts (12) 42240 MYS00332.TXT History & Catechism 13070 MYS00333.TXT The Divine Plan 10624 MYS00334.TXT BUDDA the Word 101040 MYS00335.TXT Ordination info 1519 AREA = Computer related text files FILES = 10 TOT SIZE = 1386083 PATH = \COMPUTER ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MYS00336.TXT Art in the age of digital dissemination 263347 MYS00337.TXT Communication and Community on Internet Relay Chat 115151 MYS00338.TXT Easter egg hunt 75563 MYS00339.TXT Future Culture: Frequently Asked Questions 129801 MYS00340.TXT Free Speech in Cyberspace 250117 MYS00341.TXT Social organisation in the computer underground 152596 MYS00342.TXT Searching for the Leviathan in Usenet 207798 MYS00343.TXT The Secret Service, UUCP, the The Legion of Doom 20106 MYS00344.TXT Thoughts on the National Research and Education Ne 20191 MYS00345.TXT The Logic of the Virtual Commons 151413 AREA = Computer Education related text files FILES = 30 TOT SIZE = 218869 PATH = \COMPUTER\EDUCATE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MYS00346.TXT Computer Policies for Acadia U 15060 MYS00347.TXT Computer Policies for Baylor 4530 MYS00348.TXT BitNet Usage Guidelines 2474 MYS00349.TXT Boston U usage policy 4891 MYS00350.TXT Colgate University computer policy 8632 MYS00351.TXT Columbia Administrative Policies 4963 MYS00352.TXT Daniel Webster Ethical Practices Agreement for Wor 4463 MYS00353.TXT James Madison University Draft Computer Ethics Sta 7962 MYS00354.TXT Kansas St. U Computing Policy 6483 MYS00355.TXT MSU Compuer Use policy 12699 MYS00356.TXT Newcastle Computer policy 4236 MYS00357.TXT New Mexico State U computer policy 8138 MYS00358.TXT Berkeley computing facility bylaws 1394 MYS00359.TXT Berkeley computing facility bylaws 14491 MYS00360.TXT PUCC computer policies 11185 MYS00361.TXT Purdue computer policies 10026 MYS00362.TXT RIACS computer policies 5878 MYS00363.TXT Rose-Hulman computer policies 4715 MYS00364.TXT Responsible Computing 1 31308 MYS00365.TXT Responsible Computing 2 3612 MYS00366.TXT Proper useage of info resources 5311 MYS00367.TXT MTU Policies 7906 MYS00368.TXT U of Missouri computer policies 7298 MYS00369.TXT U of Missouri-Rolla compuer policies 4080 MYS00370.TXT U of Idaho computer policy 1714 MYS00371.TXT U of Missouri-Kansas City computer policy 2509 MYS00372.TXT UNM computer policy 8165 MYS00373.TXT U of Pittsburgh computer policy 2697 MYS00374.TXT U of Wales computer policy 3425 MYS00375.TXT Washington University computer policies 8624 AREA = Computer Security related text files FILES = 66 TOT SIZE = 1297172 PATH = \COMPUTER\SECURITY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GLOSSARY. Glossary of security terms 5941 MYS00376.TXT Computer incident advisory bulletin 4352 MYS00377.TXT Computer incident advisory bulletin 2688 MYS00378.TXT Computer incident advisory bulletin 1792 MYS00379.TXT Computer incident advisory bulletin 4608 MYS00380.TXT Computer incident advisory bulletin 2816 MYS00381.TXT Computer incident advisory bulletin 5760 MYS00382.TXT Computer incident advisory bulletin 2944 MYS00383.TXT Computer incident advisory bulletin 3072 MYS00384.TXT Computer incident advisory bulletin 11008 MYS00385.TXT Computer incident advisory bulletin 19762 MYS00386.TXT Computer incident advisory bulletin 6715 MYS00387.TXT Computer incident advisory bulletin 3116 MYS00388.TXT Computer incident advisory bulletin 3657 MYS00389.TXT Computer incident advisory bulletin 4419 MYS00390.TXT Computer incident advisory bulletin 5053 MYS00391.TXT Computer incident advisory bulletin 5387 MYS00392.TXT Computer incident advisory bulletin 5125 MYS00393.TXT Computer incident advisory bulletin 5651 MYS00394.TXT Computer incident advisory bulletin 6383 MYS00395.TXT Computer incident advisory bulletin 12160 MYS00396.TXT Computer incident advisory bulletin 8425 MYS00397.TXT Computer incident advisory bulletin 3733 MYS00398.TXT Computer incident advisory bulletin 4523 MYS00399.TXT Computer incident advisory bulletin 8172 MYS00400.TXT Computer incident advisory bulletin 5328 MYS00401.TXT Computer incident advisory bulletin 5376 MYS00402.TXT Computer incident advisory bulletin 3840 MYS00403.TXT Computer incident advisory bulletin 3200 MYS00404.TXT Computer incident advisory bulletin 4992 MYS00405.TXT Computer incident advisory bulletin 7548 MYS00406.TXT Computer incident advisory bulletin 4216 MYS00407.TXT Computer incident advisory bulletin 10112 MYS00408.TXT Computer incident advisory bulletin 896 MYS00409.TXT Computer incident advisory bulletin 2688 MYS00410.TXT Computer incident advisory bulletin 24448 MYS00411.TXT Computer incident advisory bulletin 3328 MYS00412.TXT Computer incident advisory bulletin 3231 MYS00413.TXT Computer incident advisory bulletin 3584 MYS00414.TXT Computer incident advisory bulletin 3072 MYS00415.TXT Computer incident advisory bulletin 1536 MYS00416.TXT Bibliography of Computer Security Articles 146048 MYS00417.TXT COmputer security notes 66923 MYS00418.TXT Bibliography of computer security documents 83473 MYS00419.TXT Bibliography of Computer Security Glossaries 6784 MYS00420.TXT Computer Security Organizations 8320 MYS00421.TXT Bibliography of security periodicals 34816 MYS00422.TXT The NCSA Draft Security Policy for Organizations 20707 MYS00423.TXT Site Security handbook 253367 MYS00424.TXT Bibliography Computer Security Reports 63232 MYS00425.TXT Risk management research laboratory overview 33920 MYS00426.TXT A report on a secure data network system transport 45824 MYS00427.TXT SPAN memorandum #1 18304 MYS00428.TXT SPAN memorandum #3 7680 MYS00429.TXT SPAN memorandum #4 4480 MYS00430.TXT Computer incident advisory bulletin 1920 MYS00431.TXT CERT Advisory #5 2304 MYS00432.TXT CERT Advisory #11 1280 MYS00433.TXT CERT Advisory #12 2176 MYS00434.TXT Defense Data Network Security Bulletin #6 2944 MYS00435.TXT Bibliography of Technical Papers on Computer Secur 49920 MYS00436.TXT Computer Users's Guide to the Protection of Inform 16128 MYS00437.TXT Security Vendors 55112 MYS00438.TXT Computer Security Video Presentations 36352 MYS00439.TXT Concerning Hackers Who Break into Computer Systems 58773 MYS00440.TXT Bibliography of security books 41728 AREA = Computer virus related text files FILES = 68 TOT SIZE = 15400263 PATH = \COMPUTER\VIRUS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MYS00441.TXT Report of the Invitational Workshop on Data Integr 7040 MYS00442.TXT Information on the Brain Virus and Variants 4577 MYS00443.TXT Usenet virus tale 8320 MYS00444.TXT CompuServe Magazine's Virus History Timeline '87 4771 MYS00445.TXT CompuServe Magazine's Virus History Timeline '88 103572 MYS00446.TXT CompuServe Magazine's Virus History Timeline '89 69893 MYS00447.TXT Computer Virus Myths 23552 MYS00448.TXT Virus info 9382 MYS00449.TXT Computer Viruses: A Rational View 21116 MYS00450.TXT A Analysis of Computer Virus Structures 137805 MYS00451.TXT A software controled keyboard lockout program. 53823 MYS00452.TXT Infection control assuming cooperation among compu 19584 MYS00453.TXT The Computer Virus Eradication Act 2309 MYS00454.TXT Viruse Hysteria! 18748 MYS00455.TXT Coping with Computer Viruses and Releated Problems 87040 MYS00456.TXT A collection of information for the new InterNet u 14538 MYS00457.TXT Jerusalem virus info 3328 MYS00458.TXT Jerusalem virus info 11931 MYS00459.TXT Info on a Mac virus 4864 MYS00460.TXT Columbus Day Virus: Press Release 5761 MYS00461.TXT Columbus Day Virus: Fact Sheet 4238 MYS00462.TXT Features of the Blackjack Virus 4608 MYS00463.TXT Newspaper article on the Peace Virus 2573 MYS00464.TXT PK trojans 2176 MYS00465.TXT Anti virus products review 26111 MYS00466.TXT Info about a PostScript trojan 13056 MYS00467.TXT A bibliography of Viruses and Security Issues 12800 MYS00468.TXT Rumors of Worms and Trojan Horses 9250 MYS00469.TXT Virus pattern update 5642 MYS00470.TXT Elusive New Viruses Can Avoid Detection 3798 MYS00471.TXT Paper On Anabolic Steroids, Use, Abuse, Etc. 2304 MYS00472.TXT How to remove the stoned virus from your HD 3392 MYS00473.TXT BBS Hackers at work 9191 MYS00474.TXT Virus 101 (1) 14746 MYS00475.TXT Virus 101 (2) 18596 MYS00476.TXT Virus 101 (3) 19444 MYS00477.TXT Virus 101 (4) 5845 MYS00478.TXT A universal virus detection model 13696 MYS00479.TXT Message logs on virus info 187667 MYS00480.TXT Message logs on virus info 181138 MYS00481.TXT Virus Update 2065 MYS00482.TXT PC Virus listing 22209 MYS00483.TXT Virus list 30897 MYS00484.TXT Parasitic Virus overwriting 19456 MYS00485.TXT PC SECURITY 13056 MYS00486.TXT Update to DataCrime Virus report 4223 MYS00487.TXT Bibliography for Computer Viruses 4480 MYS00488.TXT Protecting your computer 9856 MYS00489.TXT A suggested reading list for viruses and related p 9216 MYS00490.TXT Large collection of messages and info about virus probs 590092 MYS00491.TXT Large collection of messages and info about virus probs 118002 MYS00492.TXT Large collection of messages and info about virus probs 303586 MYS00493.TXT Large collection of messages and info about virus probs 195945 MYS00494.TXT Large collection of messages and info about virus probs 59975 MYS00495.TXT Large collection of messages and info about virus probs 265182 MYS00496.TXT Large collection of messages and info about virus probs 622273 MYS00497.TXT Large collection of messages and info about virus probs 617093 MYS00498.TXT Large collection of messages and info about virus probs 699680 MYS00499.TXT Large collection of messages and info about virus probs 899924 MYS00500.TXT Large collection of messages and info about virus probs 743777 MYS00501.TXT Large collection of messages and info about virus probs 1406352 MYS00502.TXT Large collection of messages and info about virus probs 715186 MYS00503.TXT Large collection of messages and info about virus probs 2243246 MYS00504.TXT Large collection of messages and info about virus probs 3435762 MYS00505.TXT Large collection of messages and info about virus probs 55986 MYS00506.TXT Large collection of messages and info about virus probs 424139 MYS00507.TXT Large collection of messages and info about virus probs 223735 MYS00508.TXT Large collection of messages and info about virus probs 512645 AREA = Books of Alistair Crowley - texts FILES = 51 TOT SIZE = 5123981 PATH = \CROWLEY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MYS00509.TXT Eight Lectures on Yoga 19456 MYS00510.TXT Yoga for Yahoos 19456 MYS00511.TXT Yoga for Yahoos 2 24576 MYS00512.TXT Yoga for Yahoos 3 30720 MYS00513.TXT Yoga for Yellow bellies 26624 MYS00514.TXT Yoga for Yellow bellies 30720 MYS00515.TXT Yoga for Yellow bellies 19456 MYS00516.TXT Yoga for Yellow bellies 25600 MYS00517.TXT Solution to the problem of government 61314 MYS00518.TXT The Complete Text of Book 4 268049 MYS00519.TXT Duty by Crowley 16467 MYS00520.TXT Cocerning Blashphemy 12102 MYS00521.TXT What is Freemasonary 12626 MYS00522.TXT Hymn to Lufifer 806 MYS00523.TXT The Murder in X Street 4556 MYS00524.TXT The Stone of Cybele 35859 MYS00525.TXT The Gospel according to St Bernard Shaw 93503 MYS00526.TXT The Gospel according to St Bernard Shaw 2 118428 MYS00527.TXT The Gospel according to St Bernard Shaw 3 101794 MYS00528.TXT The Gospel according to St Bernard Shaw 4 108954 MYS00529.TXT Tao Teh King 97735 MYS00530.TXT Magick in Theory and Practice by A. Crowley 951541 MYS00531.TXT Study Guide for Magick in Theory and Practice 14032 MYS00532.TXT Magick in Theory and Practice by A. Crowley 2 273309 MYS00533.TXT Magick in Theory and Practice by A. Crowley 3 276806 MYS00534.TXT Magick in Theory and Practice by A. Crowley 4 215140 MYS00535.TXT Magick in Theory and Practice by A. Crowley 5 186286 MYS00536.TXT Magick without tears by A. Crowley 198656 MYS00537.TXT On Concentration 190465 MYS00538.TXT Morality 218951 MYS00539.TXT Letters 1 49024 MYS00540.TXT Lost City Of Atlantis 107520 MYS00541.TXT From Magick in Theory and Practice by A. Crowley 20386 MYS00542.TXT The Heart of the Master 42484 MYS00543.TXT The Heart of the Master 2 36943 MYS00544.TXT Memorandium re Stripend 13696 MYS00545.TXT Letters 2 20608 MYS00546.TXT Letters 3 8960 MYS00547.TXT Letters 4 8704 MYS00548.TXT Letters 5 13824 MYS00549.TXT Letters 6 8608 MYS00550.TXT Letters 7 13604 MYS00551.TXT letters 8 48294 MYS00552.TXT Letters 9 13585 MYS00553.TXT The Book of Lies 209100 MYS00554.TXT Letters 10 25954 MYS00555.TXT Concentration 290632 MYS00556.TXT Frivolity & seriousness 285709 MYS00557.TXT Morality 223061 MYS00558.TXT Letters 11 20467 MYS00559.TXT Letters 12 8831 AREA = Cryptology related text files FILES = 3 TOT SIZE = 65920 PATH = \CRYPTO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MYS00560.TXT Data Encryption Standard 24448 MYS00561.TXT Data Encryption Standard fact sheet 22528 MYS00562.TXT Data Encryption Standard key to infomation security 18944 AREA = IRIS cryptology program FILES = 18 TOT SIZE = 340709 PATH = \CRYPTO\IRIS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CAT_1933.TXT PDSL DISK CATALOGUE FILE 1578 DECRYPT .BAT Encypter/decrypter program 128 DEMO .BAT Encypter/decrypter program 3328 ENCRYPT .BAT Encypter/decrypter program 128 GO .BAT Encypter/decrypter program 3712 INSTALL .BAT Encypter/decrypter program 384 IRIS .DAT Encypter/decrypter program 524 IRIS .EXE Encypter/decrypter program 130344 IRIS .HLP Encypter/decrypter program 118784 KEYS .DAT Encypter/decrypter program 1553 LOCK .DOC Encypter/decrypter program 1664 LOCK .EXE Encypter/decrypter program 13392 MERLIN .DOC Encypter/decrypter program 4480 MERLIN .EXE Encypter/decrypter program 51238 OZY .TXT Encypter/decrypter program 768 READ .ME Encypter/decrypter program 3200 REGISTER.DOC Encypter/decrypter program 4864 SWIFT .MSG Encypter/decrypter program 640 AREA = Pretty Good Privacy - program FILES = 35 TOT SIZE = 1178948 PATH = \CRYPTO\PGP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BINFILES. Petty Good Privacy Encypter/decrypter program 225 BLURB .TXT Petty Good Privacy Encypter/decrypter program 692 CAT_H291.TXT Petty Good Privacy Encypter/decrypter program 551 CONFIG .TXT Petty Good Privacy Encypter/decrypter program 3986 COPYING . Petty Good Privacy Encypter/decrypter program 18321 ES .HLP Petty Good Privacy Encypter/decrypter program 4379 FR .HLP Petty Good Privacy Encypter/decrypter program 4467 GO .BAT Petty Good Privacy Encypter/decrypter program 3579 KEYS .ASC Petty Good Privacy Encypter/decrypter program c. 6021 LANGUAGE.TXT Petty Good Privacy Encypter/decrypter program 68379 NEWFOR22.DOC Petty Good Privacy Encypter/decrypter program 2487 NEWFOR23.DOC Petty Good Privacy Encypter/decrypter program 4785 PGGMH .ZIP Petty Good Privacy Encypter/decrypter program 1119 PGP .EXE Petty Good Privacy Encypter/decrypter program 204348 PGP .HLP Petty Good Privacy Encypter/decrypter program 3824 PGP23A .ZIP Petty Good Privacy Encypter/decrypter program 203662 PGP23S .ZIP Petty Good Privacy Encypter/decrypter program 294820 PGPCTB22.ZIP Petty Good Privacy Encypter/decrypter program 37162 PGPDOC1 .DOC Petty Good Privacy Encypter/decrypter program 89168 PGPDOC2 .DOC Petty Good Privacy Encypter/decrypter program 118410 PGPELMNN.ZIP Petty Good Privacy Encypter/decrypter program 3285 PGPEMACS.ZIP Petty Good Privacy Encypter/decrypter program 16079 PGPMAILT.ZIP Petty Good Privacy Encypter/decrypter program 2794 PGPMAILX.ZIP Petty Good Privacy Encypter/decrypter program 2289 PGPMD5SU.ZIP Petty Good Privacy Encypter/decrypter program 5763 PGPMIME .ZIP Petty Good Privacy Encypter/decrypter program 807 PGPMISC .ZIP Petty Good Privacy Encypter/decrypter program 3409 PGPSIG .ASC Petty Good Privacy Encypter/decrypter program 218 PGPVI .ZIP Petty Good Privacy Encypter/decrypter program 833 PKUNZIP .EXE Petty Good Privacy Encypter/decrypter program 29378 POLITIC .DOC Petty Good Privacy Encypter/decrypter program 18219 README . Petty Good Privacy Encypter/decrypter program 525 README .DOC Petty Good Privacy Encypter/decrypter program 6034 SETUP .DOC Petty Good Privacy Encypter/decrypter program 10739 T .COM Petty Good Privacy Encypter/decrypter program 8191 AREA = Drug related text files FILES = 12 TOT SIZE = 786450 PATH = \DRUGS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MYS00563.TXT Resumed guilty article on drug enforcement 157447 MYS00564.TXT Timothy Leary's eight circuits of consciousness 25077 MYS00565.TXT Acupuncture in de-toxification 28120 MYS00566.TXT Cannibis FAQ 36373 MYS00567.TXT LSD information 60081 MYS00568.TXT The confessions of an Englis Opium Eater 33171 MYS00569.TXT My problem child -LSD by Albert Hofmann 338712 MYS00570.TXT Curbing the Drug Epidemic 64857 MYS00571.TXT Government stuff 22741 MYS00572.TXT Alpha blocking drugs 3561 MYS00573.TXT Antianginal drugs 9859 MYS00574.TXT Antiarrhythmic drugs 6451 AREA = Manual of drugs - program FILES = 92 TOT SIZE = 505741 PATH = \DRUGS\DRUGMAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A--B . A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 1923 ACEINHIB. A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 3298 ALPHBLK5. A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 3561 ANGINA . A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 9859 ARRHYTHM. A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 6451 BETABLK .PRP A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 773 BETABLK5. A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 2194 C--D . A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 3370 CAINHIB . A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 3066 CALBLOCK.PRP A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 2001 CALBLOCK.TOX A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 2258 CALC .EXE A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 30470 CENTRL5 . A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 4470 CHKLIST .HYP A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 2233 CONFIG .HYP A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 64 CTRL .COM A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 2376 DIG-CHF . A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 7275 DIURETIC. A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 6649 E--F . A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 2555 EMERG5 . A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 5556 FILE0 . A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 5340 FILE0A . A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 2150 FILE0B . A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 2087 FILELIST.HYP A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 113 FILELIST.MAR A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 74 G--H . A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 1745 GUIDE1 . A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 3383 GUIDE2 . A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 2976 HEADER . A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 175 HELP .HYP A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 32000 HYPER .EXE A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 70870 HYPERTEN. A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 7083 HYPMAN .NET A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 3312 I-J-K-L . A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 2405 INDEX . A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 2673 INTRO . A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 8744 INTRO-2 . A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 6620 KSPARING. A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 5554 LOOP . A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 6164 M--N . A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 4366 MECHAN2 . A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 2579 MECHAN4 . A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 5278 MECHAN5 . A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 2822 MESSAGES.HYP A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 1308 NAMEFILE. A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 239 NETWORK . A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 1053 NEURAL5 . A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 3417 NEWCALC .EXE A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 89685 NITRATE .PRP A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 2514 NITRATE .TOX A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 3786 O--P . A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 3960 OSMOTIC . A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 7763 PHARM4A . A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 3001 PHARM4B . A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 1938 PURPOSE . A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 1527 Q-R-S . A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 2022 README .DOC A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 5555 REF . A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 1788 SELECT2 . A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 2078 SELECT3 . A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 8933 SELECT4 . A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 3758 SELECT5 . A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 4201 SYMPLEGC. A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 1287 T-U-V-W .XYZ A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 4044 TAB1-1 . A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 2353 TAB1-2 . A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 2145 TAB2-1 . A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 4004 TAB2-2 . A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 2350 TAB3-1 . A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 2855 TAB3-1A . A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 185 TAB3-2 . A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 1991 TAB3-2A . A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 185 TAB3-3 . A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 2293 TAB3-4 . A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 1996 TAB4-1 . A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 3537 TAB4-2 . A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 214 TAB5-1 . A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 2367 TAB5-2 . A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 3471 TAB5-3 . A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 1609 TAB5-4 . A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 1008 TAB5-5 . A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 1761 TAB6-1 . A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 2716 TAB6-2 . A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 2393 TAB6-3 . A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 3994 TAB6-4 . A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 2162 THIAZIDE. A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 8065 TITLE .HYP A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 4000 TOPHELP . A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 154 TOX3 . A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 4646 TOX4A . A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 5512 VASODILR. A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 3394 WATER . A computer manual of Clinical drugs, support file 1609 AREA = Equinox Occult journal - texts FILES = 16 TOT SIZE = 4161924 PATH = \EQUINOX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MYS00575.TXT The Equinox Journal vol 1,1,1 322022 MYS00576.TXT The Equinox Journal vol 1,1,2 284066 MYS00577.TXT The Equinox Journal vol 1,2,1 338368 MYS00578.TXT The Equinox Journal vol 1,2,2 316547 MYS00579.TXT The Equinox Journal vol 1,2,3 117881 MYS00580.TXT The Equinox Journal vol 1,3,1 305704 MYS00581.TXT The Equinox Journal vol 1,3,2 294233 MYS00582.TXT The Equinox Journal vol 1,3,3 242842 MYS00583.TXT The Equinox Journal vol 1,4,1 344055 MYS00584.TXT The Equinox Journal vol 1,4,2 296009 MYS00585.TXT The Equinox Journal vol 1,4,3 143493 MYS00586.TXT The Equinox Journal vol 1,5,1 314745 MYS00587.TXT The Equinox Journal vol 1,5,2 326769 MYS00588.TXT The Equinox Journal vol 1,6,1 233030 MYS00589.TXT The Equinox Journal vol 1,6,2 186826 MYS00590.TXT The Equinox Journal vol 3,8 95334 AREA = Misc information - text files FILES = 13 TOT SIZE = 3840429 PATH = \GENINFO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MYS00591.TXT Used car checklist 4502 MYS00592.TXT CIA World Factbook '92 2412862 MYS00593.TXT DES Validation List 3456 MYS00594.TXT Technical Information on Validated DES Devices 34816 MYS00595.TXT A table of stars and their distance from our Sun ( 3643 MYS00596.TXT Info on airplanes 555535 MYS00597.TXT Info on airplanes 334131 MYS00598.TXT Info on airplanes 6726 MYS00599.TXT Info on airplanes 1776 MYS00600.TXT 1990 US census information 358044 MYS00601.TXT Galileo info 93697 MYS00602.TXT The truth about Alternative 3 3952 MYS00603.TXT More on Alternative 3 27289 AREA = CIA World Fact Book 1994 - program FILES = 13 TOT SIZE = 3572117 PATH = \GENINFO\CIA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CIA .DOC Hypertext shareware version of CIA 1994 fact book 5675 CIA .EXE Hypertext shareware version of CIA 1994 fact book 32520 CIA .HTX Hypertext shareware version of CIA 1994 fact book 2159300 CIA94A .ZIP Hypertext shareware version of CIA 1994 fact book 326862 CIA94B .ZIP Hypertext shareware version of CIA 1994 fact book 326371 CIA94C .ZIP Hypertext shareware version of CIA 1994 fact book 327495 CIA94D .ZIP Hypertext shareware version of CIA 1994 fact book 324076 CIA94DEM.ZIP Hypertext shareware version of CIA 1994 fact book 18735 CIADEMO .EXE Hypertext shareware version of CIA 1994 fact book 3446 CIADEMO .PP Hypertext shareware version of CIA 1994 fact book 36886 ORDER .DOC Hypertext shareware version of CIA 1994 fact book 5473 POLICY .DOC Hypertext shareware version of CIA 1994 fact book 4863 READ .ME Hypertext shareware version of CIA 1994 fact book 415 AREA = Gnostic Beliefs - text files FILES = 7 TOT SIZE = 102435 PATH = \GNOSTIC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MYS00604.TXT Understanding Gnostic beliefs 55669 MYS00605.TXT The Manifesto of the Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica 1326 MYS00606.TXT Notes on the performance of the Gnostic Mass 16108 MYS00607.TXT Daily version of Gnostic Mass 5604 MYS00608.TXT Orpheus 9227 MYS00609.TXT Orpheus v1.n1 13102 MYS00610.TXT Starting an Orgone Committee 1399 AREA = Government related text files FILES = 5 TOT SIZE = 2247043 PATH = \GOVERN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MYS00611.TXT Federal public-access BBSs 1043 MYS00612.TXT Federal public-access BBSs 6478 MYS00613.TXT List of Soviet Military Terms 552118 MYS00614.TXT How The Soviets Are Bugging America 15405 MYS00615.TXT List of US and NATO military terms 1671999 AREA = About the JFK conspiracy -texts FILES = 94 TOT SIZE = 28537052 PATH = \GOVERN\CONSPJFK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MYS00616.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 692580 MYS00617.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 1151085 MYS00618.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 322406 MYS00619.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 257773 MYS00620.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 293564 MYS00621.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 725234 MYS00622.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 1498482 MYS00623.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 34437 MYS00624.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 30305 MYS00625.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 681604 MYS00626.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 786415 MYS00627.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 912003 MYS00628.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 1375064 MYS00629.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 740071 MYS00630.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 860975 MYS00631.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 1249566 MYS00632.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 803585 MYS00633.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 680414 MYS00634.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 900017 MYS00635.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 821073 MYS00636.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 821073 MYS00637.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 876740 MYS00638.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 770764 MYS00639.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 677623 MYS00640.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 919301 MYS00641.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 832425 MYS00642.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 803662 MYS00643.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 560820 MYS00644.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 778185 MYS00645.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 140133 MYS00646.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 262486 MYS00647.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 581113 MYS00648.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 111652 MYS00649.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 144394 MYS00650.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 708 MYS00651.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 34794 MYS00652.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 4937 MYS00653.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 7732 MYS00654.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 2629 MYS00655.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 1960958 MYS00656.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 7621 MYS00657.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 2845 MYS00658.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 9975 MYS00659.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 40540 MYS00660.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 7756 MYS00661.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 3222 MYS00662.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 8609 MYS00663.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 1484 MYS00664.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 57281 MYS00665.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 59300 MYS00666.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 10202 MYS00667.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 20432 MYS00668.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 25142 MYS00669.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 240262 MYS00670.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 9490 MYS00671.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 2322 MYS00672.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 34310 MYS00673.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 20096 MYS00674.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 8872 MYS00675.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 14701 MYS00676.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 2353 MYS00677.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 14999 MYS00678.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 1178 MYS00679.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 60289 MYS00680.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 5315 MYS00681.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 71898 MYS00682.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 17717 MYS00683.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 18859 MYS00684.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 37827 MYS00685.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 9646 MYS00686.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 51255 MYS00687.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 19275 MYS00688.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 67755 MYS00689.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 47173 MYS00690.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 27398 MYS00691.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 3387 MYS00692.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 18274 MYS00693.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 8780 MYS00694.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 58863 MYS00695.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 26796 MYS00696.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 33846 MYS00697.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 105600 MYS00698.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 543644 MYS00699.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 27877 MYS00700.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 20046 MYS00701.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 8223 MYS00702.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 63890 MYS00703.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 550497 MYS00704.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 14573 MYS00705.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 8077 MYS00706.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 55230 MYS00707.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 139446 MYS00708.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 30792 MYS00709.TXT Questions and answers on JFK matters 673030 AREA = Government conspiracies -texts FILES = 7 TOT SIZE = 627284 PATH = \GOVERN\CONSPIRE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MYS00710.TXT Who's killing the starwars scientists ? 25396 MYS00711.TXT Bush's boys clud skull and bones 8832 MYS00712.TXT Conpirators Hierarchy the committee of 300 528793 MYS00713.TXT The Gemstone files -Onassis,Rockafeller etc 1 15525 MYS00714.TXT The Gemstone files -Onassis,Rockafeller etc 2 18953 MYS00715.TXT The Gemstone files -Onassis,Rockafeller etc 3 16355 MYS00716.TXT The Gemstone files -Onassis,Rockafeller etc 4 13430 AREA = FBI related text files FILES = 161 TOT SIZE = 2195749 PATH = \GOVERN\FBI ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MYS00717.TXT Searches of premises incident to arrest 21769 MYS00718.TXT The FBI 10mm pistol 16726 MYS00719.TXT Ammunition research & measurement 17796 MYS00720.TXT Utilizing job task analysis 15201 MYS00721.TXT Electronic Surveillance 22164 MYS00722.TXT Odemeter rollback schemes 16027 MYS00723.TXT A total Police response 14228 MYS00724.TXT Accreditation 19065 MYS00725.TXT Grand Jury exceptions to rules of secrecy 26013 MYS00726.TXT Identifying the unidentified 8248 MYS00727.TXT Approach to FTO training 9910 MYS00728.TXT Police Practices 4768 MYS00729.TXT Criminal informants 17091 MYS00730.TXT Disaster operations 17512 MYS00731.TXT Police practices 2 6493 MYS00732.TXT School crime stoppers 10368 MYS00733.TXT Cellmate informants 29382 MYS00734.TXT Serial rapist behavior. 21880 MYS00735.TXT Critical incident stress debriefing 10325 MYS00736.TXT Privatisation of prisons 15673 MYS00737.TXT Larg vehicle stops 5964 MYS00738.TXT Foreign searches & fourth amendment 31199 MYS00739.TXT Warning ticket program 9169 MYS00740.TXT Arson investigations 3524 MYS00741.TXT Florida computer crime 5297 MYS00742.TXT Directors message facing the future 2790 MYS00743.TXT Future of law enforcement 16437 MYS00744.TXT Changing face of America 28766 MYS00745.TXT The future of policing 24159 MYS00746.TXT Public law enforcement/private security 20355 MYS00747.TXT Views of tommorow's FBI 17733 MYS00748.TXT Tommorow's America 19135 MYS00749.TXT Lateral entry 14832 MYS00750.TXT Confronting the terrorist hostage taker 23307 MYS00751.TXT Police practices bomb dog teams 5432 MYS00752.TXT Campus Security 12651 MYS00753.TXT The Forensic Anthropologist 15216 MYS00754.TXT Focus on crime prevention 3305 MYS00755.TXT Anticipatory search warrants 23458 MYS00756.TXT The Yardies 13907 MYS00757.TXT Latent shoeprint analysis 3243 MYS00758.TXT Towing companies 9597 MYS00759.TXT The Nelson-Denny Experiment 4594 MYS00760.TXT Facility planning 15473 MYS00761.TXT Records management 7208 MYS00762.TXT FBINA graduate survey 9548 MYS00763.TXT Business Leaders against crime 7980 MYS00764.TXT DNA testing 24198 MYS00765.TXT Prliminary investigation process 17540 MYS00766.TXT Store diversion burglaries 12111 MYS00767.TXT Operation alert 5618 MYS00768.TXT Police retirement 13090 MYS00769.TXT Police training 16601 MYS00770.TXT Immunity defense 26939 MYS00771.TXT Directors message 4214 MYS00772.TXT GRAMPA cops 10020 MYS00773.TXT Suicide intervention 12413 MYS00774.TXT Elderwatch 7456 MYS00775.TXT Selecting the right officer 6272 MYS00776.TXT Intelligence training 18893 MYS00777.TXT Law Enforcement Exploring 12961 MYS00778.TXT Curtilage 28146 MYS00779.TXT Legal brief 2569 MYS00780.TXT Operation on-Target 14371 MYS00781.TXT Dispatching units 5902 MYS00782.TXT AFIS technology 6899 MYS00783.TXT Supreme court cases 25869 MYS00784.TXT Taking the job home 19064 MYS00785.TXT Police and the homeless 16425 MYS00786.TXT Low cost hi-tech 14116 MYS00787.TXT Municiple Liability 23079 MYS00788.TXT Police discretion 3696 MYS00789.TXT Safety action team 10578 MYS00790.TXT Community policing 18679 MYS00791.TXT Reclaiming city neighborhoods 12668 MYS00792.TXT Seat belt awareness 4546 MYS00793.TXT Directors message -working together 3505 MYS00794.TXT Serological evidence in sex cases 24819 MYS00795.TXT Promotion to chief 15620 MYS00796.TXT International car theft 13668 MYS00797.TXT Police practices 7257 MYS00798.TXT Sniper training 20505 MYS00799.TXT Employee development 20142 MYS00800.TXT Grand jury exceptions to secrecy 2 24029 MYS00801.TXT Directors message 3883 MYS00802.TXT Community outreach 3680 MYS00803.TXT Environmental crimes 21204 MYS00804.TXT Computer projects 12141 MYS00805.TXT Environmental crimes investigation basics 12444 MYS00806.TXT Bank embezzlement 12290 MYS00807.TXT Environmental protection forum 10665 MYS00808.TXT What they didn't teach in management school 12078 MYS00809.TXT Ethnic sharing program 4973 MYS00810.TXT Americans with disabilities act 34116 MYS00811.TXT Anabolic steriods abuse of 16398 MYS00812.TXT Civil rights cases and police misconduct 15156 MYS00813.TXT Citezen police academies 12379 MYS00814.TXT The will to survive 11830 MYS00815.TXT Drivers license suspension 3462 MYS00816.TXT Patrol function 8785 MYS00817.TXT School crisis 13599 MYS00818.TXT NYPD APPL program 12970 MYS00819.TXT Trash inspections 21269 MYS00820.TXT Public services consolidation 17512 MYS00821.TXT Computer crimes 13559 MYS00822.TXT Computer aided drafting 7144 MYS00823.TXT Hostage/barricade incidents 25433 MYS00824.TXT Mobile command posts 6210 MYS00825.TXT Hate violence 13409 MYS00826.TXT The rat patrol rides 11360 MYS00827.TXT Domestic violence 24459 MYS00828.TXT Leadership and ethics 13373 MYS00829.TXT NGIC training 8537 MYS00830.TXT Identification 20508 MYS00831.TXT Visiophones & policing 8300 MYS00832.TXT DNA analysis 12226 MYS00833.TXT Operation star 5678 MYS00834.TXT European law enforcement from 1992 10927 MYS00835.TXT Medicaid fraud 9547 MYS00836.TXT DNA profiling acceptance of 27713 MYS00837.TXT Drug abuse & testing 13131 MYS00838.TXT Pharmaceutical diversion & drug abuse 13717 MYS00839.TXT Roping in fences 15145 MYS00840.TXT Detaining drug couriers 25319 MYS00841.TXT Plateauing in law enforcement 9155 MYS00842.TXT Alternative fuel program 6019 MYS00843.TXT Gunshot primer residue 11954 MYS00844.TXT Military support 8925 MYS00845.TXT Why suspects confess 15893 MYS00846.TXT Cognitive interviewing 18187 MYS00847.TXT BBS a resource for law enforcement 12761 MYS00848.TXT Directors message 3432 MYS00849.TXT Officers killed 11067 MYS00850.TXT Teamwork 12002 MYS00851.TXT Long barrel weapons mount 13094 MYS00852.TXT Campus Police 5057 MYS00853.TXT Training for sergeants 13643 MYS00854.TXT Baited vehicle detail 5686 MYS00855.TXT Inventory searches 26342 MYS00856.TXT Crowd control 11710 MYS00857.TXT Robot teacher 6022 MYS00858.TXT Bounced cheques 15290 MYS00859.TXT Respetable pusher 17880 MYS00860.TXT Legal brief 2278 MYS00861.TXT Urban transportation security 10189 MYS00862.TXT Telemarketing crime prevention 4273 MYS00863.TXT Developing leadership 17004 MYS00864.TXT Civil forfeiture 24042 MYS00865.TXT Corruption 16903 MYS00866.TXT Drug testing 12058 MYS00867.TXT Custodial interrogation 21091 MYS00868.TXT Managing for excellence 7395 MYS00869.TXT Espionage awareness 10534 MYS00870.TXT Counterintelligence 15488 MYS00871.TXT Counterintelligence challenges 12257 MYS00872.TXT Ministers team with police 9088 MYS00873.TXT Summary of FBI computer systems 5248 MYS00874.TXT Summary of FBI computer systems 2 5192 MYS00875.TXT Successful interviewing 6281 MYS00876.TXT Emergency searches 30108 MYS00877.TXT Victim witness assistance 16276 AREA = Image files related to JFk Conspire FILES = 20 TOT SIZE = 4556822 PATH = \GOVERN\JFKPCX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0__CAT00.PCX Image catalogue 140167 0__CAT01.PCX Image catalogue 165269 MYS00878.GIF Images related to JFK affair 157133 MYS00879.GIF Images related to JFK affair 156249 MYS00880.GIF Images related to JFK affair 145018 MYS00881.GIF Images related to JFK affair 153611 MYS00882.GIF Images related to JFK affair 150913 MYS00883.GIF Images related to JFK affair 153877 MYS00884.GIF Images related to JFK affair 148268 MYS00885.GIF Images related to JFK affair 148192 MYS00886.GIF Images related to JFK affair 145962 MYS00887.PCX Images related to JFK affair 322739 MYS00888.PCX Images related to JFK affair 322088 MYS00889.PCX Images related to JFK affair 319322 MYS00890.PCX Images related to JFK affair 322432 MYS00891.PCX Images related to JFK affair 320675 MYS00892.PCX Images related to JFK affair 321255 MYS00893.PCX Images related to JFK affair 321098 MYS00894.PCX Images related to JFK affair 321629 MYS00895.PCX Images related to JFK affair 320925 AREA = Police related text files FILES = 8 TOT SIZE = 156905 PATH = \GOVERN\POLICE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MYS00896.TXT Interviewing 6281 MYS00897.TXT Searches 30108 MYS00898.TXT Witness assistance 16276 MYS00899.TXT Shoeprint analysis 33391 MYS00900.TXT Police net info 512 MYS00901.TXT Police net info 384 MYS00902.TXT Police net info 68864 MYS00903.TXT Police net info 1089 AREA = Health & medicine related text files FILES = 6 TOT SIZE = 12121403 PATH = \HEALTH ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MYS00904.TXT Food calorie table 174281 MYS00905.TXT See your baby born 12160 MYS00906.TXT Water filter info 78573 MYS00907.TXT US GOV information related to AIDS 1 5576010 MYS00908.TXT US GOV information related to AIDS 2 6238115 MYS00909.TXT Dust collectors 42264 AREA = Health hazard related text files FILES = 6 TOT SIZE = 1240780 PATH = \HEALTH\HAZARD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MYS00910.TXT CRT Health risks 36224 MYS00911.TXT Prepare for the next earthquake 11776 MYS00912.TXT Atomic radiation -killing our own 1129916 MYS00913.TXT Treating snake bites 43551 MYS00914.TXT Heath risks and electromagnetic radiation 13107 MYS00915.TXT Radiation effects on health 6206 AREA = Medical textbook - program FILES = 95 TOT SIZE = 296356 PATH = \HEALTH\NOMED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANKLE .1 Non-Medical pain relief: This program tells things you can 1135 ARTHRIT .1 Non-Medical pain relief: do to handle common pain problems 7039 ARTHRIT .2 Non-Medical pain relief: like headache etc without recourse 2856 ARTHRIT .3 Non-Medical pain relief: to drugs and medication. 1904 ARTHRIT .4 Non-Medical pain relief 1930 ARTHRIT .5 Non-Medical pain relief: 1511 ARTHRIT .6 Non-Medical pain relief: 1355 ARTHRIT .7 Non-Medical pain relief: 3475 BACK .1 Non-Medical pain relief: 3342 BACK .2 Non-Medical pain relief: 6181 BACK .3 Non-Medical pain relief: 2575 BACK .4 Non-Medical pain relief: 763 BB .AD Non-Medical pain relief: 1281 BEGIN .BAT Non-Medical pain relief: RUN THIS FILE TO START 16 BIKE .1 Non-Medical pain relief: 1077 BIKE .2 Non-Medical pain relief: 1290 BIKE .3 Non-Medical pain relief: 694 CANT .AD Non-Medical pain relief: 810 COLD .1 Non-Medical pain relief: 1644 COLD .2 Non-Medical pain relief: 4965 COLD .3 Non-Medical pain relief: 2395 COMPUTER.1 Non-Medical pain relief: 3106 COMPUTER.10 Non-Medical pain relief: 1217 COMPUTER.11 Non-Medical pain relief: 606 COMPUTER.12 Non-Medical pain relief: 1136 COMPUTER.13 Non-Medical pain relief: 879 COMPUTER.14 Non-Medical pain relief: 927 COMPUTER.15 Non-Medical pain relief: 989 COMPUTER.16 Non-Medical pain relief: 1069 COMPUTER.17 Non-Medical pain relief: 1140 COMPUTER.18 Non-Medical pain relief: 591 COMPUTER.19 Non-Medical pain relief: 908 COMPUTER.2 Non-Medical pain relief: 1371 COMPUTER.20 Non-Medical pain relief: 679 COMPUTER.3 Non-Medical pain relief: 6753 COMPUTER.4 Non-Medical pain relief: 1117 COMPUTER.5 Non-Medical pain relief: 1203 COMPUTER.6 Non-Medical pain relief: 1203 COMPUTER.7 Non-Medical pain relief: 1077 COMPUTER.8 Non-Medical pain relief: 1158 COMPUTER.9 Non-Medical pain relief: 1221 DENTAL .1 Non-Medical pain relief: 2348 DENTAL .2 Non-Medical pain relief: 798 DENTAL .3 Non-Medical pain relief: 3908 END .1 Non-Medical pain relief: 822 EYE .1 Non-Medical pain relief: 9379 EYE .2 Non-Medical pain relief: 8186 EYE .3 Non-Medical pain relief: 5650 EYE .4 Non-Medical pain relief: 14663 EYES .3 Non-Medical pain relief: 1 EYESIGHT.AD Non-Medical pain relief: 557 FATIGUE .1 Non-Medical pain relief: 3456 FATIGUE .2 Non-Medical pain relief: 8289 FEET .1 Non-Medical pain relief: 338 GARAGE .AD Non-Medical pain relief: 1046 GENERAL .1 Non-Medical pain relief: 1940 GENERAL .2 Non-Medical pain relief: 2081 GENERAL .3 Non-Medical pain relief: 3551 GENERAL .4 Non-Medical pain relief: 533 GENERAL .5 Non-Medical pain relief: 3083 GOTO . Non-Medical pain relief: 3801 HEADACHE.1 Non-Medical pain relief: 4202 HEADACHE.2 Non-Medical pain relief: 4575 HEADACHE.3 Non-Medical pain relief: 7380 HEADACHE.4 Non-Medical pain relief: 1612 HEADACHE.5 Non-Medical pain relief: 5838 HEADACHE.6 Non-Medical pain relief: 3180 INTRO .1 Non-Medical pain relief: 1044 INTRO .2 Non-Medical pain relief: 965 INTRO .3 Non-Medical pain relief: 1052 INTRO .4 Non-Medical pain relief: 1053 INTRO .5 Non-Medical pain relief: 686 INTRO .6 Non-Medical pain relief: 702 INTRO .7 Non-Medical pain relief: 656 LEG .1 Non-Medical pain relief: 4935 MORE . Non-Medical pain relief: 1096 MORE .2 Non-Medical pain relief: 955 NECK .1 Non-Medical pain relief: 2711 NECK .2 Non-Medical pain relief: 1134 NECK .3 Non-Medical pain relief: 955 PAINMENU. Non-Medical pain relief: 3441 REALEND . Non-Medical pain relief: 111 REFLEX .1 Non-Medical pain relief: 966 REFLEX .2 Non-Medical pain relief: 5467 RESUME . Non-Medical pain relief: 4 SHOULDER.1 Non-Medical pain relief: 1216 SHOW .CFG Non-Medical pain relief: 1434 SHOW .EXE Non-Medical pain relief: 66365 SINUS .1 Non-Medical pain relief: 7125 SINUS .2 Non-Medical pain relief: 6520 STOMACH .1 Non-Medical pain relief: 3255 STOMACH .2 Non-Medical pain relief: 2415 SWS . Non-Medical pain relief: 1254 TENDON . Non-Medical pain relief: 557 THROAT . Non-Medical pain relief: 477 AREA = Database of dangerous substances -prog FILES = 14 TOT SIZE = 1377617 PATH = \HEALTH\BADSTUFF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BADSTUFF.DOC BADSTUFF: Program info file 1526 BADSTUFF.EXE BADSTUFF: A database of hazardious substances and how they 164746 BADSTUFF.PRG BADSTUFF: they should be handled and spillages cleaned etc. 11514 CARDNO .NDX BADSTUFF: 2560 CARDNO .NTX BADSTUFF: 2048 CARDS .DBF BADSTUFF: 31232 HAZLINES.DBF BADSTUFF: 57344 HAZNAMES.NDX BADSTUFF: 214528 HAZNAMES.NTX BADSTUFF: 149504 HAZNUM .DBF BADSTUFF: 628439 IDNUM .NDX BADSTUFF: 62976 IDNUM .NTX BADSTUFF: 39936 LINENO .NDX BADSTUFF: 6144 LINENO .NTX BADSTUFF: 5120 AREA = The Hermetic Philosophy -texts FILES = 23 TOT SIZE = 420810 PATH = \HERMETIC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MYS00916.TXT List of Hermetic books 10126 MYS00917.TXT The Emerald Tablet of Hermes the Thrice Great 2048 MYS00918.TXT Sepher Enoch I 20366 MYS00919.TXT The Enochian Evocation of Dr. Dee 11713 MYS00920.TXT The Enochian Ritual opening of the Air Tablet 5120 MYS00921.TXT The Enochian Pentagram Banishing Ritual 5455 MYS00922.TXT The Enochian Water Cup Invocation 1408 MYS00923.TXT Enochian Chess instruction by Frater D.D.C.F 20473 MYS00924.TXT Lexicon Enochian words 44882 MYS00925.TXT Enochian Gematria 1 23819 MYS00926.TXT The Enochian Hexagram Banishing Ritual 2176 MYS00927.TXT 'The Enochian Numbers' by Regardie 5732 MYS00928.TXT The Forty-Eight Enochian Calls or Keys 25148 MYS00929.TXT The Enochian Tablets and the book of the law 72950 MYS00930.TXT The Enochian tablets in ASCII format 14035 MYS00931.TXT The Enochian system V 6185 MYS00932.TXT On Deriving Names from the Enochian 13815 MYS00933.TXT Dee's Daily Oration for Wisdom 9320 MYS00934.TXT Enochian Pentagram Ritual 2158 MYS00935.TXT The Enochian Calls 9736 MYS00936.TXT Enochian Elemental Opening 10143 MYS00937.TXT Tables of correspondence for the INRI fomula 45584 MYS00938.TXT A treatise from 'In Pursuit of Gold' 58418 AREA = Hermetic Calculations - programs FILES = 17 TOT SIZE = 444666 PATH = \HERMETIC\HERMPRG ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AIR .PIC ENOCSYS: kerubs, angels etc 26661 B_CROSS .PIC ENOCSYS: support file 50734 EARTH .PIC ENOCSYS: support file 23900 ENOCDIC .EXE ENOCSYS: Enochian Dictionary program 11157 ENOCDIC .TXT ENOCSYS: support file 17802 ENOCH .TIF ENOCSYS: An Enochian TIFF 101325 ENOCSYS .DOC ENOCSYS: support file 5773 ENOCSYS .EXE ENOCSYS: program to derturmine Enochian names for gods 74888 ENO_SA .DIC ENOCSYS: support file 17802 FIRE .PIC ENOCSYS: support file 22693 PACK .LST ENOCSYS: support file 776 RECENSA .DOC ENOCSYS: support file 8911 RECENSA .EXE ENOCSYS: support file 26511 RECENSA .FON ENOCSYS: support file 7280 SPIRIT .TXT ENOCSYS: support file 1387 TABLET .PIC ENOCSYS: support file 23758 WATER .PIC ENOCSYS: support file 23308 AREA = About herbs -texts FILES = 22 TOT SIZE = 1087047 PATH = \HERB ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MYS00939.TXT Agrimonia Eupatoria 2144 MYS00940.TXT Angelica Archangelica 1866 MYS00941.TXT Alstonia Scholaris 1091 MYS00942.TXT Melissa Officinalis 2106 MYS00943.TXT Ocimum Basilicum 1528 MYS00944.TXT Monarda Didyma 1524 MYS00945.TXT Rubus 3123 MYS00946.TXT Elixirs of youth 37504 MYS00948.TXT Herbs and their magical uses 18176 MYS00949.TXT Large collection of info on plants & their uses 1 190976 MYS00950.TXT Large collection of info on plants & their uses 2 96768 MYS00951.TXT Large collection of info on plants & their uses 3 52224 MYS00952.TXT Large collection of info on plants & their uses 4 67584 MYS00953.TXT Large collection of info on plants & their uses 5 70656 MYS00954.TXT Large collection of info on plants & their uses 6 107008 MYS00955.TXT Large collection of info on plants & their uses 7 74240 MYS00956.TXT Large collection of info on plants & their uses 8 63488 MYS00957.TXT Large collection of info on plants & their uses 9 39936 MYS00958.TXT Large collection of info on plants & their uses 10 28672 MYS00959.TXT Large collection of info on plants & their uses 11 105472 MYS00960.TXT Large collection of info on plants & their uses 12 100864 MYS00961.TXT Large collection of info on plants & their uses 13 20097 AREA = Herb database program FILES = 17 TOT SIZE = 846189 PATH = \HERB\HERBDB ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ACTDESC .DBF PCHERBAL DATABASE: A database of herbs and their use in 12322 ACTDESC .NTX PCHERBAL DATABASE: alternative medicine. 8192 ACTIONS .DBF PCHERBAL DATABASE: 50513 ACTIONS .NTX PCHERBAL DATABASE: 72704 CORIAND .EXE PCHERBAL DATABASE: 28721 DANDILL .EXE PCHERBAL DATABASE: 39395 HEMLOCK .EXE PCHERBAL DATABASE: 40649 HERBS .DBF PCHERBAL DATABASE: 107147 HERBS .NTX PCHERBAL DATABASE: 7168 HERBS2 .NTX PCHERBAL DATABASE: 7168 HORE .EXE PCHERBAL DATABASE: 39429 INSTALL .BAT PCHERBAL DATABASE: 238 MINT .EXE PCHERBAL DATABASE: 33245 PCHERBAL.EXE PCHERBAL DATABASE: Main program 304128 READ .ME PCHERBAL DATABASE: Program information file 25728 RUE .EXE PCHERBAL DATABASE: 40713 TITLE .ASG PCHERBAL DATABASE: 28729 AREA = Herb reference book - program FILES = 17 TOT SIZE = 169166 PATH = \HERB\HERBOOK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BEGIN . HERB BOOK on disk: This program is a herbal information 17584 BEGIN .EXE HERB BOOK on disk: book on disk. It covers the use of 17584 BOOK .CFG HERB BOOK on disk: herbs in the prevention and cure of 607 CHAPTER .1 HERB BOOK on disk: many ailments. 3931 CHAPTER .10 HERB BOOK on disk: 26725 CHAPTER .11 HERB BOOK on disk: 2870 CHAPTER .12 HERB BOOK on disk: 1567 CHAPTER .2 HERB BOOK on disk: 1611 CHAPTER .3 HERB BOOK on disk: 6375 CHAPTER .4 HERB BOOK on disk: 5614 CHAPTER .5 HERB BOOK on disk: 2445 CHAPTER .6 HERB BOOK on disk: 6386 CHAPTER .7 HERB BOOK on disk: 37087 CHAPTER .8 HERB BOOK on disk: 19210 CHAPTER .9 HERB BOOK on disk: 7292 GLOSS .DOC HERB BOOK on disk: 6819 INTRO .DOC HERB BOOK on disk: 5459 AREA = Herbology helper program FILES = 168 TOT SIZE = 2800899 PATH = \HERB\HELPER ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0__CAT00.PCX Graphics catalogue file 118383 0__CAT01.PCX Graphics catalogue file 102197 0__CAT02.PCX Graphics catalogue file 112440 0__CAT03.PCX Graphics catalogue file 103870 0__CAT04.PCX Graphics catalogue file 110579 0__CAT05.PCX Graphics catalogue file 105871 0__CAT06.PCX Graphics catalogue file 103374 0__CAT07.PCX Graphics catalogue file 87797 CHKPRN .EXE HERBOLOGY HELPER : their uses in alt medicine. 1872 DART .EXE HERBOLOGY HELPER : 84049 DART .RCS HERBOLOGY HELPER : 7227 GETKEY .EXE HERBOLOGY HELPER : 3120 H1 .EXE HERBOLOGY HELPER : 10795 H1 .PCX Graphics image of herbs 15882 H10 .EXE HERBOLOGY HELPER : 9816 H10 .PCX Graphics image of herbs 16573 H11 .EXE HERBOLOGY HELPER : 9556 H11 .PCX Graphics image of herbs 18624 H12 .EXE HERBOLOGY HELPER : 5130 H12 .PCX Graphics image of herbs 8609 H13 .EXE HERBOLOGY HELPER : 12504 H13 .PCX Graphics image of herbs 17552 H14 .EXE HERBOLOGY HELPER : 10170 H14 .PCX Graphics image of herbs 15863 H15 .EXE HERBOLOGY HELPER : 5737 H15 .PCX Graphics image of herbs 7955 H16 .EXE HERBOLOGY HELPER : 13662 H16 .PCX Graphics image of herbs 19466 H17 .EXE HERBOLOGY HELPER : 8953 H17 .PCX Graphics image of herbs 12427 H18 .EXE HERBOLOGY HELPER : 8336 H18 .PCX Graphics image of herbs 12168 H19 .EXE HERBOLOGY HELPER : 8442 H19 .PCX Graphics image of herbs 10266 H2 .EXE HERBOLOGY HELPER : 5799 H2 .PCX Graphics image of herbs 9028 H20 .EXE HERBOLOGY HELPER : 9273 H20 .PCX Graphics image of herbs 15098 H21 .EXE HERBOLOGY HELPER : 6277 H21 .PCX Graphics image of herbs 9414 H22 .EXE HERBOLOGY HELPER : 8710 H22 .PCX Graphics image of herbs 12310 H23 .EXE HERBOLOGY HELPER : 5942 H23 .PCX Graphics image of herbs 8312 H24 .EXE HERBOLOGY HELPER : 7333 H24 .PCX Graphics image of herbs 10153 H25 .EXE HERBOLOGY HELPER : 12272 H25 .PCX Graphics image of herbs 15394 H26 .EXE HERBOLOGY HELPER : 7685 H26 .PCX Graphics image of herbs 11805 H27 .EXE HERBOLOGY HELPER : 6826 H27 .PCX Graphics image of herbs 9029 H28 .EXE HERBOLOGY HELPER : 8255 H28 .PCX Graphics image of herbs 11313 H29 .EXE HERBOLOGY HELPER : 6020 H29 .PCX Graphics image of herbs 7421 H3 .EXE HERBOLOGY HELPER : 8569 H3 .PCX Graphics image of herbs 15671 H30 .EXE HERBOLOGY HELPER : 10127 H30 .PCX Graphics image of herbs 14671 H31 .EXE HERBOLOGY HELPER : 8409 H31 .PCX Graphics image of herbs 13226 H32 .EXE HERBOLOGY HELPER : 5996 H32 .PCX Graphics image of herbs 8967 H33 .EXE HERBOLOGY HELPER : 4406 H33 .PCX Graphics image of herbs 5439 H34 .EXE HERBOLOGY HELPER : 8147 H34 .PCX Graphics image of herbs 13265 H35 .EXE HERBOLOGY HELPER : 12347 H35 .PCX Graphics image of herbs 19469 H36 .EXE HERBOLOGY HELPER : 6390 H36 .PCX Graphics image of herbs 9874 H37 .EXE HERBOLOGY HELPER : 3914 H37 .PCX Graphics image of herbs 4231 H38 .EXE HERBOLOGY HELPER : 11711 H38 .PCX Graphics image of herbs 17527 H39 .EXE HERBOLOGY HELPER : 9236 H39 .PCX Graphics image of herbs 11783 H4 .EXE HERBOLOGY HELPER : 13993 H4 .PCX Graphics image of herbs 24397 H40 .EXE HERBOLOGY HELPER : 5848 H40 .PCX Graphics image of herbs 8733 H41 .EXE HERBOLOGY HELPER : 9360 H41 .PCX Graphics image of herbs 13776 H42 .EXE HERBOLOGY HELPER : 6512 H42 .PCX Graphics image of herbs 10633 H43 .EXE HERBOLOGY HELPER : 8238 H43 .PCX Graphics image of herbs 11131 H44 .EXE HERBOLOGY HELPER : 9859 H44 .PCX Graphics image of herbs 14201 H45 .EXE HERBOLOGY HELPER : 7815 H45 .PCX Graphics image of herbs 11154 H46 .EXE HERBOLOGY HELPER : 5646 H46 .PCX Graphics image of herbs 7418 H47 .EXE HERBOLOGY HELPER : 14084 H47 .PCX Graphics image of herbs 20461 H48 .EXE HERBOLOGY HELPER : 6074 H48 .PCX Graphics image of herbs 8097 H49 .EXE HERBOLOGY HELPER : 11056 H49 .PCX Graphics image of herbs 15259 H5 .EXE HERBOLOGY HELPER : 6478 H5 .PCX Graphics image of herbs 11364 H50 .EXE HERBOLOGY HELPER : 9579 H50 .PCX Graphics image of herbs 12423 H51 .EXE HERBOLOGY HELPER : 5846 H51 .PCX Graphics image of herbs 7261 H52 .EXE HERBOLOGY HELPER : 19928 H52 .PCX Graphics image of herbs 28797 H53 .EXE HERBOLOGY HELPER : 10992 H53 .PCX Graphics image of herbs 17652 H54 .EXE HERBOLOGY HELPER : 9781 H54 .PCX Graphics image of herbs 14651 H55 .EXE HERBOLOGY HELPER : 13863 H55 .PCX Graphics image of herbs 22456 H56 .EXE HERBOLOGY HELPER : 9641 H56 .PCX Graphics image of herbs 16393 H57 .EXE HERBOLOGY HELPER : 14954 H57 .PCX Graphics image of herbs 23154 H58 .EXE HERBOLOGY HELPER : 4757 H58 .PCX Graphics image of herbs 6085 H59 .EXE HERBOLOGY HELPER : 4950 H59 .PCX Graphics image of herbs 5888 H6 .EXE HERBOLOGY HELPER : 11491 H6 .PCX Graphics image of herbs 21618 H60 .EXE HERBOLOGY HELPER : 6214 H60 .PCX Graphics image of herbs 8085 H61 .EXE HERBOLOGY HELPER : 6140 H61 .PCX Graphics image of herbs 7975 H62 .EXE HERBOLOGY HELPER : 7498 H62 .PCX Graphics image of herbs 11297 H63 .EXE HERBOLOGY HELPER : 4742 H63 .PCX Graphics image of herbs 5901 H64 .EXE HERBOLOGY HELPER : 5365 H64 .PCX Graphics image of herbs 6664 H65 .EXE HERBOLOGY HELPER : 13164 H65 .PCX Graphics image of herbs 20186 H66 .EXE HERBOLOGY HELPER : 15665 H66 .PCX Graphics image of herbs 25253 H67 .EXE HERBOLOGY HELPER : 8941 H67 .PCX Graphics image of herbs 14614 H68 .EXE HERBOLOGY HELPER : 9665 H68 .PCX Graphics image of herbs 15685 H69 .EXE HERBOLOGY HELPER : 10607 H69 .PCX Graphics image of herbs 15727 H7 .EXE HERBOLOGY HELPER : 8145 H7 .PCX Graphics image of herbs 13326 H70 .EXE HERBOLOGY HELPER : 15612 H70 .PCX Graphics image of herbs 24878 H8 .EXE HERBOLOGY HELPER : 9656 H8 .PCX Graphics image of herbs 18383 H9 .EXE HERBOLOGY HELPER : 8075 H9 .PCX Graphics image of herbs 13902 HELP .#1 HERBOLOGY HELPER : 10092 HERBHELP.#01 HERBOLOGY HELPER : 120209 RUNME .BAT HERBOLOGY HELPER : Run this file to start program 19 SHOW .EXE HERBOLOGY HELPER : A hypertext based book on herbs and 8720 SOFTCOPY.# HERBOLOGY HELPER : 14113 SOFTCOPY.#B HERBOLOGY HELPER : 41818 SOFTCOPY.#P HERBOLOGY HELPER : 17113 SOFTCOPY.#U HERBOLOGY HELPER : 9171 SOFTCOPY.#XA HERBOLOGY HELPER : 6118 SOFTCOPY.#XC HERBOLOGY HELPER : 10338 SOFTCOPY.#XD HERBOLOGY HELPER : 1611 SOFTCOPY.#XF HERBOLOGY HELPER : 2096 SOFTCOPY.#XH HERBOLOGY HELPER : 2846 SOFTCOPY.#XP HERBOLOGY HELPER : 28334 SOFTCOPY.#XS HERBOLOGY HELPER : 15078 USER .DOC HERBOLOGY HELPER : 1120 VERSIONS.# HERBOLOGY HELPER : 682 AREA = Internet related text files FILES = 187 TOT SIZE = 4840494 PATH = \INTERNET ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MYS00964.TXT AFU survival guide 8923 MYS00965.TXT Misc info from ALT.FOLKLORE.URBAN - urban legends 1 18380 MYS00966.TXT Misc info from ALT.FOLKLORE.URBAN - urban legends 2 81601 MYS00967.TXT Re Craig Shergold 5448 MYS00968.TXT Misc info from misc/fun/urban.legends 12016 MYS00969.TXT Computer modem surcharge 2745 MYS00970.TXT Kidney machine stuff 3576 MYS00971.TXT Additions to the AFU booklist 8437 MYS00972.TXT Standard AFU reply form 3472 MYS00973.TXT AFU stuff 1843 MYS00974.TXT AFU STUFF 1444 MYS00975.TXT Information File Regarding Aids. 1098 MYS00977.TXT Alligators in sewers 3371 MYS00978.TXT Are you gay 1739 MYS00979.TXT Already wired ? 5524 MYS00980.TXT LSD flyers 14012 MYS00981.TXT Body in carpet 1815 MYS00982.TXT More on TV legends 3329 MYS00983.TXT About Calendar 27360 MYS00985.TXT Love and chocolate 2254 MYS00986.TXT The Coriolis force 8560 MYS00987.TXT Captian Pugwash 1606 MYS00988.TXT Craig Shergold again 2176 MYS00989.TXT Origins of crap 10202 MYS00990.TXT Lost penis 2067 MYS00991.TXT Cat poops 2523 MYS00992.TXT The electric chair 2664 MYS00993.TXT Faces of death 15174 MYS00994.TXT Attempt to ban religious broadcasting 3956 MYS00995.TXT The flat Earth society 6898 MYS00996.TXT Origin of the 4 letter F-word 7303 MYS00997.TXT Gerbilmania 4710 MYS00998.TXT Return of US language 2813 MYS00999.TXT Junk food names 5086 MYS01000.TXT Praticing for their honeymoon 2018 MYS01001.TXT Hot water freezes first ? 4437 MYS01002.TXT Movie legends 1137 MYS01003.TXT Shakespeare and the KJV 3004 MYS01004.TXT The little mermaid 1466 MYS01005.TXT Louie Louie 2611 MYS01006.TXT Copyright traps 5959 MYS01007.TXT Chocolate chip cookies 2930 MYS01008.TXT Napoleon's Penis 3128 MYS01009.TXT Nylon 1708 MYS01010.TXT Okay Already 3806 MYS01011.TXT About Sly 4294 MYS01012.TXT Stories 3226 MYS01013.TXT PID hoax 8015 MYS01014.TXT pi Indiana 22231 MYS01015.TXT Poinsettia poison 4927 MYS01016.TXT POSH 2153 MYS01017.TXT Scrotum repair 2961 MYS01018.TXT Silly Pussy 1801 MYS01019.TXT Snapple 6714 MYS01020.TXT AFUUL scale 2845 MYS01021.TXT SNUFF list 15937 MYS01022.TXT Spanish fly 1512 MYS01023.TXT Subliminal advertising 4484 MYS01024.TXT Subliminal advertising 1430 MYS01025.TXT The Horses Butt 855 MYS01026.TXT The Parisian Bellboy 8384 MYS01027.TXT Cat food sold as tuna 2677 MYS01028.TXT Urban legends in the media 3711 MYS01029.TXT Killer soda machines 1680 MYS01030.TXT Head bangin 1701 MYS01031.TXT Info about Anonymous E-Mail servers 108970 MYS01032.TXT Info about Archie 28722 MYS01033.TXT BitNet Usage Guidelines 44975 MYS01034.TXT A summary of two meetings with Steve Cisler of NRE 16144 MYS01035.TXT The Electronic Journal Journal 244055 MYS01036.TXT Net Etiquett 18418 MYS01037.TXT Gore's proposal for a National Data Super-Highway 27452 MYS01038.TXT Hitchhikers Guide to the InterNet 59192 MYS01040.TXT Copyright notice 945 MYS01041.TXT Table of Contents to Nos 5.0 Manual. 463 MYS01042.TXT Information about various internet sites 3941 MYS01043.TXT Information about various internet sites 5321 MYS01044.TXT Information about various internet sites 1426 MYS01045.TXT Information about various internet sites 2574 MYS01046.TXT Information about various internet sites 1969 MYS01047.TXT Information about various internet sites 3087 MYS01048.TXT Information about various internet sites 4723 MYS01049.TXT Information about various internet sites 3302 MYS01050.TXT Information about various internet sites 4496 MYS01051.TXT Information about various internet sites 5665 MYS01052.TXT Information about various internet sites 3314 MYS01053.TXT Information about various internet sites 3106 MYS01054.TXT Information about various internet sites 3230 MYS01055.TXT Information about various internet sites 3352 MYS01056.TXT Information about various internet sites 2139 MYS01057.TXT Information about various internet sites 2657 MYS01058.TXT Information about various internet sites 2220 MYS01059.TXT Information about various internet sites 2868 MYS01060.TXT Information about various internet sites 1379 MYS01061.TXT Information about various internet sites 1916 MYS01062.TXT Information about various internet sites 1419 MYS01063.TXT Information about various internet sites 2973 MYS01064.TXT Information about various internet sites 5301 MYS01065.TXT Information about various internet sites 3694 MYS01066.TXT Information about various internet sites 2702 MYS01067.TXT Information about various internet sites 2960 MYS01068.TXT Information about various internet sites 5301 MYS01069.TXT Information about various internet sites 2108 MYS01070.TXT Information about various internet sites 4695 MYS01071.TXT Information about various internet sites 2681 MYS01072.TXT Information about various internet sites 3533 MYS01073.TXT Information about various internet sites 2043 MYS01074.TXT Information about various internet sites 3073 MYS01075.TXT Information about various internet sites 1199 MYS01076.TXT Information about various internet sites 3178 MYS01077.TXT Information about various internet sites 2878 MYS01078.TXT Information about various internet sites 4269 MYS01079.TXT Information about various internet sites 2689 MYS01080.TXT Information about various internet sites 3058 MYS01081.TXT Information about various internet sites 3573 MYS01082.TXT Information about various internet sites 2756 MYS01083.TXT Information about various internet sites 2164 MYS01084.TXT Information about various internet sites 2722 MYS01085.TXT Information about various internet sites 3451 MYS01086.TXT Information about various internet sites 6761 MYS01087.TXT Information about various internet sites 8830 MYS01088.TXT Information about various internet sites 5874 MYS01089.TXT Information about various internet sites 2850 MYS01090.TXT Information about various internet sites 2373 MYS01091.TXT Information about various internet sites 1386 MYS01092.TXT Information about various internet sites 3554 MYS01093.TXT Information about various internet sites 2729 MYS01094.TXT Information about various internet sites 1892 MYS01095.TXT Information about various internet sites 2573 MYS01096.TXT Information about various internet sites 3230 MYS01097.TXT Information about various internet sites 2442 MYS01098.TXT Information about various internet sites 4902 MYS01099.TXT Information about various internet sites 4419 MYS01100.TXT List of lists 262144 MYS01101.TXT A collection of information for the new InterNet u 12480 MYS01102.TXT A collection of information for the new InterNet u 2655 MYS01103.TXT A collection of information for the new InterNet u 156443 MYS01104.TXT A collection of information for the new InterNet u 52737 MYS01105.TXT A collection of information for the new InterNet u 1135616 MYS01106.TXT A list of listservers 201246 MYS01107.TXT Libraries and the National Research and Education 96178 MYS01108.TXT An article about Library Automation on the InterNe 26218 MYS01109.TXT Brewing FAQ 22077 MYS01110.TXT Cryptology FAQ 103684 MYS01111.TXT Everything you wanted to know about Lock Smithing 24392 MYS01112.TXT Pyrotechnics FAQ 50321 MYS01113.TXT Skeptic FAQ 128467 MYS01114.TXT MUD commands 12965 MYS01115.TXT MUF program editor commands 1457 MYS01116.TXT MUF Cheat sheet 3412 MYS01117.TXT MUF stuff 5978 MYS01118.TXT MUF ref manual 28663 MYS01119.TXT MUF programming 16405 MYS01120.TXT Multi User Games info 450025 MYS01121.TXT MUDS 5929 MYS01122.TXT Info on MUDding FAQ 27966 MYS01123.TXT Info on MUDding FAQ 39581 MYS01124.TXT Info on MUDding FAQ 7781 MYS01125.TXT Commands info 46979 MYS01126.TXT Internet MUDS 43860 MYS01127.TXT MUDS & reality 14021 MYS01128.TXT MUD humor 14948 MYS01129.TXT The Public Dialup InterNet Access list 27171 MYS01130.TXT A suggestion to privatize Internet 15151 MYS01131.TXT Info about UseNet 18418 MYS01132.TXT Info about UseNet 37360 MYS01133.TXT Info about UseNet 30006 MYS01134.TXT High Weirdness v2.1 - where to find interesting st 101705 MYS01135.TXT High Weirdness v2.1 - where to find interesting st 65890 MYS01136.TXT Acceptable use policy on ANSnet 3833 MYS01137.TXT Acceptable use policy on CERFnet 2171 MYS01138.TXT Information about CompuServe's compilation copyrig 9572 MYS01139.TXT Concert Hall #1 Demo 8577 MYS01140.TXT Acceptable use policy for CREN 3881 MYS01141.TXT Policies on e-mail 21201 MYS01142.TXT FARnet usage policy 10296 MYS01143.TXT FRICC net policy 2296 MYS01144.TXT Los Nottos 540 MYS01145.TXT Minnesota Regional Netowork policy 31098 MYS01146.TXT NEARnet acceptable use policy 2375 MYS01147.TXT NorthWestNet acceptable use policy 2607 MYS01148.TXT NFSnet acceptable use policy 2790 MYS01149.TXT Onet acceptable use policy 5800 MYS01150.TXT PREPnet acceptable use policy 4504 MYS01151.TXT UNInet acceptable use policy 5341 MYS01152.TXT University of Toronto policy on software 7939 MYS01153.TXT Electric Mystic Guide to Internet 267221 AREA = Legal related text files FILES = 14 TOT SIZE = 365026 PATH = \LEGAL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MYS01154.TXT Copyright guide 17486 MYS01155.TXT Censored Books 14802 MYS01156.TXT CPSR and the FBI's ever increasing privacy transgr 45299 MYS01157.TXT Computer crime 98842 MYS01158.TXT The Price of Copyright Violation 74868 MYS01159.TXT The Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 86: A 10286 MYS01160.TXT A response to the House Subcommittee on Civil and 11517 MYS01161.TXT Computer Electronic Mail and Privacy 19636 MYS01162.TXT Loony Laws in L.A. 10619 MYS01163.TXT Info about the Social Security Number 4719 MYS01164.TXT What files are Legal for Distribution on a BBS? 21329 MYS01165.TXT Theft of Computer Software: A National Security Th 12513 MYS01166.TXT Computer Security and the Law by Gary S. Morris 14336 MYS01167.TXT Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986 H.R. 8774 AREA = Magic Related text files FILES = 36 TOT SIZE = 1007358 PATH = \MAGIC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MYS01168.TXT Letter from Germany 1 12051 MYS01169.TXT Letter from Germany #2 20747 MYS01170.TXT Random notes on the gematria of Liber AL vel Legis 35420 MYS01171.TXT Anathema of Zos 19620 MYS01172.TXT Archangel Visualizations by Paul Hume 2475 MYS01173.TXT An article on the Space Sponge Vision and the 50 G 22925 MYS01174.TXT The Babalon working 10880 MYS01175.TXT Gays in Traditional Craft 4435 MYS01176.TXT Baphomet Breeze Volume III, Number 3 63916 MYS01177.TXT Rules for Enochian Chess 26762 MYS01178.TXT Book of Maat 15366 MYS01179.TXT On Magical assault 5565 MYS01180.TXT Concordance of Forces from The Golden Dawn 26874 MYS01181.TXT Cthulu Ritual 5396 MYS01182.TXT Rituals and Spell Objectives and Design in Eight M 48211 MYS01183.TXT Coloring the Enochian Tablets 6624 MYS01184.TXT Applied Magick 8320 MYS01185.TXT That Old Black Magick 28942 MYS01186.TXT Candle Magic 8576 MYS01187.TXT The Book of WIsom & Folly 284107 MYS01188.TXT Liber NV Sub Figvr xii 10496 MYS01189.TXT The Necronomican 74618 MYS01190.TXT African Religion 21020 MYS01191.TXT History of the Golden Dawn 5632 MYS01192.TXT Basics of Magick 3072 MYS01193.TXT Heirarchy of Enochian Spirits 24718 MYS01194.TXT Intro to Magick 26868 MYS01195.TXT Article on Shields 5841 MYS01196.TXT Sleight of Mind 18738 MYS01197.TXT On the Necronomican 13357 MYS01198.TXT Defining Chaos 17602 MYS01199.TXT Esoteric Psychology 79041 MYS01200.TXT Chaos Magic Theory 8832 MYS01201.TXT Will and Word 7841 MYS01202.TXT The Pact 1 6299 MYS01203.TXT The Pact 2 26171 AREA = The Chaos magic system - texts FILES = 11 TOT SIZE = 155492 PATH = \MAGIC\CHAOS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MYS01204.TXT Graphs Of Several Chaos Types 17602 MYS01205.TXT Chaos theory 8832 MYS01206.TXT The Pact 6398 MYS01207.TXT The Pact 26783 MYS01208.TXT Principia Chaotica 6133 MYS01209.TXT Practical Applications of the Chaossphere 6745 MYS01210.TXT Supradimensionality 24007 MYS01211.TXT Chaos vs Thelma 15995 MYS01212.TXT Chaos vs Thelma 2 9981 MYS01213.TXT The Chaos Thunderbolt Liber KKK 28907 MYS01214.TXT The Mass of Choronzon 4109 AREA = Magic for beginners - texts FILES = 36 TOT SIZE = 446836 PATH = \MAGIC\PRIMER ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MYS01215.TXT MAGIG 1 8737 MYS01216.TXT Intro to Ceremonial Magic 1200 MYS01217.TXT Ceremonial Magic #2 6114 MYS01218.TXT Ceremonial Magic #3 9090 MYS01219.TXT Ceremonial Magic #4 5075 MYS01220.TXT Ceremonial Magic #5 12903 MYS01221.TXT Magick in Theory and Practice abstracts 20806 MYS01222.TXT Models of Magic 19693 MYS01223.TXT Ritual theory & technique 50023 MYS01224.TXT The Wishing Well 11993 MYS01225.TXT Where do we go from here 7957 MYS01226.TXT Intro to Magic 5465 MYS01227.TXT What is Magic 17179 MYS01228.TXT The Cabala 12079 MYS01229.TXT Guardian Angel vs God 5541 MYS01230.TXT True Will & destiny 11728 MYS01231.TXT Knowledge 15822 MYS01232.TXT Life 7465 MYS01233.TXT Magical orders 13376 MYS01234.TXT Why Thelema 34429 MYS01235.TXT Diet 10210 MYS01236.TXT Yoga 2961 MYS01237.TXT The Senses 10623 MYS01238.TXT Meditation 3544 MYS01239.TXT Magical Formulae 11656 MYS01240.TXT Ritual Timing 3414 MYS01241.TXT The Props 18193 MYS01242.TXT Practical Excercises 44125 MYS01243.TXT Conclusion 1405 MYS01244.TXT That all 2147 MYS01245.TXT Thoughtforms and spirits 9833 MYS01246.TXT Basic Ritual 11230 MYS01247.TXT Healing and banishing 7076 MYS01248.TXT Astral Projection 13138 MYS01249.TXT Cabala 13169 MYS01250.TXT Psychic energy 7437 AREA = Magical rituals (text files) FILES = 78 TOT SIZE = 1029693 PATH = \MAGIC\RITUAL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MYS01251.TXT The Mass of Choronzon 4015 MYS01252.TXT The Book of the Archer 20471 MYS01253.TXT Blackout and Sigils 4198 MYS01254.TXT Chaos Monasticism 3919 MYS01255.TXT Demonology 3747 MYS01256.TXT The rite of Jupiter 28969 MYS01257.TXT The Rite of Luna 21705 MYS01258.TXT The rit of Mars 19924 MYS01259.TXT The Rite of Mercury 14348 MYS01260.TXT The rite of Saturn 30044 MYS01261.TXT The Rite of Sol 19003 MYS01262.TXT The Rite of Venus officers 24183 MYS01263.TXT Ritual of the Five Flames by Frater Almost 2259 MYS01264.TXT An Example of the Hammer Rite Ritual 6240 MYS01265.TXT The Creepy-Crawl Chameleon Rite 4480 MYS01266.TXT The Jihad of Chaos 4224 MYS01267.TXT The Collected writings of Jack Parsons 62592 MYS01268.TXT Liber HHH 10940 MYS01269.TXT Liber III Vel Jugorum 4510 MYS01270.TXT A Game That Will Drive You Bug Eye 4627 MYS01271.TXT On the Lesser and Greater Pentagram rituals 5711 MYS01272.TXT The Lunar Rite 43264 MYS01273.TXT Liver Resh Vel Helios sub figure CC 2421 MYS01274.TXT Personal Enochian Rituals. 26716 MYS01275.TXT Sado-masochistic Ritual in a Thelemic Context 7680 MYS01276.TXT Servitor Creation - A Contemporary Approach 6501 MYS01277.TXT Notes on the Star Ruby 7766 MYS01278.TXT The Thorn Ritual 6779 MYS01279.TXT The Yew Working 3441 MYS01280.TXT A. Crowley rituals 42235 MYS01281.TXT Affirmations to Hadit 1846 MYS01282.TXT Horus Invocation 15813 MYS01283.TXT Affirmation to Horus 1560 MYS01284.TXT The Rite of Jupiter 30569 MYS01285.TXT The Rite of Luna 18938 MYS01286.TXT The Rite of Mars 23824 MYS01287.TXT The Rite of Mercury 17543 MYS01288.TXT Preparing the ritual area 12064 MYS01289.TXT The Sabian Symbols 21761 MYS01290.TXT The Rite of Saturn 20298 MYS01291.TXT Shadowclasping 10799 MYS01292.TXT The Rite of Venus 14236 MYS01293.TXT Initiation of the Gelfling 22295 MYS01294.TXT The Enochian Pentagram Banishing Ritual 26379 MYS01295.TXT Ritual Theory and Technique 46225 MYS01296.TXT Samhain 12791 MYS01297.TXT Beltane Ritual 12464 MYS01298.TXT Pagan Ritual 3208 MYS01299.TXT Firestar Beltaine 5538 MYS01300.TXT Beltane pagan ritual 30807 MYS01301.TXT Blessing of a Traveller 3644 MYS01302.TXT A Circle for Catharsis 8727 MYS01303.TXT Mystical Pentagram 4960 MYS01304.TXT Casting the Circle One 602 MYS01305.TXT Casting the Circle 5154 MYS01306.TXT Black Moon Ritual 4725 MYS01307.TXT Pre-Initiatory Dedication Rutual 11777 MYS01308.TXT Sacred Erisian High Mass 5729 MYS01309.TXT Handfasting Ritual 2749 MYS01310.TXT Wedding/Handfasting Ceremony 6919 MYS01311.TXT Harvest Home Ritual 7906 MYS01312.TXT A Spell for the Relief of Magickal Headaches 1574 MYS01313.TXT Home Blessing Magick 2601 MYS01314.TXT A ceremony to recognise completion of the 2nd degr 8186 MYS01315.TXT Ceremony of Initiantion 9918 MYS01316.TXT A Mabon Outline 4019 MYS01317.TXT Full Moon Ritual 6148 MYS01318.TXT Ritual for the Healing and Preservation of Rainfor 5215 MYS01319.TXT Samhain 3383 MYS01320.TXT Samhain 12791 MYS01321.TXT Samhain Ritual 43231 MYS01322.TXT A Simple Ritual 3584 MYS01323.TXT Solitarire Imbolc Ritual 3829 MYS01324.TXT Spring Equinox Ritual 4831 MYS01325.TXT Technology and the Craft 6361 MYS01326.TXT Consecration of Chalice 3560 MYS01327.TXT Consecration of Chalice 3076 MYS01328.TXT True Will Ritual 2399 MYS01329.TXT Ritual theory & technique 46225 AREA = Meditation related text files FILES = 6 TOT SIZE = 30004 PATH = \MEDITATI ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MYS01330.TXT The Principles of Discordian Magick 3053 MYS01331.TXT Meditation to absolve anger 6843 MYS01332.TXT Adlib Over The Rainbow 5596 MYS01333.TXT River of Life Meditation 5030 MYS01334.TXT Renewal of Spirit Meditation 8381 MYS01335.TXT Visualisation 1101 AREA = Misc occult related text files FILES = 78 TOT SIZE = 1554828 PATH = \MISCOCCU ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MYS01336.TXT Ancient Mystery religions 16213 MYS01337.TXT Esoteric Psychology 79041 MYS01338.TXT Letters to the Editors 7841 MYS01339.TXT The Focus of Life 62668 MYS01340.TXT Some Thelemic Hymns 28706 MYS01341.TXT Planetary Talismans 26273 MYS01342.TXT The Seven Rays 11392 MYS01343.TXT Religion in the Pagan Viking Age 9181 MYS01344.TXT The Book of Pleasure 93109 MYS01345.TXT Points of Light Newsletter - Volume 4, Number 1 9344 MYS01346.TXT Points of Light Newsletter - Volume 4, Number 2 15360 MYS01347.TXT Points of Light Newsletter - Volume 4, Number 3 9728 MYS01348.TXT Points of Light Newsletter - Volume 4, Number 4 7680 MYS01349.TXT Points of Light Newsletter - Volume 4, Number 5 7040 MYS01350.TXT Points of Light Newsletter - Volume 4, Number 6 7552 MYS01351.TXT Points of Light Newsletter - Volume 4, Number 9 9856 MYS01352.TXT Back issues of RPSTOVAL Oasis Newsletter 15616 MYS01353.TXT Back issues of RPSTOVAL Oasis Newsletter 35200 MYS01354.TXT Back issues of RPSTOVAL Oasis Newsletter 46464 MYS01355.TXT Back issues of RPSTOVAL Oasis Newsletter 40192 MYS01356.TXT Back issues of RPSTOVAL Oasis Newsletter 31616 MYS01357.TXT The Magical Record of the Scarlet Woman 63360 MYS01358.TXT Smuggling Sigils Across 4863 MYS01359.TXT On the CHeap 12733 MYS01360.TXT The Sumble and You 8047 MYS01361.TXT Thunder Perfect mind 29916 MYS01362.TXT Twilight Crossing Proposal by Tim Maroney 22116 MYS01363.TXT Whiskey Rebellion Camp News #1 11776 MYS01364.TXT Coptic art of Egypt 31251 MYS01365.TXT The Abraxas 1024 MYS01366.TXT Noses of God 2362 MYS01367.TXT Power Animals 1927 MYS01368.TXT A Ray Analysis Interview 26112 MYS01369.TXT Excerpt from "Baltic Religion" 13461 MYS01370.TXT Hints for Alone in the Dark 6664 MYS01371.TXT More Letters to the Editors 2278 MYS01372.TXT Even more letters to the editors 8077 MYS01373.TXT GLossary 5190 MYS01374.TXT Indifference 6671 MYS01375.TXT Knowledge 6676 MYS01376.TXT Laughter 4909 MYS01377.TXT Love Essays on Thelema by Gerald Del Campo 6071 MYS01378.TXT Man Essays on Thelema by Gerald Del Campo 11363 MYS01379.TXT Mastery Essays on Thelema by Gerald Del Campo 6301 MYS01380.TXT Meory Essays on Thelema by Gerald Del Campo 5319 MYS01381.TXT Silence Essays on Thelema by Gerald Del Campo 5183 MYS01382.TXT Sorrow Essays on Thelema by Gerald Del Campo 5207 MYS01383.TXT Trance Essays on Thelema by Gerald Del Campo 5965 MYS01384.TXT Truth Essays on Thelema by Gerald Del Campo 6464 MYS01385.TXT Understanding Essays on Thelema by Gerald Del Campo 3918 MYS01386.TXT Wonder Essays on Thelema by Gerald Del Campo 5588 MYS01387.TXT Liber Grimoiris 10474 MYS01388.TXT The Watchers and the Giants 19033 MYS01389.TXT Bi/Pan Sexuality and The New Aeon 22070 MYS01390.TXT The Kama Sutra 23257 MYS01391.TXT About Man Threefold 82897 MYS01392.TXT About itself 112144 MYS01393.TXT Sex & Sex Magic 21000 MYS01394.TXT Maitreya the Christ 83226 MYS01395.TXT Vedic Marriage 14306 MYS01396.TXT Channeling 20833 MYS01397.TXT "If I jumped everytime a light....". 13374 MYS01398.TXT The Cloud Sculptors 2433 MYS01399.TXT A Call to Lord and Lady 932 MYS01400.TXT A Collection of Invocations and Incantations 2326 MYS01401.TXT Ceremonial Mystistism reading list 4991 MYS01402.TXT Egregore 16196 MYS01403.TXT Bibliography of Masonic research 9152 MYS01404.TXT Info on Alchemy 23964 MYS01405.TXT The Secret Book 58418 MYS01406.TXT The Elements 5438 MYS01407.TXT An Illuminati outline of history 38400 MYS01408.TXT An Illuminati outline of history 2 24576 MYS01409.TXT An Illuminati outline of history 3 8192 MYS01410.TXT An Illuminati outline of history 4 13312 MYS01411.TXT An Illuminati outline of history 5 10949 MYS01412.TXT Roller Coaster ride to heaven 3408 MYS01413.TXT Discordian Magic 8663 AREA = New Age Notes - text files FILES = 14 TOT SIZE = 223658 PATH = \NAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MYS01414.TXT New Age Notes Thoughts for a new Age 1 15089 MYS01415.TXT New Age Notes Thoughts for a new Age 2 21740 MYS01416.TXT New Age Notes Thoughts for a new Age 3 20431 MYS01417.TXT New Age Notes Thoughts for a new Age 4 20991 MYS01418.TXT New Age Notes Thoughts for a new Age 5 19712 MYS01419.TXT New Age Notes Thoughts for a new Age 6 21398 MYS01420.TXT New Age Notes Thoughts for a new Age 7 21763 MYS01421.TXT New Age Notes Thoughts for a new Age 8 21291 MYS01422.TXT New Age Notes Thoughts for a new Age 9 21389 MYS01423.TXT New Age Notes Thoughts for a new Age 10 30461 MYS01424.TXT New Age Notes Thoughts for a new Age 11 472 MYS01425.TXT New Age Notes Thoughts for a new Age 12 4617 MYS01426.TXT New Age Notes Thoughts for a new Age 13 2169 MYS01427.TXT New Age Notes Thoughts for a new Age 14 2135 AREA = Wisdom of ancient Egypt - texts FILES = 14 TOT SIZE = 190357 PATH = \NUIT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MYS01428.TXT Nuit Affirmations 3543 MYS01429.TXT The Book Of the Law 39419 MYS01430.TXT L the sacred letter 19816 MYS01431.TXT Manifestation of Nuit 35729 MYS01432.TXT Preliminary Lection 9831 MYS01433.TXT Liber Israfel 5065 MYS01434.TXT Liber LXV 46046 MYS01435.TXT Liber 66 5913 MYS01436.TXT Liber 10 4334 MYS01437.TXT Liber 156 3962 MYS01438.TXT Liber 231 2851 MYS01439.TXT Liber 27 2749 MYS01440.TXT Liber 370 5959 MYS01441.TXT Liber 90 5140 AREA = News from the Orgone Committee FILES = 10 TOT SIZE = 61343 PATH = \ORGONE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MYS01442.TXT Extract from the skeptical Enquirer 17333 MYS01443.TXT Orgone committee Astral Meeting Spot 2075 MYS01444.TXT The Orgone Committee Charter 16795 MYS01445.TXT Charter of the Neo-Thelemoid Clique 2304 MYS01446.TXT Correspondences of the Three Circles 1512 MYS01447.TXT Blessed Be Fellow Orgonic Orgonians 1526 MYS01448.TXT The First Land Co-op Subcommittee Biannual Report 9078 MYS01449.TXT History of the Orgone Committee 3167 MYS01450.TXT Orgone Committee Language Subcommittee Report 2183 MYS01451.TXT Safe Sex Magick 5370 AREA = Ordo Templis Orientis - texts FILES = 124 TOT SIZE = 1835613 PATH = \OTO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MYS01452.TXT Ordination questions 1508 MYS01453.TXT Ceremonial Magic #6 9833 MYS01454.TXT Ceremonial Magic #7 11230 MYS01455.TXT Ceremonial Magic #8 7076 MYS01456.TXT Ceremonial Magic #9 13138 MYS01457.TXT Ceremonial Magic #10 13169 MYS01458.TXT Ceremonial Magic #11 7437 MYS01459.TXT Liber 10 4230 MYS01460.TXT Liber 156 3729 MYS01461.TXT Liber 231 2822 MYS01462.TXT Liber 27 2468 MYS01463.TXT Liber 370 5826 MYS01464.TXT Liber 90 5054 MYS01465.TXT The Master Therion 3850 MYS01466.TXT Baphomet XI 22709 MYS01467.TXT Baphomet XI Liber CVI 5186 MYS01468.TXT Baphomet XI Liber XV 33889 MYS01469.TXT Liber CL 42919 MYS01470.TXT Baphomet XI Liber CLXI 20335 MYS01471.TXT Baphomet XI Liber CXCIV 14228 MYS01472.TXT Liber II 3868 MYS01473.TXT Liber Al vel Legis 33374 MYS01474.TXT Liber 220 33374 MYS01475.TXT Liber Librae book 30 6228 MYS01476.TXT Liber CCC 16756 MYS01477.TXT Baphomet XI Liber LII 12593 MYS01478.TXT Baphomet XI Liber DCXXXIII 5758 MYS01479.TXT Master Therion bibliographic note 14137 MYS01480.TXT Liber LXXVII 1181 MYS01481.TXT Liber DCCCXXXVIII 9155 MYS01482.TXT Charitable contributions 7501 MYS01483.TXT Culture vs Cult 10594 MYS01484.TXT CHarles A Legge findings & fact 15159 MYS01485.TXT Mysteria Mystica Maxima 10511 MYS01486.TXT Horus, Isis an Osiris 6594 MYS01487.TXT Intro to the History of OTO 31125 MYS01488.TXT OTO v Motta 5909 MYS01489.TXT Baphomet XI memorandium 2789 MYS01490.TXT Hymenaeus Alpha In memoriam 2334 MYS01491.TXT Hymenaeus Alpha interview 16430 MYS01492.TXT System of the OTO 4140 MYS01493.TXT OTO bye laws 2059 MYS01494.TXT OTO prospectus 5900 MYS01495.TXT Rituals of the OTO 2272 MYS01496.TXT Synopsis of OTO degrees 2792 MYS01497.TXT To all members of OTO 3065 MYS01498.TXT Manifestation of Nuit 1 10997 MYS01499.TXT Manifestation of Nuit 2 11439 MYS01500.TXT Manifestation of Nuit 3 12001 MYS01501.TXT Manifestation of Nuit 4 731 MYS01502.TXT Manifestation of Nuit 5 11139 MYS01503.TXT Liber 400 645 MYS01504.TXT Sabon/Trump 1 32806 MYS01505.TXT Sabon/Trump 2 30624 MYS01506.TXT Sabon/Trump 3 31833 MYS01507.TXT Sabon/Trump 4 7424 MYS01508.TXT Priliminary Lection 5880 MYS01509.TXT The great work 4072 MYS01510.TXT Liber LXV 5053 MYS01511.TXT The great work 2 3374 MYS01512.TXT The great work 3 5696 MYS01513.TXT The great work 4 2250 MYS01514.TXT The great work 5 5390 MYS01515.TXT The great work 6 2178 MYS01516.TXT The great work 7 5709 MYS01517.TXT The great work 8 3976 MYS01518.TXT The great work 9 6028 MYS01519.TXT The great work 10 5841 MYS01520.TXT The great work 11 1469 MYS01521.TXT The great work 12 3810 MYS01522.TXT The great work 13 2451 MYS01523.TXT Building the Pyramid 20144 MYS01524.TXT Prologue of the Unborn 1045 MYS01525.TXT The great work 14 4077 MYS01526.TXT The great work 15 1415 MYS01527.TXT The great work 16 4136 MYS01528.TXT The great work 17 5236 MYS01529.TXT The great work 18 4409 MYS01530.TXT The great work 19 800 MYS01531.TXT The great work 20 5629 MYS01532.TXT The great work 21 519 MYS01533.TXT The great work 22 4203 MYS01534.TXT The great work 23 4033 MYS01535.TXT The great work 24 5094 MYS01536.TXT The great work 25 5284 MYS01537.TXT The great work 26 4978 MYS01538.TXT Liber Cheth vel Vallum Abiegni 4264 MYS01539.TXT Liber Arcanorum 3857 MYS01540.TXT Liber A'Ash vel Capricorni Pneumatica 6321 MYS01541.TXT Liber TAU vel Kabbalae 2199 MYS01542.TXT Liber vel Ararita 11367 MYS01543.TXT Liber Porta Lucis 4424 MYS01544.TXT Liber Trigrammaton 6654 MYS01545.TXT Liber vel Causae 10325 MYS01546.TXT Liber Cordis Cincti Serpente 46230 MYS01547.TXT Liber Stallae Rubeae 6604 MYS01548.TXT Liber Liberi vel Lapidis Lazuli 38478 MYS01549.TXT Liber Tzaddi vel Hamus Hermeticus 5496 MYS01550.TXT Manifestation of Nuit 34298 MYS01551.TXT How AC came to Berkeley 8137 MYS01552.TXT The Plan for the OTO (never was acomplished) 27868 MYS01553.TXT Bahlasti Papers 50607 MYS01554.TXT Ouroboros News - Volume 1, Number 1 10530 MYS01555.TXT Ouroboros News - Volume 1, Number 2 30464 MYS01556.TXT Ouroboros News - Volume 1, Number 3 68665 MYS01557.TXT About the police raid on the Berkeley OTO 16691 MYS01558.TXT Thelema Lodge Newsletter #1 30176 MYS01559.TXT Thelema Lodge Newsletter #2 27703 MYS01560.TXT Thelema Lodge Newsletter - Feb, 92 40320 MYS01561.TXT Energized Enthusiasm 44903 MYS01562.TXT OTO origins purposes & structure 14950 MYS01563.TXT Thelema Lodge Newsletter - #3 29828 MYS01564.TXT Thelema Lodge Newsletter - Mar, 92 41472 MYS01565.TXT Thelema Lodge Newsletter - #4 35322 MYS01566.TXT Thelema Lodge newsletter - Apr, 91 32614 MYS01567.TXT Thelema Lodge Newsletter - Apr, 92 39040 MYS01568.TXT Thelema Lodge Newsletter - #5 31673 MYS01569.TXT Thelema Lodge Newsletter - May, 92 38784 MYS01570.TXT Thelema Lodge Newsletter - #6 33154 MYS01571.TXT Thelema Lodge Newsletter - Jun, 92 44544 MYS01572.TXT Thelema Lodge Newsletter - #7 38751 MYS01573.TXT Thelema Lodge Newsletter - Jul, 92 47616 MYS01574.TXT Thelema Lodge Newsletter - Aug, 92 52224 MYS01575.TXT Thelema Lodge Newsletter - Apr, 92 39008 AREA = Philosophy related text files FILES = 35 TOT SIZE = 1840375 PATH = \PHILOS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MYS01576.TXT The Nascent Science of Ideas and Their Transmissio 46888 MYS01577.TXT Knowledge & Ownership 53935 MYS01578.TXT The Hollow Earth: A Maddening Theory That Can't be 6498 MYS01579.TXT Brain script & skills 833 MYS01580.TXT To Eliminate primitive beliefs 414674 MYS01581.TXT Discussion on energy & life forms 35027 MYS01582.TXT Another World ot the fourth dimension 79771 MYS01583.TXT As man Thinketh 40188 MYS01584.TXT Doctrine of the Mean 42051 MYS01585.TXT Radical Empiricism 231510 MYS01586.TXT The great Learning from Confucius 18458 MYS01587.TXT A List Of Natural Laws 71030 MYS01588.TXT Descartes - Rightly conducting the Reason 129539 MYS01589.TXT Doing the right thing 16268 MYS01590.TXT Tao Te Ching 52914 MYS01591.TXT As man thinketh 40081 MYS01592.TXT Human Evasion 171135 MYS01593.TXT Bibliography of Taoism 98646 MYS01594.TXT Traces of the Vedic Civilisation 14108 MYS01595.TXT Vedic vs Western 18279 MYS01596.TXT The Text of Cunfucius 18458 MYS01597.TXT Onanism by Mark Twain 5822 MYS01598.TXT Tao Te Ching 2 52914 MYS01599.TXT On Philosophy 54153 MYS01600.TXT Paradigm Shifts and Aeonics 11161 MYS01601.TXT Fantasy and Tantra 1 13153 MYS01602.TXT On Fire and Water 15454 MYS01603.TXT Fantasy and Tantra 2 10620 MYS01604.TXT Yogic Breathing control 18588 MYS01605.TXT Tantric elements 7588 MYS01606.TXT Tantric Meditation 10897 MYS01607.TXT Tantric Temples 9990 MYS01608.TXT Tantric Path 13998 MYS01609.TXT Tantric psyhic projection 6772 MYS01610.TXT Tantric Will 8974 AREA = Politics related text files FILES = 8 TOT SIZE = 430646 PATH = \POLITICS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MYS01611.TXT Computer professional for social responsibility 50050 MYS01612.TXT Oligarchic Acollectivism 2439 MYS01613.TXT Lies of Our Times 43325 MYS01614.TXT Aftermath 64785 MYS01615.TXT The Victors II 68704 MYS01616.TXT Chomsky Materials 99778 MYS01617.TXT The Communist Manifesto Karl Marx 76706 MYS01618.TXT On Waco seige 24859 AREA = Prediction systems - texts FILES = 2 TOT SIZE = 40211 PATH = \PREDICT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MYS01619.TXT Predictions Of Nostradamus, 15th Century Prophet 20097 MYS01620.TXT The Runes 20114 AREA = Changes of Chou IChing program FILES = 13 TOT SIZE = 365587 PATH = \PREDICT\CHOU ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHOU .DOC ICHING CHOU PROGRAM: Program documentation 1185 CHOU .EXE ICHING CHOU PROGRAM: Main program 36528 CHOU_223.EXE ICHING CHOU PROGRAM: 110059 GLOSS .DAT ICHING CHOU PROGRAM: 45227 INSTRUCT.DAT ICHING CHOU PROGRAM: 5688 JUDGES .DAT ICHING CHOU PROGRAM: 25280 MANUAL .COM ICHING CHOU PROGRAM: 44548 README .COM ICHING CHOU PROGRAM: 2048 REGFORM .TXT ICHING CHOU PROGRAM: 1651 SAMPLE . ICHING CHOU PROGRAM: 1535 SEEK1 .DAT ICHING CHOU PROGRAM: 42660 SEEK2 .DAT ICHING CHOU PROGRAM: 48348 VERSIONS. ICHING CHOU PROGRAM: 830 AREA = Numerology partner compatabilty -prog FILES = 44 TOT SIZE = 728147 PATH = \PREDICT\INTIMATE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2P1 .INX Program support file 810 2P1 .NTX Program support file 22095 2P2 .INX Program support file 650 2P2 .NTX Program support file 24154 2P4A .INX Program support file 600 2P4A .NTX Program support file 16236 2P6 .INX Program support file 440 2P6 .NTX Program support file 8376 2P7 .INX Program support file 570 2P7 .NTX Program support file 10987 3P2A .INX Program support file 890 3P2A .NTX Program support file 18428 3P3 .INX Program support file 490 3P3 .NTX Program support file 16952 6P1A .INX Program support file 770 6P1A .NTX Program support file 18347 BASRUN .EXE Run time module used by program 21376 CATALOG .BAT Program support file 2560 CATALOG .DOC Program support file 18126 CAT_4104.TXT INTIMACY PROGRAM : 935 CIDISK1 .EXE INTIMACY PROGRAM : 97815 CIDISK2 .EXE INTIMACY PROGRAM : 69721 FILE_ID .DIZ INTIMACY PROGRAM : 289 GO .BAT INTIMACY PROGRAM : 3579 INSTALL .BAT INTIMACY PROGRAM : 7552 INT .EXE Program support file 42198 INT .RPT Program support file 19817 INTINSTS.NTX Program support file 20590 INTPRT .OVR Program support file 58587 INTSMAN .BAT Program support file 768 INTSMAN .DOC Program support file 60849 LDT .LRX Program support file 19266 NUM .CHT Program support file 14731 NUMRW .RPT Program support file 34050 PACKING .LST INTIMACY PROGRAM : 3983 PN .RPT Program support file 23309 PUNCT .LRT Program support file 256 README . INTIMACY PROGRAM : A proram to apply numerology to 10272 README .BAT INTIMACY PROGRAM : 1024 RELRW .RPT Program support file 37746 SDT .LRX Program support file 535 T .COM INTIMACY PROGRAM : 8191 VENDOR .DOC INTIMACY PROGRAM : to romantic relationships. 9226 VERSION .103 INTIMATE PROGRAM INFO 1 AREA = ICHING fortune telling program FILES = 28 TOT SIZE = 313301 PATH = \PREDICT\I_CHING ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOOK .NOT I_CHING PROGRAM : Book of Changes Fortune telling 1248 CAT_1539.TXT I_CHING PROGRAM : A program to implement the I Ching 2238 CHANGES .TXT I_CHING PROGRAM : 100224 EIGHT .INS I_CHING PROGRAM : 481 ELEVEN .INS I_CHING PROGRAM : 373 EXTEND .DOC I_CHING PROGRAM :Program documentation file 9902 EXTEND .EXE I_CHING PROGRAM : 59965 FIFTH .INS I_CHING PROGRAM : 394 FIRST .INS I_CHING PROGRAM : 1269 FOURTH .INS I_CHING PROGRAM : 563 FOURTNTH.INS I_CHING PROGRAM : 495 GO .BAT I_CHING PROGRAM : 3200 I-CHING .COM I_CHING PROGRAM :Main program 50816 NINTH .INS I_CHING PROGRAM : 381 PRMPT1 . I_CHING PROGRAM : 5554 PRMPT2 . I_CHING PROGRAM : 3295 PRMPT3 . I_CHING PROGRAM : 622 READ .ME I_CHING PROGRAM : Program documentation 899 REGISTER.NOT I_CHING PROGRAM : 3213 SECOND .INS I_CHING PROGRAM : 437 SEVENTH .INS I_CHING PROGRAM : 397 SIXTH .INS I_CHING PROGRAM : 545 T .COM I_CHING PROGRAM : 8191 TENTH .INS I_CHING PROGRAM : 571 THIRD .INS I_CHING PROGRAM : 393 THIRTEEN.INS I_CHING PROGRAM : 650 TWELVE .INS I_CHING PROGRAM : 1177 Y-CHING .COM I_CHING PROGRAM : Main program file 55808 AREA = Chinese Astrology program FILES = 42 TOT SIZE = 182176 PATH = \PREDICT\MING ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COCK .SGN MINGSHU PROGRAM : A program which implements the 1037 DOG .SGN MINGSHU PROGRAM : Chinese astrology system 736 DRAGON .SGN MINGSHU PROGRAM : 761 ELEMENT .TXT MINGSHU PROGRAM : 951 FCOCK .CHT MINGSHU PROGRAM : 849 FDOG .CHT MINGSHU PROGRAM : 848 FDRAGON .CHT MINGSHU PROGRAM : 851 FHARE .CHT MINGSHU PROGRAM : 849 FHORSE .CHT MINGSHU PROGRAM : 850 FMONKEY .CHT MINGSHU PROGRAM : 851 FOX .CHT MINGSHU PROGRAM : 860 FPIG .CHT MINGSHU PROGRAM : 848 FRAT .CHT MINGSHU PROGRAM : 859 FSHEEP .CHT MINGSHU PROGRAM : 850 FSNAKE .CHT MINGSHU PROGRAM : 850 FTIGER .CHT MINGSHU PROGRAM : 861 HARE .SGN MINGSHU PROGRAM : 1165 HORSE .SGN MINGSHU PROGRAM : 839 KEY .CHT MINGSHU PROGRAM : 796 MCOCK .CHT MINGSHU PROGRAM : 847 MDOG .CHT MINGSHU PROGRAM : 846 MDRAGON .CHT MINGSHU PROGRAM : 849 MHARE .CHT MINGSHU PROGRAM : 847 MHORSE .CHT MINGSHU PROGRAM : 848 MINGSHU .EXE MINGSHU PROGRAM : Main Program 81567 MINGSHU .ZIP MINGSHU PROGRAM : 64823 MMONKEY .CHT MINGSHU PROGRAM : 849 MONKEY .SGN MINGSHU PROGRAM : 989 MOX .CHT MINGSHU PROGRAM : 853 MPIG .CHT MINGSHU PROGRAM : 846 MRAT .CHT MINGSHU PROGRAM : 859 MSHEEP .CHT MINGSHU PROGRAM : 848 MSNAKE .CHT MINGSHU PROGRAM : 848 MTIGER .CHT MINGSHU PROGRAM : 872 OX .SGN MINGSHU PROGRAM : 794 PIG .SGN MINGSHU PROGRAM : 899 PILLARS .TXT MINGSHU PROGRAM : 595 RAT .SGN MINGSHU PROGRAM : 847 READ .ME MINGSHU PROGRAM :Program documentation file 2513 SHEEP .SGN MINGSHU PROGRAM : 725 SNAKE .SGN MINGSHU PROGRAM : 935 TIGER .SGN MINGSHU PROGRAM : 766 AREA = Numerology program FILES = 63 TOT SIZE = 972661 PATH = \PREDICT\NUMERO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CAN4FEAT.DAT NUMERO UNO PROGRAM : 198 CAN8FEAT.DAT NUMERO UNO PROGRAM : 198 CANFONT .DAT NUMERO UNO PROGRAM : 612 CAT_4055.TXT NUMERO UNO PROGRAM : PDSL DISK CATALOGUE FILE 1014 CIEBFEAT.DAT NUMERO UNO PROGRAM : 195 CIECFEAT.DAT NUMERO UNO PROGRAM : 240 CIECGRMG.DAT NUMERO UNO PROGRAM : 240 CIECRDCN.DAT NUMERO UNO PROGRAM : 240 CIIBFEAT.DAT NUMERO UNO PROGRAM : 205 CIICFEAT.DAT NUMERO UNO PROGRAM : 250 CIICGRMG.DAT NUMERO UNO PROGRAM : 250 CIICRDCN.DAT NUMERO UNO PROGRAM : 250 COMAGRE .DOC NUMERO UNO PROGRAM : 2794 EPFEFEAT.DAT NUMERO UNO PROGRAM : 156 EPLQFEAT.DAT NUMERO UNO PROGRAM : 200 FILELST .DOC NUMERO UNO PROGRAM : Documentation file 1705 FILE_ID .DIZ NUMERO UNO PROGRAM : 200 GENEFEAT.DAT NUMERO UNO PROGRAM : 70 GO .BAT NUMERO UNO PROGRAM : 3579 HPDJFEAT.DAT NUMERO UNO PROGRAM : 145 HPDJFONT.DAT NUMERO UNO PROGRAM : 1183 HPFONT .DAT NUMERO UNO PROGRAM : 1180 HPLSFEAT.DAT NUMERO UNO PROGRAM : 145 HPP2FONT.DAT NUMERO UNO PROGRAM : 5917 HPPJFEAT.DAT NUMERO UNO PROGRAM : 188 HPPJFONT.DAT NUMERO UNO PROGRAM : 406 HPPJGRMG.DAT NUMERO UNO PROGRAM : 188 HPPJRDCN.DAT NUMERO UNO PROGRAM : 188 HPPPFEAT.DAT NUMERO UNO PROGRAM : 171 HPPPFONT.DAT NUMERO UNO PROGRAM : 4789 IB2XFEAT.DAT NUMERO UNO PROGRAM : 194 IBPRFEAT.DAT NUMERO UNO PROGRAM : 158 INSTALL .DAT NUMERO UNO PROGRAM : A program for numerological Analysis 198 INSTALL .DOC NUMERO UNO PROGRAM : 1146 INSTALL .EXE NUMERO UNO PROGRAM : 36462 N1CALPRN.1BX NUMERO UNO PROGRAM : 2444 N1CALPRN.2BX NUMERO UNO PROGRAM : 2444 N1CALPRN.ALT NUMERO UNO PROGRAM : 2685 N1CALPRN.GRY NUMERO UNO PROGRAM : 2445 N1CALPRN.PND NUMERO UNO PROGRAM : 2445 N1CALPRN.STR NUMERO UNO PROGRAM : 2445 N1FNMAP .0N NUMERO UNO PROGRAM : 512 N1FNMAP .13J NUMERO UNO PROGRAM : 512 N1FNMAP .8U NUMERO UNO PROGRAM : 512 N1FNMAP .9U NUMERO UNO PROGRAM : 512 N1TEXT .NDX NUMERO UNO PROGRAM : 1684 N1TEXT .TXT NUMERO UNO PROGRAM : 34527 NUM104-1.EXE NUMERO UNO PROGRAM : 184419 NUM104-2.EXE NUMERO UNO PROGRAM : 37683 NUM104-3.EXE NUMERO UNO PROGRAM : 46487 NUMERO .DOC NUMERO UNO PROGRAM : User manual 123817 NUMERO .EXE NUMERO UNO PROGRAM : Main program 389954 NUMERO .HLP NUMERO UNO PROGRAM : 48715 NUMERO .ICO NUMERO UNO PROGRAM : 1278 NUMERO .PIF NUMERO UNO PROGRAM : 545 README .DOC NUMERO UNO PROGRAM : 8531 REGISTER.DOC NUMERO UNO PROGRAM : 3564 STNCFEAT.DAT NUMERO UNO PROGRAM : 227 STNCGRMG.DAT NUMERO UNO PROGRAM : 227 STNCRDCN.DAT NUMERO UNO PROGRAM : 227 STNIFEAT.DAT NUMERO UNO PROGRAM : 189 STNSFEAT.DAT NUMERO UNO PROGRAM : 186 T .COM NUMERO UNO PROGRAM : 8191 AREA = Read your palm program FILES = 6 TOT SIZE = 257170 PATH = \PREDICT\PALM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CAT_2410.TXT PDSL DISK CATALOGUE FILE 551 GO .BAT PALM READER PROGRAM : 3712 PALMCGA .EXE PALM READER PROGRAM : Main program CGA version 108994 PALMEGAB.EXE PALM READER PROGRAM : Main program ega version 133730 READ .ME PALM READER PROGRAM : Program documentation 1992 T .COM PALM READER PROGRAM : 8191 AREA = The Iching program FILES = 6 TOT SIZE = 72984 PATH = \PREDICT\ICHING ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ICHING .EXE ICHING THE CHINESE ORACLE OF CHANGE PROGRAM:Main Prog 63848 ICHING .TMP ICHING THE CHINESE ORACLE OF CHANGE PROGRAM: 1376 ICINST .BAT ICHING THE CHINESE ORACLE OF CHANGE PROGRAM: 649 ICREMOVE.BAT ICHING THE CHINESE ORACLE OF CHANGE PROGRAM: 283 README .DOC ICHING THE CHINESE ORACLE OF CHANGE PROGRAM:Documentation 5234 SAMPLE . ICHING THE CHINESE ORACLE OF CHANGE PROGRAM: 1594 AREA = The Iching program associated files FILES = 6 TOT SIZE = 16021 PATH = \PREDICT\ICHING\TEXT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BACKGRND.TXT ICHING PROGRAM support files 1655 HELP .TXT ICHING PROGRAM support files 929 HISTORY .TXT ICHING PROGRAM support files 2898 INTERPRT.TXT ICHING PROGRAM support files 3122 PHILOSPY.TXT ICHING PROGRAM support files 4873 SYMBOLS .TXT ICHING PROGRAM support files 2544 AREA = The Iching program associated files FILES = 64 TOT SIZE = 22924 PATH = \PREDICT\ICHING\TEXTH ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TH10T . ICHING PROGRAM support files 356 TH11T . ICHING PROGRAM support files 353 TH12T . ICHING PROGRAM support files 413 TH13T . ICHING PROGRAM support files 391 TH14T . ICHING PROGRAM support files 199 TH15T . ICHING PROGRAM support files 320 TH16T . ICHING PROGRAM support files 375 TH17T . ICHING PROGRAM support files 316 TH18T . ICHING PROGRAM support files 312 TH19T . ICHING PROGRAM support files 319 TH1T . ICHING PROGRAM support files 377 TH20T . ICHING PROGRAM support files 444 TH21T . ICHING PROGRAM support files 270 TH22T . ICHING PROGRAM support files 476 TH23T . ICHING PROGRAM support files 426 TH24T . ICHING PROGRAM support files 417 TH25T . ICHING PROGRAM support files 320 TH26T . ICHING PROGRAM support files 333 TH27T . ICHING PROGRAM support files 357 TH28T . ICHING PROGRAM support files 365 TH29T . ICHING PROGRAM support files 484 TH2T . ICHING PROGRAM support files 380 TH30T . ICHING PROGRAM support files 425 TH31T . ICHING PROGRAM support files 368 TH32T . ICHING PROGRAM support files 363 TH33T . ICHING PROGRAM support files 369 TH34T . ICHING PROGRAM support files 359 TH35T . ICHING PROGRAM support files 347 TH36T . ICHING PROGRAM support files 452 TH37T . ICHING PROGRAM support files 351 TH38T . ICHING PROGRAM support files 471 TH39T . ICHING PROGRAM support files 362 TH3T . ICHING PROGRAM support files 354 TH40T . ICHING PROGRAM support files 499 TH41T . ICHING PROGRAM support files 408 TH42T . ICHING PROGRAM support files 406 TH43T . ICHING PROGRAM support files 455 TH44T . ICHING PROGRAM support files 327 TH45T . ICHING PROGRAM support files 378 TH46T . ICHING PROGRAM support files 259 TH47T . ICHING PROGRAM support files 406 TH48T . ICHING PROGRAM support files 395 TH49T . ICHING PROGRAM support files 436 TH4T . ICHING PROGRAM support files 346 TH50T . ICHING PROGRAM support files 345 TH51T . ICHING PROGRAM support files 340 TH52T . ICHING PROGRAM support files 322 TH53T . ICHING PROGRAM support files 315 TH54T . ICHING PROGRAM support files 202 TH55T . ICHING PROGRAM support files 227 TH56T . ICHING PROGRAM support files 285 TH57T . ICHING PROGRAM support files 263 TH58T . ICHING PROGRAM support files 343 TH59T . ICHING PROGRAM support files 280 TH5T . ICHING PROGRAM support files 367 TH60T . ICHING PROGRAM support files 464 TH61T . ICHING PROGRAM support files 334 TH62T . ICHING PROGRAM support files 397 TH63T . ICHING PROGRAM support files 288 TH64T . ICHING PROGRAM support files 337 TH6T . ICHING PROGRAM support files 340 TH7T . ICHING PROGRAM support files 364 TH8T . ICHING PROGRAM support files 321 TH9T . ICHING PROGRAM support files 251 AREA = The Iching program associated files FILES = 64 TOT SIZE = 68726 PATH = \PREDICT\ICHING\TEXTL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TH1 . ICHING PROGRAM support files 761 TH10 . ICHING PROGRAM support files 1006 TH11 . ICHING PROGRAM support files 1315 TH12 . ICHING PROGRAM support files 966 TH13 . ICHING PROGRAM support files 889 TH14 . ICHING PROGRAM support files 964 TH15 . ICHING PROGRAM support files 893 TH16 . ICHING PROGRAM support files 948 TH17 . ICHING PROGRAM support files 929 TH18 . ICHING PROGRAM support files 919 TH19 . ICHING PROGRAM support files 676 TH2 . ICHING PROGRAM support files 837 TH20 . ICHING PROGRAM support files 879 TH21 . ICHING PROGRAM support files 928 TH22 . ICHING PROGRAM support files 917 TH23 . ICHING PROGRAM support files 1028 TH24 . ICHING PROGRAM support files 865 TH25 . ICHING PROGRAM support files 992 TH26 . ICHING PROGRAM support files 1059 TH27 . ICHING PROGRAM support files 1145 TH28 . ICHING PROGRAM support files 1106 TH29 . ICHING PROGRAM support files 1197 TH3 . ICHING PROGRAM support files 1177 TH30 . ICHING PROGRAM support files 1022 TH31 . ICHING PROGRAM support files 1024 TH32 . ICHING PROGRAM support files 929 TH33 . ICHING PROGRAM support files 948 TH34 . ICHING PROGRAM support files 1183 TH35 . ICHING PROGRAM support files 1168 TH36 . ICHING PROGRAM support files 978 TH37 . ICHING PROGRAM support files 1013 TH38 . ICHING PROGRAM support files 1407 TH39 . ICHING PROGRAM support files 923 TH4 . ICHING PROGRAM support files 728 TH40 . ICHING PROGRAM support files 1009 TH41 . ICHING PROGRAM support files 1298 TH42 . ICHING PROGRAM support files 1478 TH43 . ICHING PROGRAM support files 1339 TH44 . ICHING PROGRAM support files 1155 TH45 . ICHING PROGRAM support files 1194 TH46 . ICHING PROGRAM support files 909 TH47 . ICHING PROGRAM support files 1234 TH48 . ICHING PROGRAM support files 986 TH49 . ICHING PROGRAM support files 1245 TH5 . ICHING PROGRAM support files 1036 TH50 . ICHING PROGRAM support files 1478 TH51 . ICHING PROGRAM support files 1485 TH52 . ICHING PROGRAM support files 927 TH53 . ICHING PROGRAM support files 1398 TH54 . ICHING PROGRAM support files 1270 TH55 . ICHING PROGRAM support files 1537 TH56 . ICHING PROGRAM support files 1072 TH57 . ICHING PROGRAM support files 1305 TH58 . ICHING PROGRAM support files 848 TH59 . ICHING PROGRAM support files 1146 TH6 . ICHING PROGRAM support files 1047 TH60 . ICHING PROGRAM support files 1025 TH61 . ICHING PROGRAM support files 1059 TH62 . ICHING PROGRAM support files 1210 TH63 . ICHING PROGRAM support files 1066 TH64 . ICHING PROGRAM support files 1351 TH7 . ICHING PROGRAM support files 958 TH8 . ICHING PROGRAM support files 978 TH9 . ICHING PROGRAM support files 964 AREA = Zipped versions of the programs FILES = 85 TOT SIZE = 19526739 PATH = \PROGSZIP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0987 .ZIP ASTROL astrology program + INTELLIGENT PALM READING 229997 1117 .ZIP SECURITY PC-Lock, password protect,CRYPTANALYSE decoder etc 184127 1150 .ZIP SELF-HYPNOSIS, ESP testing, biorhythms & astrologcal calc 151848 1151 .ZIP ASTROLOGY, horoscope chart generator and Bible quotes (m) 127118 1165 .ZIP PRIVATE LINE data encryption/decryption (DES standard) 74771 1290 .ZIP PROCON FORTUNE astrology/personality analysis 69572 1426 .ZIP TAROT OF FROWNSTRONG with EGA display 128130 1539 .ZIP I-CHING and EXTEND your personal influence (m) 163199 1543 .ZIP MINDBENDER COLLECTION Speed reading,personality/sense tests 144253 1933 .ZIP PC-IRIS file encryption system using DES standard 148268 1939 .ZIP BY THE NUMBERS numerology analysis program 309250 1940 .ZIP CRYSTAL BALL predictions/answers program 179627 1943 .ZIP RICHARD WEBSTER'S Aura Reading and Quick Numerology 316056 1944 .ZIP FORTUNE TELLER potpourri of divination techniques 324771 1946 .ZIP MAYAN CALENDAR with astrological interpretation 170887 2320 .ZIP HANDWRITING ANALYST graphology program 168232 2402 .ZIP PERSONAL TAROT menu-driven Tarot reader/interpreter 187854 2410 .ZIP PALM READER CGA and EGA palmistry programs 129202 2418 .ZIP GEOMANCY divination system 207358 2506 .ZIP ASTRAL WINDOWS Horoscope calculator. 133859 3045 .ZIP CHOU I: THE CHANGES OF CHOU + MINGSHU, NEW AGE NOTES etc 292407 3467 .ZIP BIORHYTHMS UNLIMITED collection of biorhythm programs 279085 3494 .ZIP HORARY HELPER and ASTRO HEALTH astrology programs 280128 3682 .ZIP ASTROMART astrology program for DOS & Windows 351419 3707 .ZIP WYNTER STONE'S I CHING fortune telling program 325344 3977 .ZIP ASTRO-22 PROFESSIONAL ASTROLOGY calculator for astrologers 328923 3985 .ZIP AALSTRUP BIORHYTHM 210066 4014 .ZIP BIBLIOTECH bibliographic database for Windows + BIBLIOFILE 188348 4027 .ZIP HOW THE MIND WORKS AND HOW TO MAKE IT BETTER hyperbook 74414 4055 .ZIP NUMERO UNO extensive numerology reporting program 303338 4056 .ZIP PC HERBAL DATABASE of culinary & medicinal herbs 310222 4064 .ZIP MAGIC OF THE MIND human behaviour analysis (Windows Write) 245388 4066 .ZIP POPOUT random dot stereogram generator for Windows 239050 4079 .ZIP EXTRA-SENSORY COLLECTION of ESP-related programs 295666 4105 .ZIP PERSONALITY TESTERS Myers-Briggs, Keirsey etc 327600 ARCHIE .ZIP HAZMAT emergency plans 183318 AUTOBID .ZIP Police Patrol Vehicle Evaluation program 100092 BADSTUFF.ZIP HAZMAT Info - req. dBase III 110212 BADSTUFX.ZIP more HAZMAT info - req. dBase III 140236 BAHAI .ZIP A series of texts about the Baha'i Faith. 326432 BAUMAN .ZIP Zipped Prog: The Bauman free energy machine 240123 CARDIAC .ZIP Cardiact Arrest Demo - test your CA awareness 65740 CCPMODEL.ZIP Community Corrections Planning Simulation 42416 CELNAV .ZIP Celestial Navigation Info 189824 CIA94 .ZIP CIA 1994 world fact book - hypertext version 1323889 CRIMANAL.ZIP POST's Crime Analysis program 72061 CRIMCASE.ZIP Law officer's record book 79097 CRYPTO .ZIP File encryptor/decryptor 22688 DISPATCH.ZIP Fire department dispatch program 31657 DRUGTRAK.ZIP Law enforcment database 261975 EVIDEN13.ZIP Evidence Inventory database 49282 FINE .ZIP Cout Fines Admin system 31743 FIREARM .ZIP Firearm score database 20673 FIRECOMM.ZIP Fire department programs in BASIC 22060 FLEETMAN.ZIP Vehicle Fleet Management program 129950 FREQ0391.ZIP Misc freq. lists 74679 GANGFILE.ZIP Org tool for personal contacts 169755 GERING .ZIP Records program from the Gering Police Department 331031 H033 .ZIP RAMSEY'S I CHING for DOS and Windows 315090 H093 .ZIP NEW TRUTHS ABOUT EMOTIONS electronic book on reactive mind 1003570 H106 .ZIP HERBOLOGY & NATURAL MEDICINES HYPERHELP 842949 H291 .ZIP PRETTY GOOD PRIVACY security system with source code 570094 H438A .ZIP ASTRO WORLD FOR WINDOWS astrological program 540862 H438B .ZIP ASTRO WORLD FOR WINDOWS astrological program 1161120 H472 .ZIP 3D MINDBENDERS Random Dot Stereogram programs 587702 H474 .ZIP ASTRO astrological analysis program 631477 HYLOG2 .ZIP Hyper Log - freq. logging program 286810 JEDA_1 .ZIP Judicial Expert Decisional Aide 297720 LAWCOMM .ZIP Criminal investigation database 140599 LEYWIN .ZIP A Windows program about Leylines 31756 MEMBERS .ZIP Personal info database for Firefighters 20648 PCAM_3B .ZIP Patrol car allotment model 82296 PCEXPERT.ZIP Residential Burglary Expert System 124041 PRP1_1 .ZIP Police report printer 44319 PRS1 .ZIP Police records system v1.1 129060 RADIOL .ZIP Radio Freq. log 113078 RADMSTR1.ZIP Radio Maintence database 203333 SCANNE .ZIP Radio freq. database 180838 SDB .ZIP North Carolina freq. lists 40157 TABULA .ZIP Enochian Program for IBM, looks good 39206 TAROT .COM Reads Your Fortune! 31744 TART1 .ZIP Traffic Accident Reconstruction tools 72357 TEACAD .ZIP Computer aided dispatch system 59680 UUDO12 .ZIP UUDECODE program for messages with included bin sections 20177 UUREADME.ZIP Info on UU encoding 2724 WORK .ZIP Police Work load Admin 334622 AREA = Psych related text files FILES = 24 TOT SIZE = 671550 PATH = \PSYCHOL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MYS01622.TXT De-Classified CIA Document On Brainwashing. 48128 MYS01623.TXT The Effects of radio waves 22166 MYS01624.TXT The Battle for your mind 59821 MYS01625.TXT Mind Control 8990 MYS01626.TXT Brainwashing info 60072 MYS01627.TXT Magnetic Hypnosis ? 5288 MYS01628.TXT Flashing lights etc 3278 MYS01629.TXT Cranial magnetic stimulation 3263 MYS01630.TXT The Battle for Your Mind 50850 MYS01631.TXT Lucid Dreaming: Awake in Your Sleep? 25499 MYS01632.TXT UFOs and Mind Control 25781 MYS01633.TXT Brain transmitter experiments 10409 MYS01634.TXT Freud on the paranormal 35924 MYS01635.TXT More on Freud 8268 MYS01636.TXT More on Freud 8268 MYS01637.TXT Cultivating Affection In Your Marriage-Text-. 37545 MYS01638.TXT Information on joining mensa. 18545 MYS01639.TXT Driving ability the test of IQ ? 3647 MYS01640.TXT On Spoon Bending 8704 MYS01641.TXT Satanic & ritualistic Crime 43008 MYS01642.TXT Giving the devil more than his due 54313 MYS01643.TXT Hypnosis session 5685 MYS01644.TXT Lucid Dreaming: Awake in Your Sleep? 27956 MYS01645.TXT Out of the body experiences FAQ 96142 AREA = About your emotions program FILES = 36 TOT SIZE = 3322463 PATH = \PSYCHOL\EMOTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !README .NOW AMAZING TRUTHS ABOUT YOUR EMOTIONS PROGRAM: Documentation 1329 APPNDX-A.COM AMAZING TRUTHS ABOUT YOUR EMOTIONS PROGRAM: 14077 APPNDX-B.COM AMAZING TRUTHS ABOUT YOUR EMOTIONS PROGRAM: 37884 APPNDX-C.EXE AMAZING TRUTHS ABOUT YOUR EMOTIONS PROGRAM: 136473 APPNDX-D.EXE AMAZING TRUTHS ABOUT YOUR EMOTIONS PROGRAM: 78511 APPNDX-E.COM AMAZING TRUTHS ABOUT YOUR EMOTIONS PROGRAM: 21541 APPNDX-F.EXE AMAZING TRUTHS ABOUT YOUR EMOTIONS PROGRAM: 162176 BOOKMENU.COM AMAZING TRUTHS ABOUT YOUR EMOTIONS PROGRAM: 21160 CHPTR-1 .EXE AMAZING TRUTHS ABOUT YOUR EMOTIONS PROGRAM: 126019 CHPTR-10.EXE AMAZING TRUTHS ABOUT YOUR EMOTIONS PROGRAM: 91381 CHPTR-11.EXE AMAZING TRUTHS ABOUT YOUR EMOTIONS PROGRAM: 79583 CHPTR-2 .EXE AMAZING TRUTHS ABOUT YOUR EMOTIONS PROGRAM: 247403 CHPTR-3 .EXE AMAZING TRUTHS ABOUT YOUR EMOTIONS PROGRAM: 97132 CHPTR-4 .EXE AMAZING TRUTHS ABOUT YOUR EMOTIONS PROGRAM: 118250 CHPTR-5 .EXE AMAZING TRUTHS ABOUT YOUR EMOTIONS PROGRAM: 124713 CHPTR-6A.EXE AMAZING TRUTHS ABOUT YOUR EMOTIONS PROGRAM: 193910 CHPTR-6B.EXE AMAZING TRUTHS ABOUT YOUR EMOTIONS PROGRAM: 181644 CHPTR-6C.COM AMAZING TRUTHS ABOUT YOUR EMOTIONS PROGRAM: 25565 CHPTR-7 .COM AMAZING TRUTHS ABOUT YOUR EMOTIONS PROGRAM: 57544 CHPTR-8 .COM AMAZING TRUTHS ABOUT YOUR EMOTIONS PROGRAM: 58016 CHPTR-9 .EXE AMAZING TRUTHS ABOUT YOUR EMOTIONS PROGRAM: 166898 CONTENTS.COM AMAZING TRUTHS ABOUT YOUR EMOTIONS PROGRAM: 28169 CY2FLOPY.BAT AMAZING TRUTHS ABOUT YOUR EMOTIONS PROGRAM: 3531 DRIVE .COM AMAZING TRUTHS ABOUT YOUR EMOTIONS PROGRAM: 36325 HD2FLOPY.COM AMAZING TRUTHS ABOUT YOUR EMOTIONS PROGRAM: 28263 INSTALL .COM AMAZING TRUTHS ABOUT YOUR EMOTIONS PROGRAM: 19809 INTRO-1 .COM AMAZING TRUTHS ABOUT YOUR EMOTIONS PROGRAM: 63965 PREFACE .EXE AMAZING TRUTHS ABOUT YOUR EMOTIONS PROGRAM: 125027 README .BAT AMAZING TRUTHS ABOUT YOUR EMOTIONS PROGRAM: 611 SUPPLBAT.COM AMAZING TRUTHS ABOUT YOUR EMOTIONS PROGRAM: 11270 X! .COM AMAZING TRUTHS ABOUT YOUR EMOTIONS PROGRAM: 4573 ZIP-INFO.COM AMAZING TRUTHS ABOUT YOUR EMOTIONS PROGRAM: 10542 ZIPSOFT1.EXE AMAZING TRUTHS ABOUT YOUR EMOTIONS PROGRAM: 99676 ZIPSOFT2.EXE AMAZING TRUTHS ABOUT YOUR EMOTIONS PROGRAM: 327602 ZIPSOFT3.EXE AMAZING TRUTHS ABOUT YOUR EMOTIONS PROGRAM: 294445 ZIPSOFT4.EXE AMAZING TRUTHS ABOUT YOUR EMOTIONS PROGRAM: 227446 AREA = Test your ESP program FILES = 3 TOT SIZE = 39168 PATH = \PSYCHOL\ESP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ESP .DOC PROGRAM TO TEST YOUR ESP 9216 ESP .EXE PROGRAM TO TEST YOUR ESP 29824 SELLERS . PROGRAM TO TEST YOUR ESP 128 AREA = Handwriting analysis program FILES = 26 TOT SIZE = 251211 PATH = \PSYCHOL\HANDWRIT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BRUN20 .EXE PROGRAM TO ANALYSE HAND WRITING 68396 CAT_2320.TXT PROGRAM TO ANALYSE HAND WRITING Disk catalogue file 1973 DETAIL1 . PROGRAM TO ANALYSE HAND WRITING 2614 DETAIL2 . PROGRAM TO ANALYSE HAND WRITING 2481 DETAIL3 . PROGRAM TO ANALYSE HAND WRITING 3721 DETAIL4 . PROGRAM TO ANALYSE HAND WRITING 2326 DETAIL5 . PROGRAM TO ANALYSE HAND WRITING 2441 ENTER .EXE PROGRAM TO ANALYSE HAND WRITING 58464 GO .BAT PROGRAM TO ANALYSE HAND WRITING 3712 HELP1 . PROGRAM TO ANALYSE HAND WRITING 3700 HELP2 . PROGRAM TO ANALYSE HAND WRITING 1908 HELP3 . PROGRAM TO ANALYSE HAND WRITING 1713 HELP4 . PROGRAM TO ANALYSE HAND WRITING 872 KEY . PROGRAM TO ANALYSE HAND WRITING 11 MONITOR .EXE PROGRAM TO ANALYSE HAND WRITING 6368 QUEST . PROGRAM TO ANALYSE HAND WRITING 1856 QUICK1 . PROGRAM TO ANALYSE HAND WRITING 1366 QUICK2 . PROGRAM TO ANALYSE HAND WRITING 1047 QUICK3 . PROGRAM TO ANALYSE HAND WRITING 1447 QUICK4 . PROGRAM TO ANALYSE HAND WRITING 1033 QUICK5 . PROGRAM TO ANALYSE HAND WRITING 1049 SFXREAD .ME PROGRAM TO ANALYSE HAND WRITING 1258 START .EXE PROGRAM TO ANALYSE HAND WRITING Run this to start program 8032 T .COM PROGRAM TO ANALYSE HAND WRITING 8191 VALUESFX.EXE PROGRAM TO ANALYSE HAND WRITING 63552 WRITERS .WRT PROGRAM TO ANALYSE HAND WRITING 1680 AREA = How to hypnotise yourself program FILES = 2 TOT SIZE = 91326 PATH = \PSYCHOL\HELPER ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HELPER .DOC PROGRAM TO HELP YOU HYPNOTISE YOURSELF 3774 HELPER .EXE PROGRAM TO HELP YOU HYPNOTISE YOURSELF 87552 AREA = How the mind works program FILES = 17 TOT SIZE = 334297 PATH = \PSYCHOL\HOWMIND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0__CAT00.PCX Catalogue of image files for this program 38499 CAT_4027.TXT PDSL DISK CATALOGUE FILE 1330 FIG11 .PCX PROGRAM ABOUT HOW THE MIND WORKS 16412 FIG12 .PCX PROGRAM ABOUT HOW THE MIND WORKS 18072 FIG13 .PCX PROGRAM ABOUT HOW THE MIND WORKS 19040 FIG14 .PCX PROGRAM ABOUT HOW THE MIND WORKS 19804 FIG15 .PCX PROGRAM ABOUT HOW THE MIND WORKS 19604 FIG16 .PCX PROGRAM ABOUT HOW THE MIND WORKS 20832 FIG61 .PCX PROGRAM ABOUT HOW THE MIND WORKS 13704 FIG62 .PCX PROGRAM ABOUT HOW THE MIND WORKS 16108 FILE_ID .DIZ PROGRAM ABOUT HOW THE MIND WORKS 177 GO .BAT PROGRAM ABOUT HOW THE MIND WORKS 3579 HOWMIND .DOC PROGRAM ABOUT HOW THE MIND WORKS Program documentation 122656 HOWMIND .HRF PROGRAM ABOUT HOW THE MIND WORKS 560 HR4 .EXE PROGRAM ABOUT HOW THE MIND WORKS Main program 12949 README .TXT PROGRAM ABOUT HOW THE MIND WORKS 2780 T .COM PROGRAM ABOUT HOW THE MIND WORKS 8191 AREA = Keirsey persomality test program FILES = 2 TOT SIZE = 125569 PATH = \PSYCHOL\KEIRSEY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ KEIRSEY .000 PROGRAM the Kiersey Personality test 96256 KEIRSEY .COM PROGRAM the Kiersey Personality test 29313 AREA = Minnasota personality program FILES = 33 TOT SIZE = 283197 PATH = \PSYCHOL\MARBLE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BACKUP .ANS PROGRAM MABLES have you got them ? The Minnesota 400 FILEVIEW.CPP PROGRAM MABLES have you got them ? Multiphasic personality 4259 FILEVIEW.H PROGRAM MABLES have you got them ? test program 1929 HELP .CPP PROGRAM MABLES have you got them ? 21112 KEY .D PROGRAM MABLES have you got them ? 723 KEY .F PROGRAM MABLES have you got them ? 745 KEY .HS PROGRAM MABLES have you got them ? 396 KEY .HY PROGRAM MABLES have you got them ? 729 KEY .K PROGRAM MABLES have you got them ? 435 KEY .L PROGRAM MABLES have you got them ? 441 KEY .MA PROGRAM MABLES have you got them ? 540 KEY .MFF PROGRAM MABLES have you got them ? 750 KEY .MFM PROGRAM MABLES have you got them ? 745 KEY .PA PROGRAM MABLES have you got them ? 477 KEY .PD PROGRAM MABLES have you got them ? 612 KEY .PT PROGRAM MABLES have you got them ? 564 KEY .SC PROGRAM MABLES have you got them ? 894 KEY .SI PROGRAM MABLES have you got them ? 831 MAKEFILE. PROGRAM MABLES have you got them ? 525 MARBLE .H PROGRAM MABLES have you got them ? 573 MARBLE .HLP PROGRAM MABLES have you got them ? 12673 MARBLE .TXT PROGRAM MABLES have you got them ? Main prog documentation 12525 MMPI .CPP PROGRAM MABLES have you got them ? 13595 MMPI .EXE PROGRAM MABLES have you got them ? Main program 89926 MMPI .HPP PROGRAM MABLES have you got them ? 2559 PSYCHO .ANS PROGRAM MABLES have you got them ? 400 QDUMP .C PROGRAM MABLES have you got them ? 2909 QDUMP .EXE PROGRAM MABLES have you got them ? 14576 README .TXT PROGRAM MABLES have you got them ? 14040 TEST .DAT PROGRAM MABLES have you got them ? 29853 TEST .TXT PROGRAM MABLES have you got them ? 35852 USER .CPP PROGRAM MABLES have you got them ? 15262 USER .HPP PROGRAM MABLES have you got them ? 1347 AREA = Stereo dot images programs FILES = 54 TOT SIZE = 2318579 PATH = \PSYCHOL\MINDBEND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2TORUS .RLE Part of Mindimages prog 15128 ARROWS .RLE PCX of various arrows 24342 CAT_H472.TXT PDSL DISK CATALOGUE 630 CHAINRLE.RLE Part of Mindimages prog 10522 CIRCLES .RLE Part of Mindimages prog 26037 COMMDLG .DLL Part of SIRDS Stereo dot image prog for Windows 89248 DOMES .RLE Part of Mindimages prog 38256 DWSINES .RLE Part of Mindimages prog 15512 EGGBOX .RLE Part of Mindimages prog 70217 FACE .BMP RDS FILE 77878 HELIX .RLE Part of Mindimages prog 3711 HORN .RLE Part of Mindimages prog 13843 HUMAN .RLE Part of Mindimages prog 21503 HYPNO .RLE Part of Mindimages prog 29659 LIESMICH.TXT Perspect support file 1542 LINKEDRL.RLE Part of Mindimages prog 16794 MANDELFR.RLE Part of Mindimages prog 21497 MINDIM20.ZIP MINDIMAGES IN ZIPPED FORM 296113 MINDIMG2.EXE Mindimages main program 64096 PERSPECT.DAT Perspect support file 3960 PERSPECT.EXE Perspect another 3D dot image program: Main Prog 69173 PERSPECT.HLP Perspect support file 6418 PERSPECT.SAV Perspect support file 49170 PERSPECT.ZIP The program generates a background field of random dots, li 45197 PKUNZIP .EXE Unpacker 29378 POLOSRLE.RLE Part of Mindimages prog 22692 POTHOLE .RLE Part of Mindimages prog 36022 PROPELLE.RLE Part of Mindimages prog 24521 RDSCOMPL.RLE Part of Mindimages prog 24837 RDSDRA .ZIP RDS DRAW Stereo 3d dot image creation 134988 RDSDRAW .EXE RDS DRAW 3D stereo Dot images program : Main program 217593 README .TXT Program info 5200 RIPPLES .RLE Part of Mindimages prog 71293 RLE64X64.RLE Part of Mindimages prog 2523 RLEPIC .RLE Part of Mindimages prog 10450 RLETEST1.RLE Part of Mindimages prog 11985 SEASINES.RLE Part of Mindimages prog 1983 SINERLE .RLE Part of Mindimages prog 5458 SIRDS .EXE Part of SIRDS Stereo dot image prog for Windows : Main 75802 SIRDS .ICO Part of SIRDS Stereo dot image prog for Windows 766 SIRDS .TXT Part of SIRDS Stereo dot image prog for Windows 6426 SIRDS .ZIP SIRDS Stereo 3d dot image creation 77326 SQUARES .RLE Part of Mindimages prog 35793 SURFACE .RLE Part of Mindimages prog 21339 T .COM File viewing program 8191 TEXT .BMP GOES with RDS 97078 TOWERS .RLE Part of Mindimages prog 20637 WEDGE .RLE Part of Mindimages prog 1714 WEDGES .RLE Part of Mindimages prog 4644 WELLEN .TGA RDS FILE 265998 WHORL .RLE Part of Mindimages prog 24648 XBARS .RLE Part of Mindimages prog 15980 XCONES .RLE Part of Mindimages prog 22360 XCONES2 .RLE Part of Mindimages prog 30508 AREA = Magic of the mind texts FILES = 7 TOT SIZE = 1517148 PATH = \PSYCHOL\MOTM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOOK .WRI Magic of the mind Program : 592512 FILE_ID .DIZ Magic of the mind Program : 496 MOTM .TXT Magic of the mind Program : 913500 READ .BAT Magic of the mind Program : 35 READ .TXT Magic of the mind Program : 4828 README .BAT Magic of the mind Program : Program info 38 README .TXT Magic of the mind Program : Program info 5739 AREA = The Myers Personality test program FILES = 3 TOT SIZE = 57556 PATH = \PSYCHOL\MYERS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MYERS .EXE The Myers Briggs Personality type test: Main prog 48128 MYERS .HLP The Myers Briggs Personality type test: support file 8889 READ .ME The Myers Briggs Personality type test: Prog info 539 AREA = Personality test program FILES = 12 TOT SIZE = 107157 PATH = \PSYCHOL\PERTEST ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CONCEPT .TXT Program support file 1480 GO .EXE A rather silly personality test program 2512 LIABLE .TXT Program support file 870 MACDEMO .COM Program support file 1172 MACDIS .EXE Program support file 3776 MACLOGO .EXE Program support file 27582 MACROWAR.COM Program support file 1697 ORDER .TXT Program support file 1010 PERSTEST.EXE A rather silly personality test program 18704 PERTEST .TXT A rather silly personality test program 944 PROOF .EXE A rather silly personality test program 24350 SPECIAL .EXE A rather silly personality test program 23060 AREA = Stereo dot images for Windows FILES = 20 TOT SIZE = 261541 PATH = \PSYCHOL\POPOUT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ALLCOLS .BM$ POPOUT : 4856 CAT_4066.TXT POPOUT : install the program 1646 EXAMPI .BM$ POPOUT : 7431 EXAMPO1 .BM$ POPOUT : 12156 EXAMPO2 .BM$ POPOUT : 36392 EXAMPO3 .BM$ POPOUT : 22874 FILE_ID .DIZ POPOUT : A good 3D stereo dot image program for WINDOWS 431 GO .BAT POPOUT : 3579 INSTALL .BIN POPOUT : 39874 INSTALL .EXE POPOUT : Run this file from Windows program manager to 8960 INSTALL .INF POPOUT : 603 POP16ORG.PO$ POPOUT : 72 POPINDLL.DL$ POPOUT : 37641 POPOUT .EX$ POPOUT : 31256 POPOUT .HL$ POPOUT : 40379 POPOUT .PA$ POPOUT : 70 POPOUT .PO$ POPOUT : 69 POPOUT .RLE POPOUT : 4992 POPOUT16.PO$ POPOUT : 69 T .COM POPOUT : 8191 AREA = Radio related text files FILES = 3 TOT SIZE = 52975 PATH = \RADIO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MYS01647.TXT High freq. band guide 7084 MYS01648.TXT The Day the Spooks Stepped on Ma Bell 8574 MYS01649.TXT Call sign codes for diferent countries 37317 AREA = Lists of radio frequencies -texts FILES = 181 TOT SIZE = 3091453 PATH = \RADIO\FREQUEN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MYS01650.TXT WV freq. list 22159 MYS01651.TXT 800mhz frequency guide 7296 MYS01652.TXT 800-1300MHZ listening guide 7040 MYS01653.TXT 806-960MHZ allocations 2540 MYS01654.TXT Listing of airport freq. 258827 MYS01655.TXT Aircraft Emergency Freq. (VHF) 2879 MYS01656.TXT Amtrak Police Codes 2048 MYS01657.TXT Radio Netherlands Freq. 6619 MYS01658.TXT BRT-International Freq. 3203 MYS01659.TXT Radio Netherlands Program Info 15587 MYS01660.TXT Deutsche Welle Frequency & Program Schedule 18401 MYS01661.TXT Voice of America Transmission Schedule 13953 MYS01662.TXT Radio Canada International English Language Schedu 1700 MYS01663.TXT BBS World Service Schedule 24149 MYS01664.TXT Radio Sweden Broadcast Schedule 6677 MYS01665.TXT Radio Beijing Freq. list and programming 1529 MYS01666.TXT Atlanta-Hartsfield Airport freq. guide 2048 MYS01667.TXT 26 - 800 MHZ allocations 175454 MYS01669.TXT Police codes 1 3968 MYS01670.TXT Police codes 2 3200 MYS01671.TXT Atlanta frequency list 1408 MYS01672.TXT Atlanta police codes 1 2176 MYS01673.TXT Atlanta police codes 2 1536 MYS01675.TXT Arizona Forrest Service freq. 2014 MYS01676.TXT Arizona State freq. list 3368 MYS01677.TXT British Columbia freq. list 86016 MYS01678.TXT Beale Air Force Base freq. list 2674 MYS01679.TXT Goodyear Blimp freq. 2711 MYS01680.TXT Boeing Company freq. list 3072 MYS01681.TXT Boston, MA EMS and State freq. 4612 MYS01682.TXT Boston, MA EMS and State freq. 3214 MYS01683.TXT Cabell County freq. list 13124 MYS01684.TXT CA fedral frequencies 6446 MYS01685.TXT Civil Air Patrol freq. list 1024 MYS01686.TXT CAP frequencies 9088 MYS01687.TXT CATV Freq. Allocation Chart 5632 MYS01688.TXT Grounding In How Cellular Phones 180329 MYS01689.TXT Info on cellular phone channels 1040 MYS01690.TXT Cellular Phone Frequencies List 5968 MYS01691.TXT Scanner Guide - Charleston, WV 40192 MYS01692.TXT Chicago Area Freqs. 2982 MYS01693.TXT Routines - ID's For CPU And NDP 7262 MYS01694.TXT CA Highway patrol 5888 MYS01695.TXT Over 30mhz Freq. list - Cincinnati 22970 MYS01696.TXT Local Charlotta Area scanner freqs. 4480 MYS01697.TXT Police frequencies 3189 MYS01698.TXT Cordless Phone Info 4096 MYS01699.TXT Freq. list for Kanawha County, WV 9984 MYS01700.TXT US Customs/CG/DEA Radio Freqs. 5777 MYS01701.TXT DEA scanner freqs. 1536 MYS01702.TXT Police frequencies 11959 MYS01703.TXT Scanner frequencies 1664 MYS01704.TXT Davis-Monthan AFB freqs. 3425 MYS01705.TXT DEA frequencies 6272 MYS01706.TXT Des Moines freqs. 704 MYS01707.TXT Personal Emergency Locator frequencies 7168 MYS01708.TXT EPA freq. list 1517 MYS01709.TXT El Paso area freq. list 10112 MYS01710.TXT Fast Food Freqs. 1247 MYS01711.TXT Summary of FBI computer systems 2048 MYS01712.TXT The Freq. Spectrum as allocated by the FCC 8400 MYS01713.TXT Info on the NTIS 7587 MYS01714.TXT Federal Freqs. 9472 MYS01715.TXT More Federal Freqs. 20480 MYS01716.TXT NY Federal Freq. listing 2168 MYS01717.TXT Surveilance Frequency Selection 11872 MYS01718.TXT CMF Bug 2541 MYS01719.TXT Illinois dining freqs. 12134 MYS01720.TXT Fire Service freqs. 5136 MYS01721.TXT USAF/USN SatComm Channels 2960 MYS01722.TXT DBF file of all scanner freqs. 273814 MYS01723.TXT Surveilance Frequency Selection 118295 MYS01724.TXT Frequencies in FREQSHI Database 177334 MYS01725.TXT Frequencies in FREQSHI Database 1040 MYS01726.TXT Scanner Frequency Guide Sources 5110 MYS01727.TXT Military Freqs. during Gulf war 2688 MYS01728.TXT Govt. freq. list HF/VHF/UHF 12838 MYS01729.TXT Honolulu frequencies 1536 MYS01730.TXT Cabell County 10 siganals and codes 2176 MYS01731.TXT DBF file of misc. freqs. 341166 MYS01732.TXT VLF-Microwave freq. list 15360 MYS01733.TXT Kansas City Freq. List 1784 MYS01734.TXT Police frequencies 1920 MYS01735.TXT Aeromedical frequencies 8805 MYS01736.TXT 102nd Fighter Intercept Wing in Mass. 8243 MYS01737.TXT Metro Police Information 5504 MYS01738.TXT Police fequencies 32462 MYS01739.TXT Kuwait/Iraq War Broadcast Radio Freqs. 49169 MYS01740.TXT Midlands Freq. Directory 26592 MYS01741.TXT Freq. for wireless theatre microphones 12557 MYS01742.TXT Military Aircraft freq. list 1152 MYS01743.TXT Military VHF/UHF bands 2207 MYS01744.TXT Military Icons For Print Shop 11392 MYS01745.TXT Info on the 242-270mhz Milsat band 3479 MYS01746.TXT Military Training 8367 MYS01747.TXT Misc. government freqs. 1091 MYS01748.TXT The potential abuses of electronic monitoring in t 7680 MYS01749.TXT misc freqs. 26.96-940.0125 16256 MYS01750.TXT Myrtle Beach freq. list 2132 MYS01751.TXT Surveilance Frequency Selection 28195 MYS01752.TXT Surveilance Frequency Selection 690 MYS01753.TXT Nashville Scanner Frequencies 3456 MYS01754.TXT Misc National Freqs. 4369 MYS01755.TXT Boston FBI freqs. 5376 MYS01756.TXT NE Ohio radio freqs. 65024 MYS01757.TXT NE Ohio radio freqs. 1/4 3480 MYS01758.TXT NE Ohio radio freqs. 2/4 2623 MYS01759.TXT NE Ohio radio freqs. 3/4 2839 MYS01760.TXT NE Ohio radio freqs. 4/4 845 MYS01761.TXT Las Vegas radio freqs. 39936 MYS01762.TXT MA police freq. list 2688 MYS01763.TXT North American Aerospace Defense freqs. 634 MYS01764.TXT Northern California freqs. 8475 MYS01765.TXT NE Illinois freq. list 2433 MYS01766.TXT Nuclear Regulatory Commission freq. lists 2409 MYS01767.TXT NY Maritime VHF freq. list 12973 MYS01768.TXT NYC Metro Area Public Service Freqs. 3290 MYS01769.TXT NYC Metro Area Railroad and Transit Police Freqs. 2048 MYS01770.TXT Offutt AFB freq. list 1950 MYS01771.TXT Ohio fed frequencies 1582 MYS01772.TXT Oil rig frequencies 4828 MYS01773.TXT Oregon State Police High Band Repeater Frequencies 6587 MYS01774.TXT Paging Frequencies 6313 MYS01775.TXT Public Band FL freqs. 18944 MYS01776.TXT Mobile Phone freqs. 5120 MYS01777.TXT Phoenix Area Aviation Freqs. 2018 MYS01778.TXT Pittsburg Freq. list 9344 MYS01779.TXT U.S. Secret Service President Security Freqs. 1645 MYS01780.TXT Pennsylvania State Police Freqs. 3200 MYS01781.TXT Puget Sound freq. list 15990 MYS01782.TXT Air Force 2 freq. list 2048 MYS01783.TXT Race Track Radio Frequencies 7694 MYS01784.TXT Descrete Railroad Allocation Guide 5120 MYS01785.TXT Nellis AFB red flag listing 5888 MYS01786.TXT Rochester, NY freq. list 61333 MYS01788.TXT AFCC/ARC freq. list 5715 MYS01789.TXT Satellite freq. list 4389 MYS01790.TXT SCANDC90 info 1334 MYS01791.TXT Various frequencies List 96768 MYS01792.TXT Fairfax frequencies list 4597 MYS01793.TXT Fed frequencies NY, Washington, NJ/CT, Baltimore 16512 MYS01794.TXT Assd Scanner frequencies 2560 MYS01795.TXT General frequency guide 9237 MYS01796.TXT Law enforcement master list 8590 MYS01797.TXT South Carolina frequencies 11432 MYS01798.TXT South Carolina frequencies 2 15917 MYS01799.TXT South Carolina frequencies 3 5072 MYS01800.TXT South Carolina frequencies 4 10085 MYS01801.TXT Scanner Searchers Guide 9632 MYS01802.TXT HAMNET Scanner Searchers Guide 9216 MYS01803.TXT Search Bands freq. guide 2924 MYS01804.TXT Secret Service WH freqs. 3328 MYS01805.TXT Bay Area Tatical and Investigator Freq. list 1977 MYS01806.TXT Dade & Boward Counties Freq. lists 8635 MYS01807.TXT Ships & Call names 8748 MYS01808.TXT GIF of the space shuttle taking off. 5710 MYS01809.TXT Skyphone Freq. list 2896 MYS01810.TXT Space Communications Freq. Allocations 4671 MYS01811.TXT Sports Frequencies 2200 MYS01812.TXT South Carolina Frequencies 2925 MYS01813.TXT State Police Frequencies 27790 MYS01814.TXT Various frequencies list 6313 MYS01815.TXT Miami frequencies 2479 MYS01816.TXT Warren Co freqs 816 MYS01817.TXT Clark Co freqs 1611 MYS01818.TXT Preble Co freqs 867 MYS01819.TXT Greene Co freqs 1806 MYS01820.TXT Darke Co freqs 1115 MYS01821.TXT SW Ohio freqs. 15739 MYS01822.TXT Search & rescue listening 6596 MYS01823.TXT Tatical Air Command Freqs. 2930 MYS01824.TXT Top 100 Freqs. 4656 MYS01825.TXT Toronto area freq. lists 4608 MYS01826.TXT Tri City freq. listing 8520 MYS01827.TXT TV and Cable Audio freq. lists 17744 MYS01828.TXT TV Channel Freqs. 4141 MYS01829.TXT US CG freqs. 35068 MYS01830.TXT US Navy freqs 23808 MYS01831.TXT Frequency listings of Virginia Sheriffs 3640 MYS01832.TXT Las Vegas Freqs. 1362 MYS01833.TXT Walt Disney and Orlando Florida freq. lists 9287 AREA = Odd facts/info radio related-texts FILES = 45 TOT SIZE = 380108 PATH = \RADIO\ODDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MYS01835.TXT ACE Newsletters 9260 MYS01836.TXT ACE Newsletters 9161 MYS01837.TXT ACE Newsletters 11422 MYS01838.TXT ACE Newsletters 9278 MYS01839.TXT ACE Newsletters 10907 MYS01840.TXT ACE Newsletters 10927 MYS01841.TXT ACE Newsletters 9610 MYS01842.TXT ACE Newsletters 8557 MYS01843.TXT ACE Newsletters 11625 MYS01844.TXT ACE Newsletters 15616 MYS01845.TXT A Gringo and the Bay Of Pigs 10668 MYS01846.TXT Bits, Bytes & BBSs 6692 MYS01847.TXT Bits, Bytes & BBSs 4373 MYS01848.TXT Bits, Bytes & BBSs 4718 MYS01849.TXT Bits, Bytes & BBSs 5343 MYS01850.TXT Bits, Bytes & BBSs Newsletters 5054 MYS01851.TXT Bits, Bytes & BBSs Newsletters 8344 MYS01852.TXT Bits, Bytes & BBSs Newsletters 5893 MYS01853.TXT Bits, Bytes & BBSs Newsletters 6265 MYS01854.TXT Bits, Bytes & BBSs Newsletters 4891 MYS01855.TXT Bits, Bytes & BBSs Newsletters 4758 MYS01856.TXT Bits, Bytes & BBSs Newsletters 7894 MYS01857.TXT Bits, Bytes & BBSs Newsletters 7500 MYS01858.TXT Bits, Bytes & BBSs Newsletters 8629 MYS01859.TXT Bits, Bytes & BBSs 4373 MYS01860.TXT Bits, Bytes & BBSs 4718 MYS01861.TXT Great Radio Stuff 1 16200 MYS01862.TXT Great Radio Stuff 2 15030 MYS01863.TXT Great Radio Stuff 3 2426 MYS01864.TXT Great Radio Stuff 4 4272 MYS01865.TXT Los Numeros QSO via satellite 4204 MYS01866.TXT Los Numeros The Foghorn 9297 MYS01867.TXT Los Numeros Caribbean beacons 11559 MYS01868.TXT Los Numeros 8189 MYS01869.TXT Los Numeros Numbers transmissions 12920 MYS01870.TXT Los Numeros Papa November stations 11160 MYS01871.TXT Los Numeros Numbers 11820 MYS01872.TXT Los Numeros SW highlights 5104 MYS01873.TXT Los Numeros Numbers 8294 MYS01874.TXT Los Numeros Utility madness 4965 MYS01875.TXT Los Numeros Numbers 11955 MYS01876.TXT Los Numeros Top Tem HF 15267 MYS01877.TXT Los Numeros Lightening 6934 MYS01878.TXT Los Numeros Infamous radio traffic 8695 MYS01879.TXT Los Numeros Saddam Ned spy 5341 AREA = About security matters -texts FILES = 15 TOT SIZE = 884059 PATH = \SECURITY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MYS01880.TXT Draft Glossary of Communications Security Terms 5941 MYS01881.TXT COMSEC Bulletin #1 13137 MYS01882.TXT The COMSEC Letter 1984 132047 MYS01883.TXT The COMSEC Letter 1985 164696 MYS01884.TXT The COMSEC Letter 1986 87155 MYS01885.TXT The COMSEC Letter 1987 100296 MYS01886.TXT The COMSEC Letter 1988 94414 MYS01887.TXT The COMSEC Letter 1989 114551 MYS01888.TXT COMSEC's articles of incorporation 4576 MYS01889.TXT How to start a local COMSEC chapter 8486 MYS01890.TXT Executive Guide to the Protection of Information R 23552 MYS01891.TXT Bibliography of Guidelines 95616 MYS01892.TXT Bibliography of Computer Security Manuals 9216 MYS01893.TXT Management Guide to the Protection of Information 24448 MYS01894.TXT NCSA Policy Concerning Secuity Product Reviews 5928 AREA = The Temple of Set -texts FILES = 47 TOT SIZE = 465034 PATH = \SET ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MYS01895.TXT Temple of Set Raeading list 7217 MYS01896.TXT Crystal tablet of Set 1764 MYS01897.TXT Facism with temple of Set 25829 MYS01898.TXT Horns Across the Water 10199 MYS01899.TXT The Law of One? 1077 MYS01900.TXT The Law of the Trapezoid 2622 MYS01901.TXT Magic and Machines 2408 MYS01902.TXT The Devil Made Me Do It! 2919 MYS01903.TXT Meditative Exercise 1725 MYS01904.TXT Do You Know The Muffin Man? 29243 MYS01905.TXT The order of Leviathan 8267 MYS01906.TXT Orders of the Temple of Set 5316 MYS01907.TXT Order of Shuti 5249 MYS01908.TXT Order of the Trapezoid - Statement 15881 MYS01909.TXT Set in Egyptian Theology 3609 MYS01910.TXT Reads Your Fortune! 6032 MYS01911.TXT Reprints from the National Satanic BBS 17991 MYS01912.TXT General Information and Admissions Policies 16553 MYS01913.TXT The Setian Philosophy 20994 MYS01914.TXT Temple of Set Reading List - Introduction 7216 MYS01915.TXT Temple of Set Reading List 10574 MYS01916.TXT Temple of Set Reading List 7886 MYS01917.TXT Temple of Set Reading List 6340 MYS01918.TXT Temple of Set Reading List 4469 MYS01919.TXT Temple of Set Reading List 4020 MYS01920.TXT Temple of Set Reading List 19963 MYS01921.TXT Temple of Set Reading List 4608 MYS01922.TXT Temple of Set Reading List 10421 MYS01923.TXT Temple of Set Reading List 5865 MYS01924.TXT Temple of Set Reading List 4662 MYS01925.TXT Temple of Set Reading List 17284 MYS01926.TXT Temple of Set Reading List 18979 MYS01927.TXT Temple of Set Reading List 10609 MYS01928.TXT Temple of Set Reading List 7467 MYS01929.TXT Temple of Set Reading List 10102 MYS01930.TXT Temple of Set Reading List 7095 MYS01931.TXT Temple of Set Reading List 20491 MYS01932.TXT Temple of Set Reading List 17540 MYS01933.TXT Temple of Set Reading List 10284 MYS01934.TXT Temple of Set Reading List 5923 MYS01935.TXT Temple of Set Reading List 25706 MYS01936.TXT Temple of Set Reading List 6746 MYS01937.TXT Temple of Set Reading List 6446 MYS01938.TXT Temple of Set Reading List 16804 MYS01939.TXT Temple of Set Reading List 2878 MYS01940.TXT Where to get gear 8423 MYS01941.TXT The Power of a word 1338 AREA = Database of Spys program FILES = 166 TOT SIZE = 1859079 PATH = \SPYBASE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AAA . SPYBASE : 8292 ADD . SPYBASE : 12897 ALD . SPYBASE : 8093 ALM . SPYBASE : 13793 AMF . SPYBASE : 8314 ANE . SPYBASE : 9490 ARM . SPYBASE : 7819 ASI . SPYBASE : 10268 AZA . SPYBASE : 10409 BAM . SPYBASE : 15313 BAS . SPYBASE : 8114 BEB . SPYBASE : 9205 BEM . SPYBASE : 13592 BES . SPYBASE : 9721 BIT . SPYBASE : 9099 BLU . SPYBASE : 10337 BOR . SPYBASE : 10611 BRA . SPYBASE : 14464 BRO . SPYBASE : 11368 BRU . SPYBASE : 9833 BUN . SPYBASE : 11954 BUT . SPYBASE : 11446 CAM . SPYBASE : 8575 CAR . SPYBASE : 12591 CAS . SPYBASE : 9145 CAT_557A.TXT PDSL DISK CATALOGUE FILE 516 CAT_557B.TXT SPYBASE : 894 CAT_557C.TXT SPYBASE : 894 CAT_557D.TXT SPYBASE : 915 CAT_557E.TXT SPYBASE : 852 CAT_557F.TXT SPYBASE : 2318 CEA . SPYBASE : 13919 CHE . SPYBASE : 12002 CHU . SPYBASE : 10655 CLE . SPYBASE : 10883 COL . SPYBASE : 17924 COO . SPYBASE : 11517 COU . SPYBASE : 10845 CRI . SPYBASE : 8131 CUD . SPYBASE : 8040 DAL . SPYBASE : 13858 DAW . SPYBASE : 13190 DEE . SPYBASE : 13926 DIA . SPYBASE : 8750 DJA . SPYBASE : 12017 DOT . SPYBASE : 8349 DRY . SPYBASE : 9664 DUR . SPYBASE : 9704 EDF . SPYBASE : 10576 ELM . SPYBASE : 10195 EVA . SPYBASE : 11569 FAT . SPYBASE : 14466 FIN . SPYBASE : 9833 FLI . SPYBASE : 11284 FOS . SPYBASE : 8638 FRE . SPYBASE : 10346 FUL . SPYBASE : 9615 GAM . SPYBASE : 8552 GAS . SPYBASE : 14419 GHO . SPYBASE : 11265 GLI . SPYBASE : 13781 GO .BAT SPYBASE : 3200 GOR . SPYBASE : 13670 GRE . SPYBASE : 11331 GRO . SPYBASE : 12107 GZA . SPYBASE : 9972 HAM . SPYBASE : 8194 HAP . SPYBASE : 12547 HAS . SPYBASE : 13826 HEL . SPYBASE : 16680 HELP .DOC SPYBASE : This program is a database of the international 15488 HIG . SPYBASE : 10117 HOE . SPYBASE : 8503 HON . SPYBASE : 12414 HOY . SPYBASE : 8001 HUN . SPYBASE : 9842 IGA . SPYBASE : 9421 INFO . SPYBASE : intelligence community list many persons and 1536 INT . SPYBASE : 12833 IRB . SPYBASE : 9501 JAM . SPYBASE : 8705 JET . SPYBASE : 8340 JOL . SPYBASE : 9374 KAI . SPYBASE : 8563 KAS . SPYBASE : 7675 KEL . SPYBASE : 13947 KHO . SPYBASE : 8789 KIP . SPYBASE : 8082 KLI . SPYBASE : 10502 KOO . SPYBASE : 9740 KRI . SPYBASE : 8163 KUZ . SPYBASE : 8810 LAN . SPYBASE : 11160 LAT . SPYBASE : 12482 LEF . SPYBASE : 13590 LEY . SPYBASE : 11823 LIZ . SPYBASE : 13190 LOW . SPYBASE : 11463 MAC . SPYBASE : 8353 MAG . SPYBASE : 13538 MAR . SPYBASE : 14014 MAS . SPYBASE : 11830 MCA . SPYBASE : 14163 MCF . SPYBASE : 13705 MCP . SPYBASE : 10921 MER . SPYBASE : 11224 MIL . SPYBASE : 10728 MIS . SPYBASE : 15790 MOR . SPYBASE : 12998 MOT . SPYBASE : 8509 MUO . SPYBASE : 7641 MZA . SPYBASE : 11567 NAU . SPYBASE : 6335 NEW . SPYBASE : 12342 NOE . SPYBASE : 8573 NUN . SPYBASE : 8240 OEA . SPYBASE : 13025 ORL . SPYBASE : 8950 OZA . SPYBASE : 11108 PAR . SPYBASE : 13174 PAY . SPYBASE : 14834 PES . SPYBASE : 12414 PIE . SPYBASE : 10812 POL . SPYBASE : 12572 PRA . SPYBASE : 11123 PUN . SPYBASE : 13556 RAN . SPYBASE : 9655 REC . SPYBASE : 12837 REY . SPYBASE : 9164 RIF . SPYBASE : 10725 ROC . SPYBASE : 11700 RON . SPYBASE : 11979 ROW . SPYBASE : 10384 RUT . SPYBASE : 10971 SAN . SPYBASE : 13284 SCH . SPYBASE : 15776 SCI . SPYBASE : 11603 SEN . SPYBASE : 11534 SHE . SPYBASE : 14868 SIG . SPYBASE : 12954 SKM . SPYBASE : 15032 SMO . SPYBASE : 8714 SON . SPYBASE : 7318 SPE . SPYBASE : 12971 SPYBASE .EXE SPYBASE : organisations involved. (main program) 81619 STE . SPYBASE : 17012 STR . SPYBASE : 13867 SUP . SPYBASE : 15295 T .COM Keeps Text On Screen. 8191 TAY . SPYBASE : 11750 THO . SPYBASE : 12258 TOC . SPYBASE : 10797 TRE . SPYBASE : 11428 TWA . SPYBASE : 14773 VAN . SPYBASE : 15278 VIL . SPYBASE : 13950 WAL . SPYBASE : 9641 WAR . SPYBASE : 12024 WEG . SPYBASE : 13549 WHA . SPYBASE : 12531 WIL . SPYBASE : 13076 WIM . SPYBASE : 13075 WOR . SPYBASE : 7717 WYA . SPYBASE : 8772 YOU . SPYBASE : 8462 ZEH . SPYBASE : 7880 AREA = About the Tarot text files FILES = 3 TOT SIZE = 164535 PATH = \TAROT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MYS01942.TXT Path Positions on tree of life 839 MYS01943.TXT Tarot and tree of life 140779 MYS01944.TXT The Playing card oracle 22917 AREA = The Tarot of Frownstrong program FILES = 11 TOT SIZE = 354093 PATH = \TAROT\FROWNSTO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CAT_1426.TXT Program file for the Tarot of Frownstrong 974 GO .BAT Program file for the Tarot of Frownstrong 3200 HALO011 .FNT Program file for the Tarot of Frownstrong 3072 HALOIBME.DEV Program file for the Tarot of Frownstrong 10735 HALORTP .EXE Program file for the Tarot of Frownstrong 82532 README .1ST Program file for the Tarot of Frownstrong 28975 RELEASE .DOC Program file for the Tarot of Frownstrong 1081 TAROT .BAT Program file for the Tarot of Frownstrong (run to start) 104 TAROT .DAT Program file for the Tarot of Frownstrong 92114 TAROVIBM.000 Program file for the Tarot of Frownstrong 75520 TAROVIBM.COM Program file for the Tarot of Frownstrong 55786 AREA = About the Templars text files FILES = 4 TOT SIZE = 59013 PATH = \TEMPLARS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MYS01945.TXT Constitution 16926 MYS01946.TXT Gnostics and templars 30883 MYS01947.TXT The Gnostics and the Templars from the Gnostic Gne 5860 MYS01948.TXT UFO's and the Occult Reich 5344 AREA = Text files about UFOS FILES = 152 TOT SIZE = 2582809 PATH = \UFO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MYS01949.TXT Inside UFOLOGY - Jan, '88 3238 MYS01950.TXT Inside UFOLOGY - Jan, '89 5949 MYS01951.TXT Inside UFOLOGY - Feb, '88 4122 MYS01952.TXT Inside UFOLOGY - Feb, '89 7921 MYS01953.TXT Inside UFOLOGY - Mar, '88 2031 MYS01954.TXT Inside UFOLOGY - May, '88 5407 MYS01955.TXT Inside UFOLOGY - Jun, '88 5117 MYS01956.TXT Inside UFOLOGY - Jul, '88 8597 MYS01957.TXT Inside UFOLOGY - Aug, '88 7159 MYS01958.TXT Inside UFOLOGY - Sep, '88 9059 MYS01959.TXT Inside UFOLOGY - Dec, '87 5999 MYS01960.TXT Information about the Ben Obina case 14722 MYS01961.TXT Information about the Ben Obina case 4835 MYS01962.TXT Information about the Ben Obina case 24633 MYS01963.TXT Information about the Ben Obina case 27819 MYS01964.TXT The Great UFO debate - part 0 3398 MYS01965.TXT Ufology after 40 years 5049 MYS01966.TXT The Great UFO debate - part 2 2708 MYS01967.TXT The Great UFO debate - part 3 4518 MYS01968.TXT The Great UFO debate - part 4 2475 MYS01969.TXT The Great UFO debate - part 5 2486 MYS01970.TXT The Great UFO debate - part 6 6888 MYS01971.TXT The Great UFO debate - part 7 2768 MYS01972.TXT The Great UFO debate - part 8 9092 MYS01973.TXT Info on Dr. Eric Walker, MJ-12 member 2559 MYS01974.TXT Info on Dr. Eric Walker, MJ-12 member 8866 MYS01975.TXT Info on Dr. Eric Walker, MJ-12 member 4937 MYS01976.TXT Info on Dr. Eric Walker, MJ-12 member 8048 MYS01977.TXT Info on Dr. Eric Walker, MJ-12 member 10243 MYS01978.TXT The Ten Most Compelling UFO Cases in History 5146 MYS01979.TXT An interview with a 3 star general 24838 MYS01980.TXT Discovery meets UFO 1615 MYS01981.TXT Aerial Anomalies International info 2916 MYS01982.TXT Info about a national campaign to get the real tru 4408 MYS01983.TXT USAF docs 8664 MYS01984.TXT A dialog with a former member of the intelligence 11231 MYS01985.TXT When Pilots See UFO's 20907 MYS01986.TXT UFO Sighting Report 4096 MYS01987.TXT UFO encouter near Ottawa 11697 MYS01988.TXT Report on divebombers lost in the Bermuda Triangle 3326 MYS01989.TXT Secret Advanced Vehicles Demonstrate Technologies 14270 MYS01990.TXT The technique of Bayesian Analysis 6817 MYS01991.TXT More info on Bayesian Analysis 2136 MYS01992.TXT A survey of ufologists and their beliefs in unxepl 16293 MYS01993.TXT Flying Saucers: The Bible Connection 3083 MYS01994.TXT Project Grudge/Bluebook 13 report 25548 MYS01995.TXT Source Listings From The Blue Book Of Assembly Language 167618 MYS01996.TXT An Unusual CE-III UFO Report 18337 MYS01997.TXT What Does Our Government Know About UFOs? 3047 MYS01998.TXT Army publicist files for injunction 2870 MYS01999.TXT UFO update from 1988 56305 MYS02000.TXT CMF Circle In The Sand 3199 MYS02001.TXT Close Encounter on I-84 11642 MYS02002.TXT Artificial Comet Expoded over Earth 2048 MYS02003.TXT Mysterious light sightings 4876 MYS02004.TXT Info on the Condon Committee 7693 MYS02005.TXT US Government of UFO sightings 5376 MYS02006.TXT Report of UFO in Air Force test range 4285 MYS02007.TXT UFO books 4433 MYS02008.TXT Blast From Mean Streets 24270 MYS02009.TXT How disinformation experts spread fear about UFOs 14125 MYS02010.TXT Letter from Richard C. Dotty 3259 MYS02011.TXT Another letter from Richard C. Dotty 4165 MYS02012.TXT The Dulce Papers 4342 MYS02013.TXT Walters UFO case 13010 MYS02014.TXT Eastlake UFO reported by Coast Guard 23992 MYS02015.TXT NC UFO sightings on the increase in 1990 6248 MYS02016.TXT From the Crucible BBS 154258 MYS02017.TXT Researchers say photos show UFO 2023 MYS02018.TXT Info about the Walters' case 49042 MYS02019.TXT Review of debunking efforts 10743 MYS02020.TXT UFOs sighted over Gulf Breeze, again? 10477 MYS02021.TXT Interview of director of radio station on UFO 16629 MYS02022.TXT CompuServe conference with "Clear Intent" author 14296 MYS02023.TXT Stealth - And Beyond - A look at Aurrora 3619 MYS02024.TXT CompuServe interview with Budd Hopkins 21388 MYS02025.TXT A CompuServe conference about UFOs 17370 MYS02026.TXT Newspaper report on UFOs 2365 MYS02027.TXT Concepts from book - "Flying Saucers" 17294 MYS02028.TXT Kecksburg Crash Controversy 8139 MYS02029.TXT Transcript from radio talk show 27026 MYS02030.TXT A partial history of UFOs in the Kingston, Ont. ar 2700 MYS02031.TXT NE Ohio flap by Richard Dell'Aquila 11111 MYS02032.TXT Initial Impressions of Lear Video Tapes 7233 MYS02033.TXT An Apology to Rick & Dale 21282 MYS02034.TXT Interview of Witnesses to Eastlake UFO 22709 MYS02035.TXT Newspaper report on UFOs 13357 MYS02036.TXT Letter to Texas Governor 5819 MYS02037.TXT Summary of 1988 conference on UFOs 5758 MYS02038.TXT Newspaper report on UFOs 1486 MYS02039.TXT Newspaper report on UFOs 3540 MYS02040.TXT A sighting by Mary Geest 1656 MYS02041.TXT Multi-Dimensional Array Handling Functions. 27112 MYS02042.TXT How to debunk just about anything 5601 MYS02043.TXT Mars Colonization by 2027 A.D. 36219 MYS02044.TXT Mankind: Citizen of the Galaxy 7140 MYS02045.TXT List of info sources 30231 MYS02046.TXT Mountie UFO witness silenced 3968 MYS02047.TXT Info on NASA and sightings by astronauts 26930 MYS02048.TXT Navy letter on UFOs 3998 MYS02049.TXT NSA Network Gateway Access Joke. 10680 MYS02050.TXT UFO sighting in Oak Harbor, Washington 7209 MYS02051.TXT "Ogre" explained 3393 MYS02052.TXT Oranizations Involved in UFO Research 1493 MYS02053.TXT UFO Information Service Adresses 3752 MYS02054.TXT Mailing address of groups involved with UFOs 1698 MYS02055.TXT Speech For Ossette Conference September, 1989 17920 MYS02056.TXT A catalog of reports of Portuguese sightings 97769 MYS02057.TXT Info on the current state of the UFO community 6266 MYS02058.TXT Saskatchewa, 1933: UFO Stops for "Repairs" 7936 MYS02059.TXT Newspaper report on UFOs 3268 MYS02060.TXT BBS Numbers List for Seattle and Western Washington. 1777 MYS02061.TXT The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence 8660 MYS02062.TXT Magazine article on UFO radio signals 5115 MYS02063.TXT Farmer's Tales of Space Travel Won't Fly With Many 11773 MYS02064.TXT Newspaper report on UFOs 10030 MYS02065.TXT A review of the 61-Month Wave Theory 5588 MYS02066.TXT Article from Sputnik 17476 MYS02067.TXT UFO may be stealth aircraft 6028 MYS02068.TXT UFO statements by William M. Steinman 3962 MYS02069.TXT Newspaper report on UFOs 8661 MYS02070.TXT Report of military witness sightings 5145 MYS02071.TXT Reference of UFO items 5376 MYS02072.TXT UFOlogy Books 32794 MYS02073.TXT Info about a national UFO reporting center 2511 MYS02074.TXT Products Descriptions According to the Laws of Physics 1031 MYS02075.TXT UFO sighting on Whidbey Island 4651 MYS02076.TXT Seattle Sightings 1/2 5786 MYS02077.TXT Seattle Sightings 2/2 3193 MYS02078.TXT Zimbabwe UFO sighting 1871 MYS02079.TXT UFO conpiracy 72851 MYS02080.TXT North American crop circles 47108 MYS02081.TXT Crop Circle update 36847 MYS02082.TXT Circles of note 24983 MYS02083.TXT Web of compiracy intro 116105 MYS02084.TXT Web of compiracy 1 21355 MYS02085.TXT Web of compiracy 2 27586 MYS02086.TXT Web of compiracy 3 22085 MYS02087.TXT Web of compiracy 4 24231 MYS02088.TXT Web of compiracy 5 27173 MYS02089.TXT Web of compiracy 6 44932 MYS02090.TXT List of Paranet nodes 127166 MYS02091.TXT I want to contact some aliens 26959 MYS02092.TXT Star people quiz 3987 MYS02093.TXT The Great UFO debate - part 2 16603 MYS02094.TXT The Great UFO debate - part 4 36591 MYS02095.TXT The Great UFO debate - part 6 21015 MYS02096.TXT Abduction article 42272 MYS02097.TXT Swamp Gas Journal 6,3 46495 MYS02098.TXT Swamp Gas Journal 6,2 46133 MYS02099.TXT Swamp Gas Journal 6,4 47402 MYS02100.TXT Swamp Gas Journal 7,1 44825 AREA = Text files from Alt/Alien/Visitors FILES = 32 TOT SIZE = 37744852 PATH = \UFO\AAV ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MYS02101.TXT Alt Alien Visitors : These files contain thousands of 1392150 MYS02102.TXT Alt Alien Visitors : messages and texts on this subject. 1335174 MYS02103.TXT Alt Alien Visitors : 1301540 MYS02104.TXT Alt Alien Visitors : 1704014 MYS02105.TXT Files from Alt.alien.visitor : Containing vast amounts 1457231 MYS02106.TXT Files from Alt.alien.visitor : of data on this subject. 1472297 MYS02107.TXT Files from Alt.alien.visitor : 840877 MYS02108.TXT Files from Alt.alien.visitor : 906356 MYS02109.TXT Files from Alt.alien.visitor : 1179346 MYS02110.TXT Files from Alt.alien.visitor : 1272975 MYS02111.TXT Files from Alt.alien.visitor : 1063271 MYS02112.TXT Files from Alt.alien.visitor : 1529352 MYS02113.TXT Files from Alt.alien.visitor : 1050945 MYS02114.TXT Files from Alt.alien.visitor : 1229300 MYS02115.TXT Alt Alien Visitors : 1137905 MYS02116.TXT Alt Alien Visitors : 1730974 MYS02117.TXT Alt Alien Visitors : 1104708 MYS02118.TXT Alt Alien Visitors : 853206 MYS02119.TXT Alt Alien Visitors : 948916 MYS02120.TXT Alt Alien Visitors : 1359339 MYS02121.TXT Files from Alt.alien.visitor : 1427477 MYS02122.TXT Files from Alt.alien.visitor : 613619 MYS02123.TXT Files from Alt.alien.visitor : 1410266 MYS02124.TXT Files from Alt.alien.visitor : 901946 MYS02125.TXT Files from Alt.alien.visitor : 771826 MYS02126.TXT Files from Alt.alien.visitor : 1167912 MYS02127.TXT Files from Alt.alien.visitor : 1206687 MYS02128.TXT Files from Alt.alien.visitor : 1267872 MYS02129.TXT Files from Alt.alien.visitor : 1221025 MYS02130.TXT Files from Alt.alien.visitor : 1101607 MYS02131.TXT Files from Alt.alien.visitor : 1102110 MYS02132.TXT Files from Alt.alien.visitor : 682629 AREA = Text files about abductions FILES = 32 TOT SIZE = 1977587 PATH = \UFO\ABDUCT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MYS02133.TXT Hudson vally abductions 7299 MYS02134.TXT Alien implants 11139 MYS02136.TXT Ufo abductions beyond matter? 5202 MYS02137.TXT Intelligence media connections 27049 MYS02138.TXT Conference with abductee 19491 MYS02139.TXT Toronto close encounter 11358 MYS02140.TXT Ethical implications 26719 MYS02141.TXT The ET hypothisi 11301 MYS02142.TXT Reply to Philip Klass 9979 MYS02143.TXT Contact of the fourth kind 16935 MYS02144.TXT Inside ufology 3157 MYS02145.TXT John Lear messages 17498 MYS02146.TXT As man becomes machine 13052 MYS02147.TXT Menasha women abducted 2705 MYS02148.TXT What started WWII 59334 MYS02149.TXT UFOS & ethics 27206 MYS02150.TXT Child & adult psychiatry 140153 MYS02151.TXT Abduction digest 1 Vast collection of info on UFOS etc 1344981 MYS02152.TXT Abduction digest 2: 4285 MYS02153.TXT Abduction digest 3: 3771 MYS02154.TXT Abduction digest 4: 4614 MYS02155.TXT Abduction digest 5: 5497 MYS02156.TXT Abduction digest 6: 4505 MYS02157.TXT Abduction digest 7: 14209 MYS02158.TXT Abduction digest 8: 5021 MYS02159.TXT Abduction digest 9: 8689 MYS02160.TXT Abduction digest 10: 32749 MYS02161.TXT Abduction digest 12: 44120 MYS02162.TXT Abduction digest 13 6845 MYS02163.TXT Abduction digest 14: 3436 MYS02164.TXT Abduction digest 15: 13175 MYS02165.TXT On OMNI article abductions 72113 AREA = Text files about aliens FILES = 44 TOT SIZE = 857713 PATH = \UFO\ALIENS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MYS02166.TXT Appearence of intelligent aliens 24998 MYS02167.TXT What's alien are you 5029 MYS02168.TXT Release of the COoper material 42129 MYS02169.TXT Info about the Project Beta files 3190 MYS02170.TXT Life Beyond Earth & The Mind of Man 21730 MYS02171.TXT Users recollection of close encounter 10107 MYS02172.TXT Recounting of abduction 13320 MYS02173.TXT Whole life Expo lecture 60097 MYS02174.TXT The Dulce Base 22068 MYS02175.TXT Context and Implications of the Discovery of ET li 17622 MYS02176.TXT Review of "The Fellowship" 12288 MYS02177.TXT Project grudge/blue book 27717 MYS02178.TXT Air Force response to FOIA request 3072 MYS02179.TXT Unusual report of a UFO and a green-faced entity 6458 MYS02180.TXT Did Jackie Gleason view UFO bodies? 1834 MYS02181.TXT Review of book on Majestic-12 1363 MYS02182.TXT Info about ALF 22804 MYS02183.TXT Recollection of intell. analysist who prepared the 20886 MYS02184.TXT Info about Hanger 18 12291 MYS02185.TXT UFO info from Robert Sarbacher 3328 MYS02186.TXT Transcript of CompuServe conference on UFOs 37883 MYS02187.TXT Marsface author writes Pravda 29828 MYS02188.TXT Bud Hopkins responds 12956 MYS02189.TXT Review of book - "Intruders" 3224 MYS02190.TXT The True Nature of UFO Entities 23587 MYS02191.TXT An explanatory hypothesis of Aliens 13081 MYS02192.TXT Aliens Among Us 21111 MYS02193.TXT Excerpts from "Preview -- 1991" 7168 MYS02194.TXT Transcript of ParaNet conversation 12259 MYS02195.TXT Reponse to request for information from the Fort D 3093 MYS02196.TXT A closeup shot of the Mars Face 2690 MYS02197.TXT Newspaper report on UFOs 2453 MYS02198.TXT RCA Astro Receives Contract for Mars Observer 5765 MYS02199.TXT Letter from Jerry Lewis 5778 MYS02200.TXT Review of the Meier Films 8184 MYS02201.TXT Project Beta 18707 MYS02202.TXT Info as preable to PROJ.ZIP 30334 MYS02203.TXT The Pasturing and Use of Homo Sapiens 4996 MYS02204.TXT Navada Aerial Research newsletter 2480 MYS02205.TXT Response to Truman rumor 3003 MYS02206.TXT The Grey Men tape 51665 MYS02207.TXT Krill report 125513 MYS02208.TXT Mars face info 28431 MYS02209.TXT The secret government 71193 AREA = Textfiles from Computer UFO network FILES = 36 TOT SIZE = 506663 PATH = \UFO\CURFON ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MYS02210.TXT CUFON Freedom of Information Act Document #1 23083 MYS02211.TXT CUFON Freedom of Information Act Document #10 30746 MYS02212.TXT CUFON Freedom of Information Act Document #20 24402 MYS02213.TXT CUFON Freedom of Information Act Document #30 27158 MYS02214.TXT CUFON Freedom of Information Act Document #40 30288 MYS02215.TXT Info on CUFON 4205 MYS02216.TXT CUFON Computer UFO Network info on Acronyms - 1986 8342 MYS02217.TXT Air Force response to Aquarius claims 3201 MYS02218.TXT NSA letter 3584 MYS02219.TXT Notes to Aquarius ii 6465 MYS02220.TXT Project Aquarius 1433 MYS02221.TXT Air Force responce to FOIA query about Aquarius by 2560 MYS02222.TXT Interview with Barbra Becker 8704 MYS02223.TXT Report of UFO in Air Force test range 5314 MYS02224.TXT Air Force response to FOIA request 11649 MYS02225.TXT Freedom of Information Act Document Files 158408 MYS02226.TXT Possible forgotten or Unknown Information 3413 MYS02227.TXT Reply to John Glen on FOIA request 4122 MYS02228.TXT Goldwater's request for Wright-Patterson UFO data 5069 MYS02229.TXT The Hynek Rating System 2997 MYS02230.TXT An Idaho report 1947 MYS02231.TXT Freedom of Information Act Document Files 5314 MYS02232.TXT More FOIA info 3389 MYS02233.TXT Apollo Program UFO Sighting 2698 MYS02234.TXT Lab results of 1966 "Swampgas Case" 10223 MYS02235.TXT Old CUFON info 10846 MYS02236.TXT Chapter of USAF manual 37463 MYS02237.TXT Mufon membership application 3747 MYS02238.TXT Info on the MUFON symposium 9212 MYS02239.TXT MUFONET echo policy 2406 MYS02240.TXT Mufon info 5777 MYS02241.TXT Minutes of meeting 6213 MYS02242.TXT Subscription form 2748 MYS02243.TXT Symposium Publications 17444 MYS02244.TXT Application form 1817 MYS02245.TXT Questions on Aquarius 20276 AREA = Lake Erie UFO sightings FILES = 6 TOT SIZE = 20289 PATH = \UFO\ERIE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MYS02246.TXT Info on the Lake Erie UFO sightings 11869 MYS02247.TXT Info on the Lake Erie UFO sightings 1247 MYS02248.TXT Info on the Lake Erie UFO sightings 1432 MYS02249.TXT Info on the Lake Erie UFO sightings 2972 MYS02250.TXT Info on the Lake Erie UFO sightings 1700 MYS02251.TXT Info on the Lake Erie UFO sightings 1069 AREA = O.H Krill on alien technology -texts FILES = 5 TOT SIZE = 131976 PATH = \UFO\KRILL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MYS02252.TXT Situation Report on Acquisition of Advanced Techno 30747 MYS02253.TXT Situation Report on Acquisition of Advanced Techno 17081 MYS02254.TXT Situation Report on Acquisition of Advanced Techno 37245 MYS02255.TXT Situation Report on Acquisition of Advanced Techno 43448 MYS02256.TXT The origin and meaning of the Krill papers 3455 AREA = Texts on Robert Lazar FILES = 10 TOT SIZE = 299296 PATH = \UFO\LAZAR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MYS02257.TXT Info about Robert Lazar 94222 MYS02258.TXT Info about Robert Lazar 6531 MYS02259.TXT Info about Robert Lazar 27215 MYS02260.TXT Info about Robert Lazar 29261 MYS02261.TXT Info about Robert Lazar 23431 MYS02262.TXT Info about Robert Lazar 35500 MYS02263.TXT Info about Robert Lazar 33943 MYS02264.TXT Info about Robert Lazar 12642 MYS02265.TXT Info about Robert Lazar 26345 MYS02266.TXT Info about Robert Lazar 10206 AREA = The government UFO cover-up -texts FILES = 56 TOT SIZE = 841002 PATH = \UFO\MAJESTIC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MYS02267.TXT Questions on Aquarius 20277 MYS02268.TXT Data on Majestic-12 program 2048 MYS02269.TXT Data on Majestic-12 program 29951 MYS02270.TXT Data on Majestic-12 program 6583 MYS02271.TXT Data on Majestic-12 program 32256 MYS02272.TXT Data on Majestic-12 program 22016 MYS02273.TXT Data on Majestic-12 program 27648 MYS02274.TXT Data on Majestic-12 program 10780 MYS02275.TXT Data on Majestic-12 program 27689 MYS02276.TXT Data on Majestic-12 program 17408 MYS02277.TXT Operation Majority info 23090 MYS02278.TXT Cooper lecture transcript 49062 MYS02279.TXT Operation Majority info 16598 MYS02280.TXT Supposed documents from the Majestic-12 program 4099 MYS02281.TXT Supposed documents from the Majestic-12 program 12251 MYS02282.TXT Supposed documents from the Majestic-12 program 1101 MYS02283.TXT Supposed documents from the Majestic-12 program 1458 MYS02284.TXT Supposed documents from the Majestic-12 program 718 MYS02285.TXT Supposed documents from the Majestic-12 program 5379 MYS02286.TXT MJ-12 european connections 11111 MYS02287.TXT Questions & Answers about the Roswell Incident 6986 MYS02288.TXT Reactions to the debunking of MJ-12 5859 MYS02289.TXT MJ-12 documents labeled hoax 3200 MYS02290.TXT Another debunking of MJ-12 9237 MYS02291.TXT Response to debunking of MJ-12 8466 MYS02292.TXT The MJ-12 research team 1694 MYS02293.TXT Human Rights 4054 MYS02294.TXT Addition comments regarding MJ-12 documents 7013 MYS02295.TXT Ufo recovered 4487 MYS02296.TXT The Majestic-12 Affair 29433 MYS02297.TXT Alleged indictment against US government concernin 8607 MYS02298.TXT Petition to Indict against US government concernin 14315 MYS02299.TXT An MJ-12 Informant 12380 MYS02300.TXT Response to FOIA request 3456 MYS02301.TXT Study Group at SRI 4391 MYS02302.TXT Request for executive order 16186 MYS02303.TXT John Lear statement 27094 MYS02304.TXT "If I jumped everytime a light....". 9192 MYS02305.TXT Info about Project Moon Dust 12776 MYS02306.TXT Info on project Aqarius and Majestic-12 2001 MYS02307.TXT An open letter to William L. Moore 8308 MYS02308.TXT The UFO conspiracy 72851 MYS02309.TXT Foo Fighters and the Kugleblitz 35783 MYS02310.TXT Ufos alien or man-made 16000 MYS02311.TXT Paranoia by Jerome Clark 10096 MYS02312.TXT Project Blue Book Warning 12068 MYS02313.TXT A letter to Paul Spieser on MJ-12 14078 MYS02314.TXT A response to Project Blue Book warning 5412 MYS02315.TXT Info about MJ-12 13646 MYS02316.TXT Letter from R.G.Todd 8543 MYS02317.TXT Alien lab brief 2763 MYS02318.TXT Article from Vikii Cooper 3864 MYS02319.TXT "Alien or Man-Made?" by Al Pinto 10331 MYS02320.TXT Info on Wright-Pat AFB 3789 MYS02321.TXT Adlib A Secret 77090 MYS02322.TXT A question of motives 34030 AREA = Text files about mutilations FILES = 5 TOT SIZE = 100460 PATH = \UFO\MUTILAT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MYS02323.TXT Strange Harvest 12342 MYS02324.TXT Did satanic cult kill horse 2415 MYS02325.TXT The Human Mutilation Factor 13560 MYS02326.TXT Mutilation of cattle 2895 MYS02327.TXT Cult crime 69248 AREA = Paranet text files on UFOS etc FILES = 57 TOT SIZE = 5890940 PATH = \UFO\PARANET ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MYS02328.TXT Fidonet/paranet info 5388 MYS02329.TXT Transcript of TV program about Area 51 16025 MYS02330.TXT More on area 51 10823 MYS02331.TXT More on area 51 10574 MYS02332.TXT More on area 51 29471 MYS02333.TXT More on area 51 27222 MYS02334.TXT Lazer radio show 37335 MYS02335.TXT Paranet BBS Explores Fringe Sciences 3263 MYS02336.TXT Conversations from ParaNet 7406 MYS02337.TXT Phillip J. Klass at ASU 9970 MYS02338.TXT Log of CompuServe mail from/to John Lear 20998 MYS02339.TXT John Lear substatiates his claims 7365 MYS02340.TXT Response to the Lear article 6252 MYS02341.TXT Transcript of debate on FreeNet regarding UFOs 56305 MYS02342.TXT Ufo message thread. 16253 MYS02343.TXT The Earth Origin Theory of UFOs 11902 MYS02344.TXT Evolving Life 64515 MYS02345.TXT Ducks & Saucers & Spheres 21507 MYS02346.TXT ParaNet Editorial: The Snobs Among Us 7455 MYS02347.TXT ParaNet file on The Crucible 14174 MYS02348.TXT Transcript of CompuServe conference with Tracy Tor 33557 MYS02349.TXT Transcript of CompuServe conference with Tracy Tor 19748 MYS02350.TXT Clarifications and corrections of Torme claims 10451 MYS02351.TXT UFONET charter 2155 MYS02352.TXT UFONET policy 6314 MYS02353.TXT UFONET echo 964 MYS02354.TXT UFONET FILES list 30346 MYS02355.TXT UFOnet SysOp Guide 5722 MYS02356.TXT UFONET echo 1255 MYS02357.TXT UFONET echo 1330 MYS02358.TXT UFONET code of conduct 1159 MYS02359.TXT UFONET purpose of 1289 MYS02360.TXT List of UFONET boards 3446 MYS02361.TXT Ufonet file library description 1304 MYS02362.TXT UFONET how to join 1208 MYS02363.TXT UFO Research Inst. of Canada 11796 MYS02364.TXT UFO sightings from '86-'87 11687 MYS02365.TXT Reaction to abduction book 11777 MYS02366.TXT Info-Paranet Newsletters 1,441 835418 MYS02367.TXT Info-Paranet Newsletters 1,471 824913 MYS02368.TXT Info-Paranet Newsletters 1,498 834511 MYS02369.TXT Info-Paranet Newsletters 1,525 36389 MYS02370.TXT Info-Paranet Newsletters 1,526 35866 MYS02371.TXT Info-Paranet Newsletters 1,527 30710 MYS02372.TXT Info-Paranet Newsletters 1,528 34311 MYS02373.TXT Info-Paranet Newsletters 1,317 814055 MYS02374.TXT Info-Paranet Newsletters 1,377 811979 MYS02375.TXT Info-Paranet Newsletters 1,404 797623 MYS02376.TXT Info-Paranet Newsletters 1,433 24194 MYS02377.TXT Info-Paranet Newsletters 1,434 25080 MYS02378.TXT Info-Paranet Newsletters 1,435 28749 MYS02379.TXT Info-Paranet Newsletters 1,436 32692 MYS02380.TXT Info-Paranet Newsletters 1,437 43585 MYS02381.TXT Info-Paranet Newsletters 1,438 26038 MYS02382.TXT Info-Paranet Newsletters 1,439 40502 MYS02383.TXT Info-Paranet Newsletters 1,440 22124 MYS02384.TXT Rainbow declaration humans and aliens 52490 AREA = Graphics PCX images of UFOS etc FILES = 20 TOT SIZE = 2235764 PATH = \UFO\UFOPCX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0__CAT00.PCX Catalogue of UFO related images 175925 0__CAT01.PCX Catalogue of UFO related images 100693 MYS02387.PCX Ufo related image file 377014 MYS02388.PCX Ufo related image file 139283 MYS02389.PCX Ufo related image file 47746 MYS02390.PCX Ufo related image file 125093 MYS02391.PCX Ufo related image file 143175 MYS02392.PCX Ufo related image file 124498 MYS02393.PCX Ufo related image file 122996 MYS02394.PCX Ufo related image file 155908 MYS02395.PCX Ufo related image file 126442 MYS02396.PCX Ufo related image file 88613 MYS02397.PCX Ufo related image file 80572 MYS02398.PCX Ufo related image file 89121 MYS02399.PCX Ufo related image file 86519 MYS02400.PCX Ufo related image file 81894 MYS02401.PCX Ufo related image file 27259 MYS02402.PCX Ufo related image file 20162 MYS02403.PCX Ufo related image file 42392 MYS02404.PCX Ufo related image file 80459 AREA = Utilities programs FILES = 12 TOT SIZE = 459166 PATH = \UTILS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LHARC .EXE LHZ pack/unpack 26115 PICEM .DOC Used by View program to display PCX files 14505 PICEM .EXE Used by View program to display PCX files 52762 PKUNPAK .EXE ARC/PAK archive system 15112 PKUNZIP .EXE Unzipper 29378 PKZ204G .EXE Complete Zip suite of programs 202624 TPICEM .EXE Used by View program to display PCX files 26242 UNZIP .EXE Unzipper 30581 UNZIP .TXT Unzipper 183 UUDO .EXE Decode UUencoded files 26530 UUDO12 .DOC UU info 7363 UUREADME.TXT UU info 2176 ZOO .EXE ZOO system pack/unpack 25595 AREA = Texts/translation Of Voynich Manuscript FILES = 12 TOT SIZE = 564659 PATH = \VOYNICH ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MYS02405.TXT Arcana Arcanorum 22917 MYS02406.TXT Voynich Biography 11826 MYS02407.TXT Voynich transcription 1617 MYS02408.TXT Voynich transcription 119920 MYS02409.TXT Voynich transcription 100371 MYS02410.TXT Info on the Voynich Manuscript 7431 MYS02411.TXT Info on the Voynich Manuscript 41873 MYS02412.TXT Info on the Voynich Manuscript 18845 MYS02413.TXT Info on the Voynich Manuscript 11826 MYS02414.TXT Info on the Voynich Manuscript 106496 MYS02415.TXT Info on the Voynich Manuscript 119920 MYS02416.TXT Voynich transcription 1617 AREA = The Voynich Editor program FILES = 8 TOT SIZE = 133760 PATH = \VOYNICH\VOYPROG ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FE .EXE The Voynich Editor 28336 LOADFNT .EXE The Voynich Editor 4480 README .VOY Info on the Voynich Manuscript 1617 VOYED .DOC The Voynich Editor 27678 VOYED .EXE The Voynich Editor 67184 VOYEDIT .BAT The Voynich Editor run this to start 42 VOYNICH .FNT The Voynich Editor 4096 VOYNICH .MAP The Voynich Editor 327 AREA = Wicca, Witchs and pagan -texts FILES = 70 TOT SIZE = 808511 PATH = \WICCA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MYS02417.TXT Angel tech 11349 MYS02418.TXT The purpose of LORE 2188 MYS02419.TXT Ritual Theory and Technique 46225 MYS02420.TXT The Principles of Discordian Magick 8663 MYS02421.TXT Wiccoid-Panpaganite Clique 1872 MYS02422.TXT LORE statement of Purpose 4548 MYS02423.TXT Contact List for Pagans 9355 MYS02424.TXT A Pledge to Pagan Spirituality 16433 MYS02425.TXT A Little less Misunderstanding 16725 MYS02426.TXT A history of Paganism 11166 MYS02427.TXT From fate magazine 1907 MYS02428.TXT A Pledge to Pagan Spirituality 20772 MYS02429.TXT The Eight Sabbats of Witchcraft 82599 MYS02430.TXT Info on Wicca 16514 MYS02431.TXT Wicca in England 44096 MYS02432.TXT Beliefs & customs 2494 MYS02433.TXT Wicca Principles 4058 MYS02434.TXT Info on Tao 2404 MYS02435.TXT Aids Working 3586 MYS02436.TXT The Ancient Art 9476 MYS02437.TXT My Craft Ethics 18248 MYS02438.TXT Ascent Info 5094 MYS02439.TXT Monroe Techniques for Astral Projection 7483 MYS02440.TXT Gays in Traditional Craft 2896 MYS02441.TXT Basic Principles of the Craft 14189 MYS02442.TXT Beliefs and Customs of Wicca 2503 MYS02443.TXT Neo-Paganism Bibliographies 13882 MYS02444.TXT Info on the Star Goddess 11402 MYS02445.TXT Blood Sacrifice 5632 MYS02446.TXT Burning Times Song 3374 MYS02447.TXT Newspaper article on Wicca 5328 MYS02448.TXT Candlemas 7087 MYS02449.TXT Info on CARPE 11046 MYS02450.TXT Principles of Wiccan Belief 4030 MYS02451.TXT Looking At Yourself 9045 MYS02452.TXT Getting Started in the Craft 9066 MYS02453.TXT Getting Started in the Craft 6205 MYS02454.TXT Crystals and Gemstones for Healing 12811 MYS02455.TXT Dianism in a Nuit-Shell 7656 MYS02456.TXT What Neopagan Druids Believe 33578 MYS02457.TXT Exegesis on the Wiccan Rede 8750 MYS02458.TXT Forms Generator Edit-Save-Recall 4705 MYS02459.TXT Garderianism 7694 MYS02460.TXT A Circle for Catharsis 2712 MYS02461.TXT The great mother 1969 MYS02462.TXT Handfasting Ritual 2749 MYS02463.TXT Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah 6831 MYS02464.TXT Inerrancy 789 MYS02465.TXT Symptoms of Inner Peace 1434 MYS02466.TXT Gematria Program 14116 MYS02467.TXT Info on LORE 4548 MYS02468.TXT Info on LORE 2188 MYS02469.TXT The Laws of Magic 9320 MYS02470.TXT The Laws of Magic 7019 MYS02471.TXT The Laws of Magic 3322 MYS02472.TXT Basic Meditation Techniques 20635 MYS02473.TXT A Pledge to Pagan Spirituality 2731 MYS02474.TXT Practice Random Kindness and Senseless Acts of Bea 4188 MYS02475.TXT The Runes 20114 MYS02476.TXT The Eight Sabbats of Witchcraft 82599 MYS02477.TXT Liber Conjunctus 21000 MYS02478.TXT Smudging: How to do it -- How NOT to do it 6568 MYS02479.TXT Info on spells 6491 MYS02480.TXT The Turkey Curse 1820 MYS02481.TXT Info on Wicca 6263 MYS02482.TXT Info on Wicca 3129 MYS02483.TXT Info on Wicca 19393 MYS02484.TXT Info on Wicca 2658 MYS02485.TXT Info on Wicca 13496 MYS02486.TXT Info on Wicca 12295 AREA = Wisdom of the Ages Program FILES = 47 TOT SIZE = 2179419 PATH = \WISDOM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ALPHA_AU.DAT PROGRAM WISDOM OF THE AGES: 2052 ALTCOMM .TSC PROGRAM WISDOM OF THE AGES: 4096 APROMPT2.TSC PROGRAM WISDOM OF THE AGES: 4096 BENEFITS.TSC PROGRAM WISDOM OF THE AGES: 4096 BIG_AUTH.DAT PROGRAM WISDOM OF THE AGES: 161700 BIG_SUBJ.DAT PROGRAM WISDOM OF THE AGES: 2214 CRUISE .TSC PROGRAM WISDOM OF THE AGES: 4096 DATA1 .DAT PROGRAM WISDOM OF THE AGES: 308550 DATA2 .DAT PROGRAM WISDOM OF THE AGES: 292336 DATA3 .DAT PROGRAM WISDOM OF THE AGES: 356400 DRIVER3 .DAT PROGRAM WISDOM OF THE AGES: 85319 DYNAMIC .TSC PROGRAM WISDOM OF THE AGES: 4096 DYNHELP1.TSC PROGRAM WISDOM OF THE AGES: 4096 ERROR .TSC PROGRAM WISDOM OF THE AGES: 4096 FILTERS .TSC PROGRAM WISDOM OF THE AGES: 4096 FILTHELP.TSC PROGRAM WISDOM OF THE AGES: 4096 FIRST .TSC PROGRAM WISDOM OF THE AGES: 4096 HELPMENU.TSC PROGRAM WISDOM OF THE AGES: 4096 HELPMENU.TSM PROGRAM WISDOM OF THE AGES: 4096 HOWDONE .TSC PROGRAM WISDOM OF THE AGES: 4096 HOWTOUSE.TSC PROGRAM WISDOM OF THE AGES: 4096 INTRO1 .TSC PROGRAM WISDOM OF THE AGES: 4096 INTRO1 .TSM PROGRAM WISDOM OF THE AGES: 4096 MAINMENU.TSC PROGRAM WISDOM OF THE AGES: 4096 MANUAL .TSC PROGRAM WISDOM OF THE AGES: 4096 MINDLANG.TSC PROGRAM WISDOM OF THE AGES: 4096 ONEQUOTE.TSC PROGRAM WISDOM OF THE AGES: 4096 ONEQUOTE.TSM PROGRAM WISDOM OF THE AGES: 4096 PRINT .TSC PROGRAM WISDOM OF THE AGES: 4096 PROMPTS2.TSC PROGRAM WISDOM OF THE AGES: 4096 PROMPTS3.TSC PROGRAM WISDOM OF THE AGES: 4096 READCOMM.TSC PROGRAM WISDOM OF THE AGES: 4096 README .COM PROGRAM WISDOM OF THE AGES: Quotes from the Wise ? 20607 REGMENU .TSC PROGRAM WISDOM OF THE AGES: 4096 REMEDY .TSC PROGRAM WISDOM OF THE AGES: 4096 SCRN_EXP.TSC PROGRAM WISDOM OF THE AGES: 4096 SECTIONS.TSC PROGRAM WISDOM OF THE AGES: 4096 ST_DATA .DAT PROGRAM WISDOM OF THE AGES: 15059 ST_HELP1.TSC PROGRAM WISDOM OF THE AGES: 4096 SUBJ-ORG.TSC PROGRAM WISDOM OF THE AGES: 4096 SUBJECT .DAT PROGRAM WISDOM OF THE AGES: 2050 SUBJECTS.TSC PROGRAM WISDOM OF THE AGES: 4096 SUBJECTS.TSM PROGRAM WISDOM OF THE AGES: 4096 WIS .EXE PROGRAM WISDOM OF THE AGES: Main program 176400 WISE .BAT PROGRAM WISDOM OF THE AGES: 33 WIS_27 .EXE PROGRAM WISDOM OF THE AGES: 617435 WRITE .TSC PROGRAM WISDOM OF THE AGES: 4096 AREA = FROM THE XANADU COMMUNITY -texts FILES = 5 TOT SIZE = 186216 PATH = \XANADU ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MYS02487.TXT Newsletter from the Xanadu Camp 1 29184 MYS02488.TXT Newsletter from the Xanadu Camp 2 50054 MYS02489.TXT Newsletter from the Xanadu Camp 3 47616 MYS02490.TXT The use of focii, external and internal 9561